Browse Category: family

Thanksgiving Day

IMG_7326Thanksgiving Day was filled with family and food.  In the morning, we took a drive down to San Jose to visit my uncle and aunt.  It was fun to see the two little girls in their carseats side-by-side.

IMG_2509While we were there, Pa Peed (my aunt) took out some old photos for us and it was fun to see us all as little kids.

IMG_7353This is a photo of the cousins while we were visiting them in Thailand.  From left to right: Pish (5), me (5), Ishya (3), John (3), Johnny (1). 

IMG_7349This is a photo of me when I was about 2 months old.  It was on a Christmas card that my aunt received the year I was born.  I guess I my very own set of chubby cheeks.cousins_02This is a photo of me and Pish when during my first visit to Thailand.  We were both almost a year old.  My mom and uncle were so cute as first-time parents.

IMG_3746 IMG_7360 After our drive back up to SF, we stopped in Chinatown for our favorite breakfast – porridge and fried dough.  Yum.  IMG_2513Kumquat thoroughly enjoyed the porridge and some of uncle’s noodles too.

IMG_2518Meanwhile, Jes was home preparing our giant turkey feast.  DSC_3999We had a 23-lb turkey and all the fixings – my favorite meal of the year!

DSC_3995The only piece of the meal that was missing were Susie and Victor.  We’ve had Thanksgiving with the for the past 6 years and this year they’re out of town.  Oh well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Family_12-13We took another family photo about 18 months later and I put them together to give us a comparison.  Poor Koa is missing from the photo but we have a new little family member added to the mix!  I’m having a really fun Thanksgiving weekend so far and it’s been so good to have the family in town this year for the holiday.

Here are some more portraits from today.

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Thanksgiving Eve

IMG_7298On Tuesday, the family drove up from Southern CA.  It was Baby Alice’s first road trip and she did a good job sleeping the whole way.  They also made it up in about 6 hours.

IMG_7324This afternoon, I got off work early and had time to go on a 3-mile run with Brother before dinner. It was a beautiful evening and so fun to have company and NO stroller!  I felt so fast!!  What a great way to start my 4-day Thanksgiving Weekend.

IMG_7322The Grandparents also got to hang out with their two grandkids at the same time.  Cute.


IMG_7092Joy sent me this photo of Alice (2 weeks old) holding onto “Ellie”.

IMG_1563It was very reminiscent of a photo I took of Kumquat holding onto G-raff when she was also 2 weeks old.


IMG_2462On Sunday, I took some portraits of little Alice.  DSC_3768I caught this one while she was napping.

DSC_3772When she woke up, Joy handed her over to me and started out a little fussy.  Then I got her in the zone and she was able to hang out on the dining table for a quick photo shoot.  Here’s what I got in just 10 minutes.

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48 hours in SoCal

IMG_6907On Saturday morning, I flew down to Cerritos.  It was really weird flying solo.  It was so easy and I actually got some reading done.  I arrived at Long Beach Airport, which had just gone through a big renovation.  I love flying through that airport because it’s so close to the Magical House and they let us deplane from the back.

IMG_6906Before heading over to the Buena Park house, we stopped at a local Target.  Apparently there was a special deal that involved Target taking old iPads in exchange for a $200 gift card.  Initially I thought the transaction wouldn’t go through because the lady couldn’t get the register open.  Fortunately for us, she found a bunch of the trade-in cards in another cabinet.  Score!

IMG_6919Later that afternoon, we went to Janelle and Stan’s wedding.  It was a very touching ceremony in a beautiful church.

IMG_8827In the evening, there was a reception at the Hyatt in Garden Grove.  They had a full Chinese banquet and it took FOREVER for all the food to come.  We were there pretty late that night and Kumquat held it together as well as she could.

IMG_6990On Sunday morning, we went to the Magical House and met up with Brother, Joy, and the Chamkasems.  My mom ordered a bunch of Thai food and we had such a feast!

IMG_6989The best part of the day was meeting my little niece Alice!!  She is so cute and it was interesting to see Kumquat’s response to meeting her.

IMG_7004It seemed like she had no idea who or what she was but she was also showing a little jealousy.  Then again, she was a little grouchy and clingy that morning already.


IMG_7010  IMG_7006IMG_7007That evening, we went to Lawry’s for Jason’s birthday and left Kumquat at Jes’ parents’ house.  Then it was back to SF early Monday morning and straight to work.  It was a busy weekend but totally worth it.