Browse Category: family

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Yesterday I went out for all three meals.  With Kumquat being a little more consistent with her naps, I’ve been able to get away for about 2 hours at a time.  My mom was nice enough to be home yesterday to keep an eye on her while I hung out with Brother and Joy.

In the morning, I picked up Brother from the hotel and we drove to Tartine Bakery.  I scored a winner spot right out front and we waited in line for only 10 minutes before it got really long.  I picked up some Morning Buns, a bacon and leek quiche, and a couple coconut macaroons for my mom.  They were all deeelicious.

For lunch, we went to Bangkok Thai for some noodles and it really hit the spot for everyone.

In the evening, I got to go to my first Happy Hour in over a month.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to drink yet but it was nice to be out with friends.

We celebrated Jimmy’s birthday a couple days early at Jones and I had a good time eating and catching up with people.

I actually stayed out for almost 3 hours and got home just in time for Kumquat to wake up.  Nice timing!

A Day of Firsts

Yesterday was a day of firsts.  In the morning, Brother, Joy, and my dad arrived from LA and Kumquat met her uncle and auntie for the first time.

Once she was fed and changed, we took a walk to the Ferry Plaza for lunch.  That meant leaving Kumquat with Jes by himself for about 2 hours.  This was the first time I had left her for a good chunk of time and it was Jes’ first time with her alone for that long too.  I had just enough time to order, eat my lunch, and grab a couple treats before getting a text from Jes: “Where da boob at?” and a photo of Kumquat with a red face.  I hurried home and as I was waiting to cross the street from the Muni platform to my house, I got a second text: “Better double time.” with a photo of her crying.  By the time I walked through the door, she had cried herself to sleep.

In the afternoon, my mom and dad went to dinner with Brother and Joy and it was time for me to try walking the dog with the baby in the stroller at the same time all by myself.  Luckily, the baseball crowd had thinned and Koa was well-behaved.  Phew, it looks like this will be doable after all.

For dinner, Jes and I left the baby with my mom and dad as soon as I fed her.  We went to Hillstone (formerly Houston’s) and I finally got to order my favorite salad: seared ahi tuna with greens, mango, and avocado.  I was so happy to have raw tuna again.  I also got a few bites of Jes rib-eye that was cooked to Medium Rare.  Mmmmm…it’s been so long.  It was particularly good with a few sips of his red wine too.  Oh how I’ve missed you, red wine!  We also had enough time for dessert…key lime pie.  🙂  When we got home, over 2 hours had passed and Kumquat was still sleeping!  Good baby!

First 24 hours

Janie is now a day old and it’s been pretty surreal.  Yesterday was quite a day filled with pain, joy, and amazement.  At just a few hours of life outside of the womb, our baby girl was alert, looking around, and eating like a champ.  This video was taken when she was about 7 hours old.

She’s also quite the pooper and Jes is now the official diaper changer.

My mom was the first person (besides us of course) to meet Janie and she watched the entire birthing process.  She’s a brave woman…I’m not sure I would even be able to do that.

Jes’ parents also drove up as soon as we told them I was in labor and they were so excited to meet their granddaughter.

Victor and Susie came by later in the evening and Victor was brave enough to hold her.  Susie was also very sweet to send us flowers, which arrived while I was in labor.  Unfortunately, the card only had a phone number on it so we had no idea who it was from until they arrived.  Thanks for flowers, Susie!

Last night was interesting.  I had no concept of time and she kept me up every hour.  It didn’t actually bother me since I had already been trained over the past few months for that.  We did, however, get a good 2-hour chunk of sleep together, which was enough for me.

This morning, she had her hearing test and passed with flying colors.  Check out the cool headphones.

She was also in a particularly good mood and she got some play time with her dad.

Tia Patty and Auntie Teresa also came by to visit today.  They were here to see her turn a day old.  Yay!  Thanks for stopping by!

Kumquat Watch 2012

For the past couple of days, I’ve had some good company and good food.  My mom arrived on Tuesday afternoon and it’s been nice to have her here.  With less than a week left of my pregnancy, I’ve been getting in some tasty treats and lots of long walks through the city. With my mom with me, Jesse can also feel a little better about me waddling around the city all day.

On Tuesday, as soon as I picked her up from the airport, we went straight to 99 Ranch and we bought a bunch of groceries including some ingredients that we’d need for dinner this week.  We also ran a few more errands.  It’s so much easier running errands when you have someone sitting in passenger seat waiting while I run out to get whatever I need with the parked illegally and the car still running.  We picked up dry cleaning and then a bag of clothes that Ranee had left for me since Little Sophie had outgrown some of her stuff over the past 3 weeks here in SF.  Thanks, Ranee!  That evening, my mom whipped up an old childhood favorite of mine.  It’s call Kao Moo Dang and basically consists of eating rice with BBQ pork, hard-boiled egg, and cucumber with a savory red sauce and a sweet soy sauce.  It had been YEARS since I had it and I was so happy.

The next morning, we walked Koa together and then hopped on N-Judah and took it to UCSF for my weekly antenatal testing.

This time my mom came along and Jes went to work.  She got to see the ultrasound of Kumquat and the nurse said that she’s growing lots of hair on her head.  Yay!  Everything checked out fine and she still has plenty of fluid for Week 39.  Can you believe I only have a week left?!

After the appt., we took the light rail back to downtown and did some more shopping in Chinatown.  There was a certain ingredient, preserved cabbage, that we couldn’t find at 99 Ranch Market and I luckily found it in some random store on a bottom shelf.  Perfect!  It was just what we needed for dinner!

Then for a late breakfast/early lunch, we stopped at our favorite place for porridge and fried dough.  Aaahh…  With full stomachs, we took the bus home and I ended up taking a monster nap.  For dinner, my mom made a dry noodle dish called Bahmee Hang made with egg noodles, the leftover BBQ pork, cilantro, green veggies, and a bunch of other stuff that you add to it for flavor.  Boy, I’m spoiled.

This morning, I weighed myself and I had lost a pound!  Seriously?!  With all this eating, how is that possible?!  My mom and I took the bus to my weekly prenatal appointment and it was uneventful as usual and the doc says that she doesn’t think Kumquat will be a big baby.   Phew.  I hope she’s right.  She also said that my weight has also stabilized as she had expected.  That means labor is close!  Ah…so I wasn’t going crazy this morning.For breakfast, we walked down to Embarcadero and caught the F-line to Fisherman’s Wharf for my mom’s favorite mini donuts.  They were so scrumptious and perfect with coffee.

Then it was back on the F-line to the Ferry Building for some browsing of the Farmers’ Market and then another favorite – the porchetta sandwich from Roli Roti.

I opted for Kimchi Fried Rice from Namu instead and we both walked home full and happy.  Once again, about 30 minutes after getting home, I passed out and took another monster nap. To make the day even better, I woke up to the smell of peanut sauce cooking.

Oh man, Koa and I are going to be so spoiled this coming month.  I get good home-cooking and he gets timely walks and little pieces of bread and crackers that my mom snacks on during the day.  Now if only Kumquat would hurry up and make her appearance…then again, maybe I can wait another couple days.  🙂

4 Months Later

On Friday I drove down to San Jose to visit Ishya (my cousin), Billy, and the twins who just turned 4 months.  It’s amazing how much they’ve grown since the first day I saw them.  When I arrived, they were finishing up a morning nap and then I helped feed them and played with them before going out to lunch. Thanks for sending me this photo, Ishya!!

All 5 of us piled into the car with Billy crammed in the middle of the two carseats in the back.  It was comical but seemed to work out.  Ishya and I grabbed lunch at Whole Foods while Billy had to take a work call.

The twins were in their stroller napping pretty much the whole time and we got to do some catching up in the sun.

After lunch, we headed back to the house and found both Grandmas already there.  Since I was going to be around for a little longer, we also called my uncle to come over.  It was nice to see them and they were just as excited to see me (and my belly).

Here are the twins up-close.  They took turns fussing this afternoon but had their moments to shine too.

This is Sadie.

And this is Theo.

Here are the rest of the photos.


This week I ordered the MacBook Air for Jes and it arrived yesterday in the mail.  Last night I caught him surfing the internet in “hands-free mode”.  So I snapped a photo and sent it to his brother with this message: “Hands-free with MacBook Air”.  Minutes later, we got a photo back from Jia with this message: “Call.”  I kid you not, it was NOT staged.  Jia happened to look over at Jason and this was the position that he was in at that moment.  They really are brothers…same toy used the same way.  Awesome.