Browse Category: family

Maui Monday

DSC_0531On Monday (3/4), we all piled into the minivan and drove out to Iao Valley State Park for a morning hike.  DSC_0534Everyone was ready for a 45 minute hike up the mountain but it was actually just a 10-minute walk up a paved path and some stairs.

DSC_0546DSC_0543It was also a bit colder than expected.  Regardless, there was a nice view at the top and a cute stream down below.


Unfortunately, Jia had a little misstep into the taro pond.  Poor Jia.

DSC_0541Since Kumquat was riding on Jes’ back, he got quite a leg workout on those stairs!

DSC_0563Here is a family of Hawaiian chickens looking for breakfast.  We saw them in the parking lot.

da kitchenWe had lunch at Da Kitchen Cafe and I had Fried Spam Musubi and Kimchee Crabcakes (bottom left and right).  They were soooo tasty!  I also tried Jes’ saimin and Jason’s garlic shrimp fried rice (top left and right).  Those were just as good!  Yum yum.  This was one of my favorite meals on the trip.

maui ocean centerAfter lunch, we went to Maui Ocean Center.  Jes and I always visit this place each time we’re on Maui and this time we got to take Kumquat.  milkShe started a little grouchy but then had a great time once she had her milk.

jumping fishie a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Here’s a funny little fish that put on a show for us.

DSC_0601 tunnelHer favorite part was the shark tunnel where she got to stand and stare at the sharks and fish swimming above.

uncleWhen we got back to the house, everyone took a nap.  Brother, Kumquat, and I were the only ones awake and we just sat around watching the Travel Channel.

IMG_5819Once Jes and Jason woke up, we headed out to the pool. IMG_5834

We also walked over to the beach for a little sand and sun.IMG_5841 IMG_5854

Here’s our family photo with Kumquat still a little afraid of the surf.IMG_1013For dinner, we headed up the coast to Ono Tacos.  It’s a pop-up shop that’s along a random sidewalk and has a few tables and chairs.

IMG_1014ono tacosThe fish tacos were so good and the ceviche was really fresh.  This was also one of my favorite meals of this trip.  We had a pretty tasty day overall.

Saturday Run and Sun

lilo & stitchOn Saturday (3/2), I was up really early and Kumquat seemed to adjust to the time rather easily.  Brother and Joy were up too so we started the morning by watching the first half of Lilo & Stitch and then headed outside to check out the beach just a few steps away from the house.  IMG_5684

IMG_5679It was so pretty out there but Kumquat was spooked by the crashing waves.  She was clinging onto me like a scared little monkey and was in tears for most of the time we were out there.

morningWe did, however, have enough time between cries to get some photos taken.  By the way, did I mention that our 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house totally rules?!  It was the perfect size for all 7 of us under one roof.

IMG_0451 Once everyone else was awake, we all managed to get our butts and running shoes out the door for a morning run.  runYep, all 7 of us went for a run…to the nearest McDonald’s!  I think I ran a total of 2 miles since I went ran too far past the street it was on and it actually felt like more since I had to push the stroller too.  mcdonald'sWe were all rewarded with a Spam, eggs, and rice platter and then a fried haupia and fried apple pie for dessert.  Man, the inside of the haupia pie tasted like my mom’s kanom krok.  After breakfast, we walked around Lahaina to browse the shops and the art fair under the banyan tree.

beachOnce we got back to the house, Yoon and Kurt had arrived.  They flew in from Oahu for the day and went to Ka’anapali Beach and Black Rock with us. We rented two umbrellas and four lounge chairs for a fun day at the beach.

IMG_5711Jes took Kumquat out to the water for a second try today but she was not having it.


She wouldn’t take her eyes off the waves and at one point needed G-raffe to help her keep it together.  Poor baby.  Everyone took turns using our snorkels and fins that afternoon and Brother and Joy saw a turtle.  I stayed on the sand with Kumquat who was having trouble settling down for her afternoon nap.  Poor thing was so stressed out.


Luckily by the late afternoon, she was back to her old self and we went to Happy Hour at Hula Grill.

beer and pizzaAfter our very late lunch, the girls went back to the house to clean up and the boys went to Costco to pick up some supplies.  They came back with two Costco pizzas (our dinner that evening), a case of beer, and a bunch of other things for our steak dinner for the next evening.  Our fridge was stocked!  Kumquat was also lights-out at 5:30 pm.  I thought she would wake up at 8 to eat but she slept ALL NIGHT.

Weekend with the Parents

parentsLast year on 12/12/12, my brother texted me really early in the morning and said there was a sale with JetBlue for $12 one-way flights.  So we booked flights for the parents to come up and it happened to land on Super Bowl weekend.  chinatownThey arrived on Saturday night and on Sunday morning we went to Chinatown for breakfast.  We took a crowded bus and everyone was surprisingly accommodating to me because I was carrying Kumquat.  Even the little old Chinese ladies were offering up their seats to me.

with mommygoldfishWe browsed the booths they had set-up for Chinese New Year and I almost bought these goldfish for $3.

couch potatoesOn Sunday afternoon, we all went down to Foster City to watch the Super Bowl at Jason and Jia’s.  Mommy was rooting for the Ravens and had bet $50 on them.  So when the 49ers almost made a comeback, it was pretty intense for her (and us).  Fortunately she made some money that night.

koaJes made steak sammiches and we all had a good time just hanging out watching tv and eating…including Koa, who got lots of tasty steak trimmings too.

steak sammichHere’s a photo of my steak sammich with a side of jalapeno kettle chips.  Yum.

A Day in Wine Country


On MLK Monday, we made a last-minute day trip to Napa with Jason and Jia. IMG_4971

It was Jia’s first trip and this was the perfect day to go since Mirian was already scheduled to come it to watch Kumquat.  So, when Mirian arrived at 9, we took off!  paraduxxWe arrived at Paraduxx for our first tasting at 10:30 am.  Seemed silly to be drinking wine so early but they again, why not?!  It was nice and quiet out on the patio and we tasted a bunch of Zin blends with some tasty cheddar.

IMG_0222 Our next stop was Robert Craig, which is where we are wine members.  We all got a free tasting and got some extra pours from our lovely hostess Tia, who really loves her job.  robert craigShe gave us a nice lesson on the different soil in the area and we had a fun time just chatting-it-up with her.

dessertsAt Morimoto, we sat down to quite a feast.  In the front, there was a display of really pretty treats made by a little Japanese lady in the front.

jiaThe wine finally caught up to Jia and she struggled to stay awake for the first half of the meal. It was pretty funny.  She couldn’t stop smiling and at one point, Jason told her to put her sunglasses on while she got a little shut-eye at the table.  I missed that photo op.

tuna tartare

cruditeNow, to the food!  We started with two of our faves from last time, the tuna tartare and crudite with anchovy oil.

ahi pizzaThen came the ahi pizza, which sounds gross but it was recommended by Tia and it was delicious!  Basically, it’s raw ahi on top of a crisp wafer layered with jalapeno, tomato, and a creamy aioli.  Initially, it’s just tuna that you taste but then all of a sudden the flavor changes into pepperoni pizza!  Amazing.  I think it’s the combination of all the flavors together that does it.  We were skeptical when Tia described it to us but it she was totally right.  Serves us right to doubt someone who makes a living off her sense of taste and smell.

pork belly congee

Next up was the 10-hour pork belly over congee.  It was really scrumptious with the sweet and savory mixing together in one bite.

mori-cristoNext was the Mori-cristo.  It came from the late-night menu, which they now serve for lunch and was recommended by our server at the restaurant.  It did not disappoint.


It’s an ahi sammich that’s fried and topped with an egg.  There’s a tasty aioli that they spread inside that brings it all together.  Morimoto is a genius.

uni carbonara

I think my all-time favorite of the day was the uni carbonara.  It’s a Japanese twist on an Italian classic and I was so happy.  It was creamy, sweet, salty, and super rich.  The sauce had the flavor of uni and there was a nice piece on top for texture.  This was a tiny dish that all four of us shared but rich enough that we were all satisfied.  I wanted to lick the plate clean.

After lunch, we headed home and were back by 4:30!  Mirian got off early, Kumquat had a fun day at the park, and Mommy had a fun time in wine country.  It was a good day for everyone!

Ringing in the New Year

NYEHappy New Year!  This year we rang in the new year with Jason and Jia.  We went to their apartment for a tasty dinner and just hung out watching TV.  Kumquat and Koa played and also begged for cheese and salami.

crankyAt about 8:30 or 9:00, Kumquat really tired and cranky so I helped her fall asleep and in the process fell asleep too.  So I took a quick nap and woke up at 11:00 pm in time to watch the festivities on TV.  When the clock struck 12, it was the beginning of 2013 and Jes was on the toilet and Kumquat had just woken up.  Awesome.

family hugAt 12:02 am, the three of us had a big New Year’s Day hug and I got a big glass of champagne to make up for the tiny sip that I had last year while I was preggo.

IMG_9894 The next day, I was up pretty early and took Koa for a walk to the dog run just next door to the apartment complex.  We got a nice walk by the water and then Koa got to run off-leash for a bit.

dog park

I was lucky enough to have a guy there with two dogs and he was super nice about Koa’s unusual social habit of making an unfriendly-sounding rawr everytime a dog came nearby.  Eventually, he was able to run with the others and everyone had a good time.

rose paradeThe rest of the day was spent lounging around the house, eating breakfast and pie, and napping.  Kumquat also got to watch part of the Rose Parade with me.  Aaaah…that was so much better than going to work.

Year in Review – 2012

Week 25I must say that 2012 was a very good year.  I spent the first quarter cookin’ a baby and getting ready for our newest family member.

me and mommyI also had an awesome month off before Kumquat arrived and spent the last week hanging out with my mom.

20120420-161635.jpgThen in April, our lives changed forever when our beautiful baby girl was born.

secret serviceThe rest of Spring and most of Summer was spent at home recovering and learning how to take care of a little human being while keeping up with the daily chores.

waikikiRight before going back to work full-time, we took our annual trip to Oahu and baby came along too.

visiting choThen it was time to return to work and it was so hard the first week.  Eventually, I adjusted and it was nice to have such good friends around.  Jes also did a great job as a stay-at-home dad for a month.

libraryIn September, we hired Mirian, who has been a wonderful addition to Kumquat’s life.  She takes her on outings, reads to her, and kept her on her schedule better than any of us.  In fact, Kumquat started sleeping through the night after her first day with Mirian.

Jia and JasonThen Fall and Winter arrived and Jason and Jia moved to California!  It’s been so fun to have them around and we see them almost every week.

ChristmasWe celebrated all the holidays with our little girl and even took her to Disneyland.  It was a busy Christmas trip home but totally worth it.

Here are the Best and Worst of 2012:

Best Meal(s) and Experience(s): Dinner at L’Atelier Crenn and Lunch at Hog Island Oyster Co. after baby was born (wine, raw oysters, ’nuff sed)

Most Memorable Meal(s): Panda Express at UCSF every time I had an ultrasound.

Best Moment(s): Delivering my baby girl and meeting her for the first time.

Worst Moment(s): Leaving Kumquat and driving to work for the first time after Maternity Leave.  I was a mess.

Saddest Moment(s): Finding out that my manager at work had lost her battle with cancer.

Favorite TV Show(s) of the year: Ever After on ABC.  Parenthood on Netflix.  I also enjoyed watching Smash with my mom on Hulu while I was on maternity leave.

Worst TV Show(s) of the year: I don’t have any since we don’t have cable anymore.

Favorite Trip(s): Hawaii in July, of course!!!

Worst Trip(s): The 10-hour drive home before Christmas.