This afternoon, my mom called and had a little FaceTime with Kumquat. It seems that Kumquat recognizes my mom’s voice because she smiled as soon as she heard her voice. Sheesh…I don’t even get that response yet!
This afternoon, my mom called and had a little FaceTime with Kumquat. It seems that Kumquat recognizes my mom’s voice because she smiled as soon as she heard her voice. Sheesh…I don’t even get that response yet!
My mom spent the past 7 weeks here in SF and it’s hard to believe that she’s gone back to Cerritos. She arrived a week before Kumquat’s due date and stayed until she was almost 6 weeks old. It was so nice to have her here with me before and after Kumquat was born. I don’t know how I would have handled the first several weeks without her help. I also enjoyed the company and, of course, all the tasty food she cooked for us. She even made me one last batch of peanut sauce for me this week so that I had some after she was gone.
Last night, we took her to dinner at Roy’s. Kumquat came along too and I did my first restaurant restroom diaper change.
After dinner, I took my mom to the Giants game. We got $10 standing room only tickets so that I could take her around the stadium. We got a pretty good view of the game and McCovey Cove before heading back home.
Day 40
Before dropping my mom at the airport, we spent the morning in the usual way – entertaining Kumquat. I got a photo of them together and it’s funny that my mom was wearing the same top she wore the day Kumquat was born. Boy, has time flown and my my has my baby grown! I think Kumquat was just as sad to see her grandma go today.
Thanks for all your help and company, Mommy! We will all miss having you around…including Kumquat and Koa. Love you and see you on FaceTime!
Last Friday (5/18), Jason graduated from NYU School of Law.
From this photo you would think that he wasn’t very excited about it but WE’RE excited because it means that Jason and Jia will be moving to California soon! They’re staying in NYC for the summer so Jason can study for the California Bar Examination and they should be moving out here by Fall. Yay! Congratulations DiDi!!
Update: I guess Auntie Jeanie saw the photo above and sent me some photos of Jason smiling and in his actual cap and gown. That’s more like it! Thanks, Auntie!
What’s that saying? Like Father, Like Daughter? In the scowl department, this is very true.
I had a very special Mother’s Day this year. It was my first Mother’s Day as a mom and my mom was also around to celebrate with me. The morning started out with the usual feeding and diaper routine and luckily Kumquat was on her best behavior that morning. By 9:30, my mom and I were out the door and Jes was on his own for a couple hours. That morning, I took my mom to Tiptoes for a pedicure and it was pretty busy at the 10:00 hour.
The pedicure was nice and the experience was even better with my trashy celebrity mag and a couple sips of the complimentary mimosa that they gave me. Aaaah… We also had enough time afterward to swing by Sports Basement to buy my mom a North Face rain jacket.
After feeding Kumquat again at home, I left the house again and met up with Michelle and Vyl at Bluestem Brasserie for a bite to eat and some girl time. It was nice to catch up with friends and I was able to stay out for at least 2 hours before Kumquat woke up again. Nice!
For dinner, Jes and I took my mom to Hillstone (again!) for a yummy steak dinner. They each had a grilled rib eye and I had prime rib cooked to a tasty Medium Rare. We also got to order the smoked salmon, which we hadn’t had since before I was pregnant. We brought Kumquat along to dinner and she slept through the whole meal and didn’t wake until we got home.
I gotta say that I had a wonderful 1st Mother’s Day.
Here are two photos that my dad sent me last week.
September 1975
May 2012
It’s a photo of my mom holding me when I was born and then one of my mom holding Kumquat 36 years later. Thank goodness my baby is so much cuter than I was as a baby. Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy. You’re the best!
We had a lot of family time this weekend. It was a very warm 78 degrees this weekend in SF and perfect for having visitors.
Brother, Joy, and my dad were here for a long weekend since Thursday. We spent a lot of time just hanging out together in our usual way…eating, napping, and making fun of each other. The dog also seemed to enjoy the company.
It’s just too bad that I’ve become the boring sister that can’t leave the house for longer than 2 hours at a time. They still managed to make their way around the city and Oakland and they even brought back some cookies for me from Bakesale Betty.
Jes’ parents drove up late on Friday and came over on Saturday to visit their granddaughter and to also bring me a special ginger soup containing pork knuckle, lots of vinegar, and of course ginger. It’s supposed to help me with my postpartum recovery and they were very eager for me to have some this week. Jes’ mom had never made it before and it wasn’t bad. It was just VERY rich since it was half collagen from the bone marrow that had cooked off.
We also had a visit from my cousin Ishya, Billy, her twins, and my uncle and aunt as well. The house was filled with babies and I had a fun time catching up with everyone. Joy also got a lesson on feeding a distracted 5-month-old.
I attempted to take a photo of Kumquat and the twins together but of course I have a child that will sleep through anything. Look at her…fast asleep without a care in the world despite 7 adults making noises and faces to get their attention.
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