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Family Weekend – Part 2

IMG_0304 On Sunday, we took it easy in the morning.  Brother came over around 10 while I was getting ready to leave for a baby shower and Alice was in a really good mood.

IMG_0299We also sang “Happy Birthday” to Joy and had a candle in a pork bun for her.  Funny.

IMG_0325While I was away, Kumquat took a nap and the family went shopping.  I got home just in time to swing by the hotel to pick up the family from the hotel and head back home to meet up with Jason and Jia.

IMG_5086For brunch, we took a walk down to Mission Rock Resort.

IMG_0334They were really busy so we ended up having an hour-long wait.  IMG_0344Luckily, they had a deck in the sun and we had drinks outside in the sunshine.  IMG_0331Here is their bacon bloody mary complete with olives, a slice of bacon, and shrimp.

IMG_0347Once seated, we had a seafood feast including this tower of raw goodness.

IMG_0353Kumquat sat at the head of the table and took some photos for me while we ate.  She actually took this picture with my phone.  I’m so proud.

IMG_0361Back at the house, it was time for Brother and Joy to head out for a dinner date they made with a friend.  So we said our goodbyes.  It’s always so fun having them in town.  See you in March!!

Family Weekend – Part 1

Brother, Joy, Alice, and my mom came up this weekend to visit.  It’s to celebrate Joy’s birthday and as a last-hurrah trip before she goes back to work full-time.  IMG_0198My mom arrived on Thursday night and Brother arrived with the gang on Friday around noon.

IMG_0207 I was lucky enough to get the afternoon off so when I got home, we headed out to Downtown to meet up with them for a bit.

IMG_4981For dinner, we went to Hillstone per my mother’s request.  IMG_4986IMG_4985It was a beefalicious meal and we took advantage of the free corkage there.

IMG_4990Both Alice and Kumquat did pretty well that evening. IMG_0214On Saturday morning, we got up early and met up at the Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market.

IMG_0259First meal of the day was a Belgian waffle the size of my hand and a cup of Blue Bottle Coffee – I felt like such a hipster.

IMG_2882 IMG_2886Then after shopping for produce, we headed over to Pier 39 to see what else we could do, see, and eat.  IMG_5013We stopped at the mini-playground to let Kumquat burn some energy and Alice got to ride on Joy’s lap on the slide.  IMG_0264As Joy and I were in the restroom doing diaper changes, my mom picked up a bag of these scrumptious mini donuts from Trish’s.

IMG_0255Then we went over to pay the sealions a visit.  There didn’t seem to be as many of them today.


While we were there, my mom and I reminisced about the first time we brought Kumquat to this same spot.  It was right around Alice’s age so that made it even more special for us.

IMG_0258By 11, both kids were pooped out so we stopped for some clam chowder.

IMG_5021The grown-ups grubbed while the kids napped.  IMG_0261Aaaah…it was nice to have a little peace and quiet.

IMG_2919Next stop was the Aquarium of the Bay.  The kids were rested and I got 50% off everyone’s admission with my SF Zoo membership.  Awesome!!!

IMG_0276 DSC_4634It was Alice’s first time at an aquarium and she couldn’t keep her eyes off all the activity.

IMG_2932For dinner, my mom was on babysitting duty with BOTH Kumquat and Alice.  Jes, Brother, Joy, and I went to Bouche, which is a little French bistro in the space that Bar Crudo used to occupy.  IMG_2933IMG_0291I had a tasty sole with risotto balls and lobster sauce.

IMG_0292Their crab mashed potatoes were also pretty tasty.

After dinner, we went next door to Tunnel Top Bar for one more drink before heading home.  It was nice to go without Kumquat for a change.  This place was definitely not kid-friendly so it was the perfect choice for the evening.  Thanks for babysitting, Mommy!!


IMG_0011We had plans to go to the Oakland Zoo today and Ranee and Ishya had the same plans!  What a nice coincidence!  The kids had a great time and it was very interesting trying to get a photo of all four kids together.

DSC_4556This is the best I could do with getting the cousins together in one photo.  At least the twins looked happy.

DSC_4530 It was so nice to spend time with friends and family.  It’s too bad we don’t all live closer to each other.  Kumquat always gave Ishya a funny look whenever she heard her speaking Thai to the twins.  It’s as if she’s thinking, “hey, you talk like grandma”.DSC_4531Here’s an action shot of Kumquat and Jes walking to the next exhibit.  I’m posting it just because I like it. 🙂

DSC_4550I loved watching Kumquat with the goats today.  She really does love animals.

IMG_0032After the zoo, we stopped for lunch before heading to Trader Joe’s.  Funny that Kumquat loves noodles as much as I do.


Year in Review 2013

I’m a little late with this entry but January started and just kept running.  Here are a few highlights from 2013 – including the good and the bad.

Happiest Moment(s)
I have two very similar moments that are tied for Happiest Moment.  They both involve seeing old friends.

IMG_6823The first one was when I was in Portland and was reunited with HeatherIMG_0009 The second was my reunion with Dahlia when she and her husband were in town for the weekend from San Diego.  It was so much fun to see them again after 8 years.  I had missed them so much since we all graduated from OT school and this was such a special year for us.

Saddest Moment
Saying “goodbye” to Koa.  IMG_6321I still miss him so much.

Worst (and Hungriest) Moment
Waiting for my surgery.  IMG_0486I hadn’t eaten anything since the day before at 8pm and my surgery from pushed from 2 pm to 5 pm.  I had a raging headache and was slowly melting into my chair by 4pm when the nurse finally gave me some IV fluids.

Biggest Accomplishment
Breastfeeding Kumquat until she was 13 months old.


It was tough to stick with it but also tough to let go at the same time.  I’m so glad that I did it for so long and happy that weaning was a piece of cake for Kumquat.

Biggest Failure
I didn’t lose all my pregnancy weight.
IMG_4180I was just 5 pounds away from getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight in May.  Then I stopped breastfeeding.  At that point, my metabolism came to a screeching halt and the pounds came back one-by-one.  Despite the running and cutting down on my intake, I am now 10 pounds away and stuck.  This is when being old really sucks.

Best Meal
Hm…I’d say it was probably any time that we’ve been to Hillstone.
IMG_6688 We went a lot this past year because they have good steak, free corkage, my favorite Key Lime Pie, consistent service, and Kumquat is always welcome.  We even went there for our 11th anniversary dinner AND brought Kumquat along.  Yep, that’s our life now.

Runner up was the meal we had at Morimoto.

uni carbonaraThe Uni Carbonara still makes my mouth water when I think about it.

Worst Meal
The meal that comes to mind is the night we went to Little Sheep Hot Pot. 

IMG_7033The food was decent but it was the experience that made it the worst meal of the year.  The meal involved a toddler seated in a tippy booster seat at a table with boiling water nearby.  She also just finished a 7-hour car ride and just wanted to run around in the booth touching all the breakable bowls and utensils (and of course the boiling pot of water).  Both of us didn’t eat much that night.

Best Vacation
Sibling Trip to Maui in March DSC_0531We rented a house in Maui with Brother, Joy, Jason, and Jia and had such a good time.  It was also when Brother and Joy secretly told me that they were expecting a baby.  What a great week.

Worst Vacation
We didn’t have one this year but my worst travel experience for the year was when we flew to Portland.  IMG_2551We took an evening flight and Kumquat wasn’t able to settle down in my lap.  She cried and fussed the entire 2-hour flight and finally fell asleep 10 minutes before landing.  *sigh* Luckily the flight back was better – aside from the 2-hour delay.

Overall, I’d say 2013 was a productive and eventful year.  We’re raising a great kid who turned 1 in 2013 and moved into toddlerhood without any major illnesses or problems.  I also became an aunt this year with the birth of Alice on Halloween.  This was our 6th year in SF and Jes was also promoted.  Living in The City hasn’t really gotten old yet and thankfully we haven’t outgrown our 1-bedroom condo just yet.  Life is good.  I have no complaints.

Happy 2014!

First Cruise

IMG_8291Over Christmas Break, I went on my first cruise and first trip to Mexico.  I was a little worried but excited about this trip all at the same time.  I was afraid the trip would be ruined by seasickness or food-borne illness.  But I was also excited to be taking a warm vacation and to see a little part of Mexico.

On Friday afternoon, we boarded the ship after getting a water bottle filled with vodka through security.  Heh heh.  We were also allowed one bottle of wine per passenger, which we honored.  It was just enough for the weekend.

IMG_8286The sunset was beautiful over Long Beach and the Queen Mary.

IMG_8312On our first night, we had dinner and then explored the ship as Kumquat slept in the stroller.  We found the library and played a mean game of Memory.  I think we could all use a game or two once in a while.  We all struggled with that game – especially Jason.

DSC_4293The next morning, we woke up in Ensenada, Mexico.  It was kind of cloudy in the morning but we went out for a walk anyway.  There were kids and other vendors right outside of the port and there were more throughout our walk through town. DSC_4256 DSC_4243 I felt so bad for all the kids selling Chiclets and cute little wooden turtles.

DSC_4246I also noticed A LOT of pharmacies selling Viagra.  I thought this was a funny sign.  This sticker over the “Happy Meals” is the funniest part.IMG_8345For lunch, we headed back to the ship.

IMG_0023Kumquat thoroughly enjoyed corn-on-the-cob for the first time.  Hilarious.

IMG_8361 While Kumquat napped on the ship with the grandparents supervising, we went back into town for a few cocktails.  IMG_8369IMG_8378Actually, I ended up throwing back 3 margaritas at Papas & Beer and also bought a hat for 8 dollars.  IMG_8389The sun came out and we got a table with a fantastic view of the street and the craziness at the bar.  Aaaah…it was a good afternoon in Mexico.

01p071In the evening, we went to dinner and it was formal night.  It was also the perfect opportunity for a family portrait.

IMG_8432The next day was called a Day at Sea.  I was up early because the motion of the boat had woken me up.  Jes and Kumquat were sound asleep at 6 am so I got dressed and went to the gym at the top of the boat.  IMG_8429The gym was really clean and the treadmills had a gorgeous view from the front of the ship.

IMG_8435I also went up to the running track and caught the sunrise.

IMG_8510Kumquat woke up next so we had a Mommy & Me breakfast on the deck.

IMG_8475The rest of the day was spent out by the pool reading while the grandparents hung out with Kumquat on some other part of the ship.  The sun was out but it was windier than I was hoping for.

IMG_8503One of the quintessential things about cruises is the towel animal that appears on your bed each evening.  This one was my favorite, of course.IMG_8511By the last night, I was feeling pretty confident I was in the clear of any illnesses.  This was one of the things I appreciated the most on this ship.  Of course there were Purell stations everywhere but I was pleasantly surprised to see these in the public restrooms since there were no paper towels to dry your hands.IMG_8514On our final morning on the ship, I woke up super early.  So, I went down to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee and to get some internet access since we had docked in Long Beach already.  I actually found Jason there working down there too.  As the sun was coming up, I got a picture of Long Beach from the deck.

IMG_8340We had a great trip and spent some good family time together.  I think it was a good beginner’s cruise for us all and I’m proud to say that I didn’t need to tap into the Dramamine and no one got a stomach bug.  I guess we are now warmed up for another cruise one day.  The food was decent, our room was clean, and I learned that cruises are good for families with small kids.

Merry Christmas!

IMG_8150We had a really laid back Christmas this year.  Kumquat was waking every hour Christmas morning until we finally moved her into our bed.  I think she was cold.  So, she slept in and so did Daddy.

DSC_4235Most of the morning was in our pjs until it was time to go to the store for groceries for dinner.

IMG_9122There were plenty of presents to open for everyone and we also enjoyed a warm 80-degree Christmas Day.

IMG_8188Jesse cooked a smaller standing rib roast than usual this year because we had a much smaller group.  Regardless, it was delicious!

IMG_8170Merry Christmas, Everyone!