Browse Category: family

Sunday BBQ

Jason and Jia wanted to break in their new grill and they just finished furnishing their new place so we went to their apartment for a BBQ on Sunday.

We also invited Jen and Kevin who live nearby.  We hadn’t met their little Keenan yet and Kumquat hadn’t met them yet either.

Keenan is such a cute little guy and he slept for most of the afternoon.

But when he was awake he sat and watched our chunky monkey playing with her toys.  It was great spending time with Jason and Jia and we got to catch up with the Lams since we hadn’t seen them since before Keenan was born.

They were also so sweet to give Kumquat a box full of cute clothes, some books, and a toy that she loves.  Thanks for the gifts, Lams!  And thanks for the tasty eats, DiDi and Jia!

Back to Cali

On Wednesday (10/10), Jason and Jia drove up from Southern California after returning from their month-long Asia trip.  They moved into their new apartment in Foster City and bought some new furniture.  The rest of their stuff arrived on Thursday morning.

We drove down to see them on Wednesday night and helped assemble their dining table set so that we could have dinner together.  They live right next door to a 99 Ranch so I walked over to buy some meat and other items and then we sat down for a hot pot dinner.  Yum!

We’re so happy to have Jason back in California after so many years and we’re so excited that Jia will be starting a new life on the west coast with him.  Ah, it’s so nice to have family nearby.

End of Summer

This past weekend, we took Friday off and flew down on Thursday (9/20) night to Southern California to visit the family.  Kumquat was an awesome little passenger and we surprised the pants off my dad when we arrived since my mom decided not to tell my dad we were coming.  Both my mom and dad were super excited to see Kumquat and it was nice to be able to enjoy my Chik-fil-a in peace. Unfortunately, Jes and I didn’t sleep very well because it was SO hot in my old bedroom.  I guess this is was a fitting way to end the summer.

In the morning, I got a special treat for breakfast.  My mom made Kanom Krok again and it was delicious.

I also got to taste one of my dad’s mini mangoes that grew from the tree in his backyard.  It was so small but sooooo sweet!

Later that day, we had dim sum with both sets of grandparents and Jes’ parents barely ate because they were so preoccupied by their precious granddaughter.  Very cute.

For dinner, we went out of sushi with Brother and Joy.  It was an early birthday celebration for the two of us since Brother and Joy were going to be in Europe on the actual day.

We went all out with an omakase meal complete with a variety of raw fish, roe, and a chawanmushi too! Yay!  We enjoyed the ice cold beer and the little surprises that were in store for us with each dish.

Later that night, we met up with Dayantha, Krissy, Roy, Huy, and Matt.  It was fun to be with the old gang again.  We didn’t get home until about 2.  Ah…it’s so nice to have free babysitting.

On Saturday, Holly came over to meet Kumquat for the first time.  It was also her birthday and it was so nice to hang out and catch up a bit.

For lunch, Brother picked us up and we had Wahoo’s in Huntington Beach.  It was the first day of Fall and a balmy 90 degrees outside!  We caught a bit of the volleyball tourney that was going on and then Jes and I grabbed a few drinks at the local tiki bar while Brother got his hair cut at the barber down the street.  I had a refreshing mai tai and then a scorched pineapple margarita.  Tasty.

For dinner, we ate with Jes parents at a local fish place that I was missing.  We used to eat at the Irvine restaurant all the time back in the day.  Afterward, we went to Ti and Thilan’s house to just hang out.  I was exhausted from the weekend so far and pretty much slept through the whole thing.

On Sunday morning, we went to church.  Everyone was so excited to meet Kumquat and she was even whisked away to the front of the congregation for a word of prayer for her.  By the time we knew it, service was over and it was time to head back to SF.

What a weekend!  It was a lot of fun but I was kind of relieved to be back in the 60-70 degree weather and back to our usual feeding/napping schedule for Kumquat.  Until next time!!!

My Two Dependents

Every evening, I take the dog and baby for a walk.  Koa usually needs to poop and Kumquat needs to be distracted from her rumbly tumbly between 6 and 7.  Today we walked along the water and met up with Jes after work.  It was a good evening with my two dependents.

Jason & Jia

Jason and Jia were in SF for a long weekend to find a place to live since they’re planning to move here in October.  They stayed with us for 4 days and it was fun having them around.  Kumquat got a kick out both of them and I’m sure Jes appreciated the extra help during the week.

They came along for the America’s Cup on Sunday and got to experience our “wonderful” public transportation system.

We had some tasty dinners (Washington Bakery, Zero Zero, Fringale, and Mokutanya) and also experienced a few diaper blowouts while we were out.

We dropped them off at the airport on Tuesday night and we can’t wait to have them nearby.  It looks like they’ve decided on an apartment in Foster City that’s right next to a 99 Ranch Market and one freeway exit from Jason’s work.  See you both this Fall!!!