Browse Category: family

24 hours

IMG_6839Jes and Kumquat drove down to SoCal today while I went to work.  At lunch, they stopped by on their way out and I got one last hug.  It’s my first night without my baby and it was really weird to come home to an empty house.  There was no baby, no dog, and no husband.  The house was so quiet and lifeless.  Since I had not company and no responsibilities, I took full advantage of my Friday night.  IMG_6881I went down the street to get a pedicure and then took the train to the mall.  I stopped at Gap for the Friends and Family sale and then strolled the mall for a bit.  It was so strange to be able to take the train and ride the escalator without a stroller.  I had barely anything in my bag and carried nothing in my hands.  I didn’t have to push a stroller and I took my time browsing the clothing racks.  When I got home, I ate some leftovers, opened a bottle of wine, and turned on a week’s worth of tv.  I’m flying down tomorrow morning and can’t wait to see my baby again.

IMG_6837I also get to meet my little niece for the first time!!!  Happy Weekend to me!!!

11 years

IMG_6688 We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary this evening by having a tasty steak dinner and bringing our little girl with us.  Kumquat came along this year and it was certainly the shortest and cheapest anniversary dinner we’ve ever had.  We usually go out for a drawn out multi-course dinner at a fancy restaurant but not this year.  I suppose we’ve had 10 good years to ourselves and now it’s the beginning of a new chapter in our marriage.  Besides, I can’t think of a more fitting way to kick off the next chapter than to have a little person clinking her sippy cup to our wine glasses!!  On top of that, Kumquat is such a good little diner and she adds a little extra something to the mix when we go out nowadays.

IMG_0608Here she is double fisting her milk and water.

IMG_0610And here I am making fun of her.

Happy Anniversary, Jes!  The next few years will be quite an adventure and there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side.  Love you!

I’m an Auntie!!!

IMG_6587I got a text from Brother this morning that Joy was in labor since midnight.  She was admitted around 5am and her water broke at about 7:30 and had the epidural around 9:30.  Then it went quiet for a few more hours until I got a picture at 2:30.  Baby Alice was born at 2:21 pm at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20.5 inches.  She’s also a Halloween baby!

IMG_6613She’s perfect.

IMG_6614We met her over FaceTime this evening and she was sleeping with her mouth open just like her Daddy.  This is awesome.  She’s awesome.  I can’t wait to meet her next Saturday.  She’ll already be 9 days old by then!!!  I totally wish I lived in Irvine right now.

Great job, Joy!!  Congrats, Brother!  I can’t believe you’re a Dad.  Keep the photos comin’!!


IMG_6486 Sunday started out kinda slow.  We were about to leave for the California Academy of Sciences when the tire pressure in our car had gone down again.  We went straight to Costco to have them take a look.  IMG_6535While we waited, we had lunch at SOMA StrEats again I had a scrumptious spicy chicken and pineapple sammich with a rice cake “bun”.  When our service was done, the guy said that our replacement rim is cracked already!!!  Seriously?!  Jes convinced the manage to let us have the wheel put back on so that we could drive it home.  Initially they said it was unsafe to drive and that we’d need to have it towed to a shop.  So, we drove very slowly back to home and regrouped.

IMG_6504Shortly after, we packed up again and took Muni to the Academy.  The ride was actually pretty quick and we didn’t have to bother with driving in traffic and parking.  We had some good family time taking Kumquat around to all the exhibits and watching her discover new things about the aquarium and rainforest.

IMG_8768After the museum closed, we hopped back on the train and went straight to dinner at Hillstone.  We got off N-Judah at Embarcadero and then caught the F-line.  That’s when things got a little interesting.  As soon as the trolley stopped and opened its doors, I was carrying Kumquat and about to board when this large crazy lady cut me off.  I let her go ahead but then she stalled at the steps to enter the car on the right side of the door. So, Jes went up the left side with the stroller as I waited.  He accidentally nipped her in the hip with the stroller and said sorry but apparently she didn’t hear him.  She was taking too long so I followed him on the left side and as I was in the middle of saying sorry to her too when she straight up elbowed me in the face.  She totally did it on purpose!!  I yelled, “OW! I said SORRY!”  Then she turned around to me and said “I didn’t see nothing. All I know is that that guy hit me with the stroller.”  Before we could do anything else, she stormed to the front of the trolley.  I swear, if she had hurt Kumquat I would have gone Mama Bear on her and pushed her off the steps and thrown her back into the street.  The people that boarded behind me said to me “That was messed up!  You ok?”  Luckily, all I had was a little tingle on the cheek and a huge adrenaline rush.  That lady was crazy.

IMG_6528Dinner, on the other hand, was delightful.  I got some yummy ribs and coleslaw that I shared with Kumquat and Jes got his ribeye.

IMG_6526Kumquat and I also took a couple selfies as we were waiting for the check.  IMG_6531 IMG_6532 IMG_6534


IMG_6398On Saturday morning, I went for a run and went to the Farmers’ Market with Kumquat.  It had been at least a month since I had gone and it was nice to be back.  Kumquat got to run around a bit and of course, tasted lots of fruit.  This picture looks like she has secret service watching after her.  After picking up some pluots, pears, and persimmons, we went to Hog Island for a tasty lunch.  IMG_6410Ah…what a delicious feast.  I had the gem lettuce salad, kumamoto oysters, baked oysters, and my favorite clam chowder.

IMG_6437 IMG_6440After Kumquat’s nap, we headed down to Redwood City to check out Jason and Jia’s new place.  We brought them a big box of fancy sparkling water and we said “cheers!”IMG_6433They moved last weekend and it’s a bigger, less expensive place with plenty of parking.  It looks like everyone has made themselves pretty comfy there already and I was a good lounge chair that evening.IMG_6461For dinner, we went to La Viga and they had pretty good seafood.  Kumquat seemed to enjoy the chips and habanero salsa.  I’m amazed that she can tolerate so much heat!  It’s the combination of Thai blood and her dad’s tastebuds I guess.

Thank you, Dog.

IMG_6314 This morning we called the vet to see how our pup was doing.  The blood tests showed no change in his creatinine (still 7) and overnight, he did not pee.

We went to see him around 9:30 and found him not as bright as yesterday, with labored breathing, and this look of defeat in his eyes.  After a thorough review of all his tests with the vet, we decided that the best thing for him was to let him go peacefully.

IMG_6318He still had the catheter in so we asked for that to be removed and I took him for a short walk outside for old times’ sake.  He tried to put a little hop in his step but he was obviously struggling.  He sniffed around but he didn’t try to pee.  When we got across the street, he pooped himself and seemed quite surprised by it.  When I took him toward the entrance to the hospital, he pulled back a little but once he got inside, he picked up the pace.  IMG_6321We laid him down on a towel in the exam room and after one last goodbye, the vet came in with two syringes.  One put him to a deep sleep and the other one stopped his breathing.  It was quick, painless, and I could hardly tell that anything had happened until Jes said that he was dead.  He looked so peaceful when we left him.  I think this was the right decision but it still makes us sad.

DSC_9136aHe lived a full life of 9 1/2 years and it makes us feel little better knowing that.  He was born on a ranch in Arroyo Grande in the company of his dad, mom, aunts, brothers, and sisters.  He grew up in Irvine and then moved to San Francisco.  He was such a good dog: gentle, independent, quiet, clean, and most of all very loyal.  He comforted me and kept me company when Jes was commuting to North Carolina every week and greeted us at the door with such excitement every time we’d come home.

DSC_7865He quickly adjusted to city life and loved going to Fort Funston, Chrissy Field, and Tahoe.

IMG_2893He knew a few tricks including the standard sit, shake, and lie down and even today when I told him to “go neh-neh”, he went over to the towel to lie down.

DSC_0027aIf someone new came over to our house (even if it was just once), he’d remember that person for life and greet you out in the street.  Otherwise, he would look away and pay no attention to any stranger passing by.

IMG_5063He loved babies and when Kumquat came home from the hospital, he was so curious and so protective of anyone holding her.  Whenever she would make a sound, he’d run over to the crib to check on her.

DSC_7381He played on the floor with her when she was little and he tolerated all her crying and complaining.

IMG_7383They were instant buddies and Kumquat adored him.  I think it was mutual.


He allowed her to pull his tail, pat him roughly on the head, poke him in the eye, and play with his kibble without a single sign of aggression.

IMG_5091When he was younger, he would run up to 5 miles with me, play fetch with his tennis ball, and play tug of war with anything.  On the first day we brought him home, he pooped himself when he heard a car zooming nearby.  Funny that that was what he did on his last day of life too.

whatchadoin_aHe housetrained himself and the only time he had an accident in the house was when he was really sick and no one was home to take him out to poop.  If we were home, he’d sit by the door and make a quiet whimper or he’d wake me up at 3 am with the same quiet whimper to make sure that Jes (aka Bossman) wouldn’t wake up.

DSC_3143aHe wasn’t much of a lap dog but he appreciated a good head, back, or belly scratch.  His favorite spot was on his back just in front of his tail.  It would make his squirm and rub himself up against your leg for more.

DSC_1484He loved baby carrots, pizza, and Indian food.  Whenever he’d hear an egg crack in the kitchen, he’d come running even if he was sound asleep in the other room.  I can still hear the belch that he would make after a long drink of water.  I still wait for the clicking sound of his nails on the floor when we sit down to eat at the table.  If you gave him a treat, he would gently take it from your fingers.  He especially enjoyed getting baby carrots from Jack or Kumquat.

rainydayHe hated water – especially baths.  He had the most distinct “cry” when he’d get a bath.  The rain bothered him but he tolerated it.  He also hated being tied up outside of Safeway and Starbucks but he was always a good boy out there.  Yes, he chewed up some of our things, scratched up the bottom of our sofa, shed twice a year, was a little stubborn, super cat-like, and was a little barky at some of the neighborhood dogs but all in all he was still the best dog we could have asked for. I’m sure we’ll find his hair everywhere in the house for many months and maybe years to come but I’m ok with that.

Here’s a video of how playful he was.  He cracks me up sometimes.

DSC_4629aHis best friend was Fabian Fox and had a whole posse of stuffed buddies that he’s left behind.

Here’s a video of him with one of his first toys.  What a cute little puppy he was!!!

teresakoaIf you’ve ever watched him for us, you’d know the drill about him and public places.  The usual script would be: “Yes, he’s full grown.”  “No he’s not a fox.”  “He’s a shiba inu.”  “You can try to pet him but he won’t let you.”

IMG_2686He loved to nap all day and preferred the couch when no one is home.  He also enjoyed sitting by the window to watch the trees sway in the wind.  When his water bowl was empty, he’d let you know by sitting right in front of you and staring or going over to the bowl and digging inside to make a noise.  One time, he told me he needed water by looking at me, then his bowl, then the fridge, and then back at the bowl.  Genius.

mrkickyI could go on and on about him and I’m so thankful for having this blog for him.  Maka Koa will always be a huge part of me and this family.

I’m so thankful that Kumquat was able to know him as GoGo. This afternoon, she saw his leash on the floor and went looking for him.  It made me sad but also thankful that he had such an impact on her early childhood.

P1100145Dear Koa Bear,

Thank you for being the best dog ever.  We love you and will never forget you.  I hope that you are at peace now and have plenty of grass to sniff and oodles of things to pee on.DSC_0198aSay hello to Genie, Cookie, Pepsi, Doogie, Franny, Zooey, and Smush for us, k?  They’ll show you around.

Love, The Girl, Bossman, and Kumquat