Browse Category: family

Happy Birthday Daddy!

This is my Daddy back in 1970.  He looked like one cool dude.  As he turns 64, he’s still one cool dude.  He’s got his own website, has a busier social life than me at 32, and can still imitate Elvis’ hip-shakin’ moves like a teenager.  Happy Birthday, Daddy!  I wish I was there to give you a big birthday hug.

Big Boys

Marie and the rest of the Sumino clan came up to SF for the weekend. It was so fun to spend the day with them and play with Cole just like I used to before moving up here.  Marie and Kenji look great and seem to travel rather well with two boys.

Brandon is growing quickly and he’s such an easy-going baby who smiles every time I call him name. I took them to the park across from my house, gave them the 2-second tour of our condo, and we had Dim Sum in the afternoon.

Cole is such a big boy now at 3 years of age and I couldn’t get over home much he talks now. I guess I’m still used to the little 18-month-old that ran around pulling the DVDs off my shelves. He still loves Koa and Koa actually remembered him. Once they got back to our house, Cole chased him around and fed him carrots. I guess a friendship between a boy and dog really does endure the test of time.

Here are a few photos from our afternoon.

Table for 15 1/2

This morning we met up with everyone for a little Dim Sum before heading out for our return flight to SF.  Brother and Joy joined us and we ended up squishing 15 people plus a small child at a table that is really meant for 10.  We even tucked Elise away in the back corner as she slept in her carrier.

It was such a great way to end the weekend and I was impressed with the turn out of this morning’s brunch date.  It was like one gigantic family gathering with three sets of siblings, 2 children, and a bunch of old friends of at least 19 years.

By noon, we headed out to the airport.  Thanks for the ride, Brother!!  Once we arrived at the gate, I got a random call from Vyl.

Vyl: Hey, are you at LAX?

Me: Yeah, how’d you know that?!

Vyl: Uh, so am I – at Gate 7.

Me: Hey! So are we!

I guess she was sitting around waiting for our flight and noticed two people that looked like us from afar.  So, we had the pleasure of flying back to SF with Vyl who happened to be down in LA for a wedding as well.  It’s funny that we’d seen each other just the week before and didn’t realize that we’d both be in the same place.  Go figure.  To make matters a little more interesting, she glanced at our boarding passes and saw that our places in line were B18 and B19.  Hers was B17.  Pretty trippy.

We got home by 3:30, which gave us a good Sunday afternoon to rest.  We had pre-paid the Dog Walker to come 4 times so I treated myself to an evening of staying in and letting Koa go out with Adrienne as I lounged on the couch.  I felt so spoiled and it was awesome.

I miss home.

Brother and Joy came up a couple weekends ago and it reminded how much I’ve missed home and the people I’ve left behind. I had a brilliant plan for my return to Southern California back in June and then it was foiled by my wedding fiasco that weekend. So, it’s been about 4 months since I’ve been home and I’m itching to go back. I’ll be back from August 7-9 for a wedding but I’m not sure it will be enough for me. I think it’s time for me to ask for some time off and book a flight for a random weekend in SoCal. And here are the photos from a couple weekends ago.

Loving Retirement

My parents are having way too much fun. I used to worry that when they retired, they’d be sitting at home in front of the TV bored to tears. But no, it’s been about 6 months since my mom retired and 18 months for my dad and they have a more interesting social life than mine. In fact, they’ve take trips to Thailand, Catalina, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, and of course, SF. 🙂 They’re out all day, take naps in the afternoon, and go out some more with their friends. I can’t wait to retire.

I’m getting a sister!




This morning Brother called to tell me that he proposed to Joy on Sunday night at Disneyland!!!! Woohoo!! It sounds like it was a total surprise to her and she couldn’t stop laughing. Hm…sounds a lot like how I reacted when I was proposed to…

Anyway, she said “yes” and I’m getting a little sister! Congratulations, you two!!