Browse Category: family

Preview to AC

This is one of the times that I really appreciate living in SF.  The American’s Cup is coming to SF next year and this weekend was such an awesome teaser to the actual race.  All week, they’ve held the American’s Cup World Series at Marina Green and we went this weekend to watch the action.


On Saturday, we took the bus to the Marina Green and I was amazed at how they transformed the area into a little village filled complete with food vendors, a beer garden, and grand stands.  The catamarans were right up against the shore with their tall “wings” ready to race.

We got to watch all the match races and then the fleet races afterward.  Team Oracle did well and as a commoner who didn’t buy tickets for a grand stand seat, I got a pretty good view from the shore.

It was a bit gloomy and cold on Saturday but Sunday was sunny and much warmer.

After having breakfast in Chinatown and picking up some baos, we took Jason and Jia along this time.  Unfortunately, we got there just a minute too late because as we were crossing the street the finish gun went off and it was all over.  Shucks.

They’ll be back for another World Series race during Fleet Week on the first weekend of October so that should be a fun weekend.  Can’t wait to see the actual race next year!!

Typical Day

My days with Kumquat sort of blend together now but I’m still having a great time.   Here are a few things that usually happen on a daily basis for us.

We usually get a FaceTime call from my parents and it’s been more fun for them now that Kumquat can see them on the screen and will often smile or talk to them.

We also take lots of walks with and without Koa.  Now that Kumquat is a whoppin’ 15 pounds, I’ve switched from the Infantino to the Ergobaby carrier, which is a lot more comfortable for my lower back and shoulders.  It’s a funny coincidence that both our brothers purchased them for us (Jason/Infantino and Johnny/Ergobaby).  Thanks, Brothers!

Home Cookin’

This morning, Kumquat and I made an impromptu trip down to San Jose to see the Chammys.  Pish and the family flew up for July 4th and Ishya and Billy came over too.  I was also there in time for lunch, which was my aunt’s home cooking.  Awesome.

Ishya and Billy didn’t bring the twins but Katie and Kyle got to hang out with Kumquat for a bit.

It was nice to just hang out in my uncle’s house for the afternoon and catch up with the family.  Wish I could do it more often.

Weekend in SoCal – Part 2

On Sunday, it was Father’s Day.  We spent the morning at church and Jes’ dad got to show off his prized granddaughter.  Kumquat was pretty good during service but had a minor poopy blowout in the middle of it and I forgot the changing pad that has her diapers in it!  So, I had to go downstairs to the nursery and put on Size 3 diapers on her little butt in the meantime (she wears Size 1).  Oh well, it was better than a stinky baby!

In the afternoon, we hung out at the Magical House with Brother and Joy until it was time for dinner. This was Brother’s attempt at soothing the baby.  He’s gonna need some practice.

My mom gave Kumquat a bath while we went to lunch and even trimmed her nails!

Later that afternoon we found them napping together.

Before dinner, we went back to Buena Park to video chat with Jason and Jia.  They got to wish Dad a Happy Father’s Day and saw Kumquat very briefly.

Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant and Kumquat got to sit next to me in the booth.

On Monday morning, I stopped at McDonald’s to introduce Kumquat to the McCafe crew.

They were in the usual corner and finally got to meet the little baby that my parents have been raving about for the past two months.

Afterward, I met up with Patty and Patti for some coffee and breakfast at Panera Bread.

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out at The Magical House.  I brought home Chik-fil-a for everyone and Kumquat got to smell my dad’s tasty chicken sammich.

Later that evening, we took Kumquat to Downtown Disney for the first time.  All four grandparents came along and we had a nice evening stroll with the baby.

By the time we got home, we were all so pooped.  The baby fell asleep and Jes and I finally got some time to veg out in front of our laptops.  My mom took this photo and I didn’t even notice.

On Tuesday, we drove back up to SF with less traffic and made it home within 8 hours including a one-hour stop for lunch and multiple pee breaks and diaper changes.  Not too bad.

Weekend in SoCal – Part 1

This past weekend was our first trip home with Kumquat.  The drive down started out smoothly with Dog in the front seat and Kumquat in the back with me.  Unfortunately we hit construction traffic in Buttonwillow and then super traffic starting in Burbank.  Our trip ended up taking 10.5 hours that day!  Ouch.  Thankfully, Kumquat was on her best behavior and was an eating and sleeping machine.

As soon as we got to Cerritos, we dropped of Kumquat and Koa and got some tasty Mexican food and margaritas at Don Jose.  That really hit the spot.

On Saturday, it was filled with family festivities.  For lunch, we had dim sum at Capital Seafood in Irvine.  Kumquat was the star of the show and got to wear her purple dress again.

While we waited for our tables, we went next door to 85 degrees bakery to try their famous iced salted coffee and it was pretty good!  There was a good turnout and we took up two huge tables in the middle of the restaurant.

For dinner, we had a Thai feast with the cousins at Thai Nakorn as we always do when we’re in town.

Marie and the gang got to meet Kumquat for the first time and so did Pish and his clan.

We all stuffed ourselves silly and even got to snack on Peking Duck-flavored Lays potato chips.

Later that evening, we stopped at Ti and Thilan’s house to visit our “third family”, The Tranandos.  They were having a party for Elise’s birthday and they invited us over to join them.  All the kids got to meet Kumquat and Makenzie still remembered her friend Jesse.  It was so cute when they all swarmed the baby.

I also forgot how fun it is the sing the second verse of the “Happy Birthday” song.

Out and About

Last Friday, Kumquat turned 6 weeks old and on Tuesday I went to see my doctor for my postpartum visit.  She cleared me for all physical activity and I’m officially done with the Disability portion of my leave.  I counted the weeks and it’s weird to think that I’ve been off work for 11 weeks now.  I don’t think I’ve been off work for this long since finishing grad school.  I just turned in my Paid Family Leave form so I have another 6 weeks of pay coming my way and I’m supposed to go back to work on August 6th.  Boo.

The days go by so quickly lately since chores and other errands need to get done while Kumquat naps.  It seems like the list of things to do is never-ending and the thought of napping while she’s napping seems like a waste of precious productive time.  It’s a good thing that my recovery went smoothly and I’m starting to feel like myself again.

This week I’ve been going out more to take care of some errands and to do a little shopping in preparation for the wedding in Santa Cruz this coming weekend. Kumquat loves to go out for walks and seems to have a happy grin on her face if she’s not sleeping.  She looks around and seems to enjoy the sounds and movement.

Jason and Jia were also in town this past weekend so we were out and about with them too.  Kumquat has been a trooper out in the big world.  She rode in the carrier all afternoon on Sunday and we also took her on her first Muni ride.

Yesterday I took her in the stroller and walked to Union Square where we spent about 5 straight hours outside.  It was also a fun challenge trying to negotiate the city with a stroller.  Kumquat did great the whole time and despite her size and age, it was nice to have the company.  The only hiccup was on our way home.  It was as if she knew we were only 2 blocks from home and started screaming.  She didn’t stop crying until 20 minutes after we got home and after I changed her, fed her, and rocked her to sleep.  Poor baby had a long outing and was just pooped.

Here are some of the things we saw along the way.

UNIQLO is coming to SF.  It’s one of my favorite stores in NYC and it’s going to be here in the fall!!

Saw this T-Rex in the store front of the Museum of Craft and Folk Art Store.  That T-Rex was almost my height!

I picked up a “snoball” cupcake (chocolate cake with buttercream and coconut) and asked to take it “To-Go”.  The girl packed it so nicely in a plastic cupcake holder and cellophane bag like it was a museum piece.  Fancy.