Browse Category: family

Shopping and Sushi


Today was pretty low-key.  We initially planned to have lunch at Din Tai Fung but that didn’t work out so we drove down to South Coast Plaza for some Lawry’s Carvery.  IMG_9756

Afterward, we walked around a bit and met up with Jia, Auntie Jeanie, and Cousin Abby who were also shopping there.  IMG_9769

For dinner, Jes and I left Kumquat with the grandparents and had a sushi dinner with Brother and Joy in Torrance.  The food was good but the beer and sake were even better.  IMG_9770Afterward, we stopped at their house for some ice cream and more beer.

Marie and the Boys

Suminos For lunch, we met up with cousin Marie and the boys.  The boys are so big now and I can’t help reflect on how Cole (the oldest) used to be Kumquat’s age when I used to babysit him.


They were also reunited with Koa who was gracious enough to pose for a photo.

Also, thanks to Kenji for helping us out with our tire.  You’re the best!

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!  We had a wonderful time at Disneyland on Christmas Eve.DSC_9412

On Christmas morning, Kumquat met her Great Grandmother.DSC_9451

On Christmas Day, Jes made prime rib again and and the entire dinner was delicious!  Kumquat celebrated her First Christmas and despite the four teeth coming in, she still joined us at the table and opened presents.

family photoHere’s a group photo of the whole Lao-Jang family together.  Thanks for the photo, Uncle Dennis!


familyOn Christmas Eve, we took Janie to Disneyland for the first time.  I’ve been going since I was really young and it’s been such a huge part of my childhood that our whole family was so excited to take her. Fortunately for us, the park was not very busy for most of the day and we got on the most popular rides in no time at all.  It started out a little rainy but cleared up by the end of the day.

cars land IMG_9609We started off at Disney’s California Adventure where I got to visit Cars Land, which was quite impressive.  It’s the best job that Disney has done in a while.  I loved seeing Mater and the rest of the gang roaming the street and all the added Christmas decorations.


We rode the Radiator Springs Racers and had no wait in the single rider line.

flik's flyerIn A Bug’s Land, Kumquat got to ride her first ride, Flik’s Flyers, which I think she enjoyed more than my mom who got a little dizzy.


thunder mountain

By noon, we headed over to the Magic Kingdom.  Kumquat took her 2-hour nap while we rode all the big rides.  IMG_9640

splash mountain

Splash Mountain was overflowing with water from the heavy rain earlier in the day and Joy and I hopped on with a quick 10-minute wait and then a good soaking by the end of the ride.

nemoBy the time Kumquat woke up, it was time to ride the Finding Nemo Submarine ride.  She initially enjoyed all the sights and sounds but then we went into a dark cave and it was all over for her.  She cried and cried and didn’t stop until the ride stopped.  Poor baby.

lunchLunch was in Downtown Disney where we met up with Jason and Jia.  They had lunch with us and then took Jes to Costco to buy the prime rib that would be cooked the next day for Christmas.  In the meantime, we went shopping for Kumquat’s first Disneyland t-shirt and then we headed back inside Disneyland to wait for the Christmas Parade.   parade

I was amazed when Jes actually made it back in time!


He got to watch the parade with his daughter and they both thoroughly enjoyed it. 🙂

small worldIt’s a Small World was the highlight of the evening.  It was all decorated for Christmas inside and out and it was a nice little celebration for the holiday season.

lilo and stitchThey even added Lilo and Stitch to the Hawaiian section of the ride.  So cute!  I can’t help leave that ride without a smile on my face.

IMG_4662 wineAfter that, we headed back to CA Adventure to have some wine.  We basically kept them open that evening and had some dead soldiers piled up by the end.

IMG_4670 treeThat was about the time when the parents went home and we were off to the Magic Kingdom again to finish off the day.

FantasmicWe actually stayed until almost closing and rode a few more rides before heading home.  Kumquat slept in her stroller for the rest of the night without a peep – even through all the commotion from Fantastmic.  I also got my fireworks and snow. And yes, I did cry.  Again.  Can’t help it when that sappy music comes on.  nightAah…it was another good day at Disneyland.  Until next Christmas Eve!!!

Magical House Grubbin’


We spent Sunday at The Magical House and it was awesome. Brother and Joy spent the night and had brought some of their homemade French macarons.  They were DE-licious!

kanom krok

In the morning, Mommy made some Kanom Krok for us and I was so happy.

crabWhile Jes and I were at church, Brother and Joy went to Redondo Beach to pick up some crab and clams for our tasty lunch.

clam chowder


Jes and I made clam chowder from the Hog Island Oyster Co. recipe and it came out quite well!

feastWe ate the steamed dungeness crab with a special sauce that my mom made.

familyShe cracked all the shells for us so we were grubbin’ at a record pace.

Sophie’s Bday Party


On Sunday, I took Kumquat to Lafayette to celebrate Sophie’s upcoming 1st birthday.  Her birthday is actually this Friday and I’m so glad that we were in town for the party.  It was supposed to be at a park in Orinda but with the unpredictable rain this past weekend, it was moved to a local Round Table.  The decorations were really cute with little elephants topping the scrumptious homemade cupcakes.  I usually don’t like cake but I ate TWO of these.  Ranee, they were delicious!!


There were lots of kids including the Chu twins.  Here’s a pretty funny photo of the four kiddos together.  This is one of the outtakes and I can’t help laugh when I see this.

steph and maiAunties Steph, Mai, and Karen were there too and they each got some time with Kumquat.

IMG_4487Here’s a photo of Karen with both of the chubby cheeksters.

moms and babies

We also managed to get a group photo of the kids and their moms.  It’s the first time we’ve had all four kiddos together in the same place.

cakeThe best part of the party was watching Sophie enjoy her first taste of cake and frosting.  Good stuff…

She seemed a little confused by all the singing and everyone staring at her.  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

Here’s a photo of her getting a taste of the cake.  Yum yum!  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

Happy Early Birthday, Soph!