Browse Category: family



This past weekend my parents, Johnny, and Joy came up to visit.  They stayed with us in our dinky condo and we used up every square inch of the place.  On Saturday, they arrived around lunchtime and my mom got cookin’ right away.  There was Thai BBQ chicken, spicy beef salad, papaya salad (made with cabbage), and plenty of beer.  It was awesome.   Afterwards, we tried to take Koa to Fort Funston but it was way too windy.  We ended up heading back and I took Brother and Joy around Dolores Park/Mission District for a little explorin’.


On Sunday morning, we had a mean Southern breakfast at Just For You Cafe and then headed out to Union Square for a little shopping.


The parents got to experience public transportation and I picked up a couple new t-shirts for myself.


Since the weather was much more pleasant, we took Koa back to Fort Funston and all got a little workout on our way back up the cliff.

This morning the family packed up and took me to work on their way back home.  It was nice getting a ride with them but certainly made it hard for me to get back to work this morning.  It made me a little melancholic for the first couple hours and the day really dragged for me.  I guess I really have missed my family.  It may have been 8 months since I moved up here but I guess I still need my Mommy, Daddy, and Little Brother sometimes.

I have many photos to sift through so stay tuned.

Social Saturday

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On Saturday, I felt like I was part of a social buffet. In the early afternoon, we went to the Sokol-Juns for some BBQ/Pre-Game hanging out. I got to play with Mr. Jack while the Bangs did some laundry.

Right afterwards, I walked over to Pete’s to watch a very depressing UCLA game with the Masayas. At least I was in good company while I watched the Briuns get spanked by the Tigers. *sigh*



After a good 2-hour nap, I was off to Medjool for Old Man Chu’s 30th Birthday Party complete with a lounge area upstairs, plenty of food to go around, never-ending drinks, and an awesome-tasting birthday cake. Ishya did a great job with planning the event and it was great to finally get to hang out and catch up with the cousins again.

A Celebration of Life


Saturday was a day of sadness and also a celebration of life.  We had the memorial service and burial for Jes’ grandmother who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 97.  During the service, we listened to the eldest uncle talk about her life as a mother and teacher in China and then in the Philippines.  Jason also gave a very touching “memory of my grandmother” eulogy.  Jes helped out as a pallbearer and “A-ma” was laid to rest on a very beautiful afternoon.

Sushi Time




On Friday night, Jes and I stopped in Santa Monica for some sushi with Brother and Joy.  We took them to U-Zen, an old favorite of ours when we lived in West LA.  We sat at the bar with Chef Masa and went omakase-style.  It turned out to be quite an adventure since we tasted a surprisingly tender clam, yummy salmon toro, a smooth yet chewy cuttlefish, fishy-tasting sardines, and a very “creamy” and almost not swallowable cod melt, which Chef called “monkey brains”.  And of course there was beer and lots of glass clinking with Chef.  Overall, it was a lot of fun catching up with the brother and having a really good sushi dinner.

Together Again


Last night, we received a very sad phone call.  Jes’ paternal grandmother passed away yesterday morning.   Jes’ paternal grandfather passed away in 2002 and things hadn’t been the same with her since his passing.  In their nineties, they had been together for decades and now they are together once again.  We’ll be driving down on Friday afternoon for the memorial service this weekend.

I wish I was there.



Here are some photos that my dad sent me from Thailand. It sounds like they’re having a great time so far and I SO wish I was there with them. They’ve been hanging out with family and friends and traveled to Ayutthaya and Chiang Rai already. My mom called and said that the weather has been muggy and warm but then again, when is it NOT like that over there.

Anyway, thanks for the photos and updates, Daddy! Only 2 more weeks left!!