Browse Category: family

Bridge and Hills

On Sunday I ran the SF Half Marathon.  Joy, Susie, and Eleanor also ran the 1st half of the full and it was a lot of fun but a lot of hard work too.

It all started with the alarm going off at 4:30 am.  Yep, you read that right.  We met up with Susie downstairs by 5:20 and walked down the street to the start line.  Brother also came along and brought the dog for moral support.

The race started at 6:00 am but we probably didn’t pass the start line until 6:20.  The first half was a very familiar route: down Embarcadero, through Fisherman’s Wharf, over the Fort Mason hill, and past Chrissy Field.  THEN there was the hill.  It was a steep one and ended with the on-ramp to the Golden Gate Bridge.

On the bridge, we got to run along one of the traffic lanes, turn around at the parking lot on the Marin side, and run back on another traffic lane.  It was cold and foggy and really crowded.  So, we weaved and sprinted through the crowd and also found Susie and Eleanor, who we lost track of during the first 6 miles.  Joy and I had a little 5-hour energy drink right before the bridge so we were feeling goooood.

Once off the bridge, we were faced with another series of hills for the last half of the race.  We went through a tunnel, past the really big fancy houses in the Presidio, and then up and down the 19th street.  The rolling hills were brutal and felt more like interval training.  Our half ended in Golden Gate Park while the 2nd Half was starting and the Full Marathoners kept going.

I finished in 2:20 and Joy came in just a minute later.  She looked really strong most of the way but then started cramping on the last 3 miles.  At the finish line, we got our medals (also doubles as a keychain!) and warming capes.  They also had lots of goodies and water for us to inhale as we got in line for the shuttle back to the start where Johnny was waiting.

For brunch, we had dim sum at Yank Sing and it really hit the spot.  Overall, it was a fun race but it’s got some pretty challenging hills.  Luckily I had three training sessions this month and the trainer got me conditioned for them.  I ran strong and felt strong the whole way.  I probably could have had a faster time but I’m happy with the way I felt throughout the race and afterward.

Here is the finisher’s medal, my dri-fit shirt, and bib.

Here is the route that my GPS recorded.  After all the races I’ve finished, I’m still amazed at how far I can go sometimes.  So…where and when is the next race?!

Good enough…

On Sunday I was in the mood for some home cookin’ so I took a shot at making my mom’s Moo Paloh.  It’s basically pork, hard-boiled egg, and mustard greens stewed in a sweet/savory broth served over rice.  In addition to this dish, I made my favorite pork-stuffed cucumber soup and Jes cooked up the remaining mustard greens with the pork that I pulled out of the soup’s broth.

Paired with our 2003 Nickel & Nickel Chardonnay and it was a yummy Sunday dinner.  The Moo Paloh didn’t come out as good as my mom’s but it was good enough for my first try.

36 hours with Mommy and Daddy

Last week JetBlue was having a sale.  On Tuesday or Wednesday you could get $9 one-way tickets between LA and SF.  So, Brother booked two roundtrip tickets for the parents!  It was perfect since I had the day off to off-set my weekend class and it was so much fun having them around.  So, on Tuesday, I picked up the parents from SFO in the morning, dropped off their stuff at home, and then we went out for a day of exploring and sightseeing.

First stop was the Conservatory of Flowers.  Admission is free on the first Tuesday of every month so it was FREE!!!

We had a great time exploring the different rooms and I got to see lots of really pretty and exotic plants and flowers.  It was a gorgeous day, which made hanging out in Golden Gate Park even better.

Daddy was watching a show on hamburgers on the flight up to SF so he was craving a tasty burger.  So, he got one at Burgermeister along with a few stains on his shirt (of course).

Next we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and stopped for a few photos.  Then it was one more exit down for a little stroll in Sausalito.  Last time Mommy was here watching Koa, she took the ferry to Sausalito and found this really cute shop that features little toys and knick-knacks.

We found it again and I was giddy with excitement over all the cute stuff inside.

We did a little more browsing and shopping and then headed back to the condo where Koa was stinking more than usual.  So, we walked him down to the bathhouse and Daddy helped me wash the dog with full-length aprons and all.  Dog hated it, as usual, but scored a treat for the walk home.

For dinner, we went to Hard Knox Cafe for some really good fried chicken.  Daddy loves his fried chicken and this did not disappoint!

Here are photos from the rest of the day.  It includes photos that Daddy took too.  Enjoy!

Rainy Day Cookin’

What is it about lazy rainy Sundays that make me crave soup? After an unsuccessful attempt at going to Target this morning (apparently closed on Easter), I came home and threw two bags of chicken bones and giblets into a big pot of water.  With a few additions and little time on the stove, the house was filled with the aroma of chicken, coriander, and garlic…mmmm.

In the afternoon, we took a nice stroll in the rain with the dog and stopped at Safeway for some ingredients for dinner. I ended up making a big pot of rice, mapo tofu (out of the package, of course) with ground turkey, and pork-stuffed cucumber soup with the stock I made earlier. I even added a bit of my homemade garlic oil to the soup to finish it off.

When I tasted it, the flavor was close enough to give me a nostalgic feeling and Jes was saying it was almost as good as my Mommy’s soup. Phew!  Just last week he said that my Thai Chicken Curry was surprisingly tasty (and spicy) too.  I think I’m on a roll here, people!  I guess some of Mommy’s recipes are getting easier for me to remember now and it’s nice to know that a bit of the Magical House’s pixie dust has finally rubbed off onto me.  Thank goodness ‘cuz I’ve got a picky eater in my house.

Playing Tourist in SF

On Tuesday, I had the day off so I got to play tourist with Brother, Joy, and my mom.  The morning started on the bus to Chinatown for some jook and fried dough.  We then walked around to find Joy’s dad a souvenir.

Next on the agenda was a quick walk down to the Ferry Plaza.  They have Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays so it was cool to taste the fruits and check out some of the street food vendors that aren’t usually there on Saturdays.

We then walked down Embarcadero back to my condo, packed up the car with Brother and Joy’s things, and headed over to Little Skillet for some fried chicken and waffles.

We took the big bag of chicken up to Twin Peaks for a little picnic up on the hill.

Luckily it was a clear sunny day in SF and we could see both bridges and the entire city from one spot.

The last stop was Eleen’s store in Alameda and then dropped Brother and Joy at the airport.  The day was finished by a home-coked dinner prepared by my Mommy.

Here are photos from an awesome day off with family.

Family Tahoe Trip: Day Three

On Monday morning, we got up early to pack up the car and had our free breakfast at the Best Western. It was a full-service breakfast complete with banana pancakes, eggs, or whatever else that was on the menu. This hotel was a pretty good deal considering it was close to the casinos, was super clean, and had free breakfast every morning.

We then drove to Sierra-at-Tahoe but also made a quick stop by the lake for a group photo. Unfortunately, it was a little icy and it took a couple takes for us to get the timing of the camera right. I managed to slip on one of the takes and this is what we got. It makes for a pretty funny photo. Love how Brother was totally laughing at me.

Once we got to Sierra, we were one of the first ones there and I don’t think I’ve ever parked so far up in the lot before.  The mountain was nice and empty and Brother and I got a few fast runs in on the blues in West Bowl before heading back to SF.

On the way home, we stopped at the Jelly Belly factory for a tour, tastings, and to pick up a big bag of “Belly Flops”, which are unlabeled, irregular Jelly Bellies that didn’t make it into the packages.

We did all this and still managed to get home by 5pm.  Amazing!  So for dinner, we picked Jes up from work and had the salt and pepper crab at R&G.  Soooo tasty.

Here are photos from Day Three.