Browse Category: family

Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico

IMG_1197 We headed to Mexico on Christmas Day and stayed until Sunday, December 28th.  It was a less-than-3-hour flight but ended up waiting another 3 hours in the immigration line because they were short-staffed on Christmas Day.  It was definitely not a good way to start a vacation.
IMG_1301We stayed in a small resort called Bel Air Collection Resort and Spa located in Nuevo Vallarta, which is a 25-minute drive from Puerto Vallarta.  The hotel was right on the beach with an infinity pool overlooking the water.  It was perfect for our little family and a kid who wanted to go the beach everyday.  They served coffee every morning in the lobby from 6-8am and this was my alone time every morning.

IMG_1182We booked through Expedia and got a deluxe studio for only $125/night.

IMG_1367It had a kitchenette complete with dishes, microwave, stovetop (with pots), mini fridge, and sink.  It was perfect for when KK would wake up in the morning starving.  I brought instant oatmeal and instant rice porridge for this purpose.

IMG_1369There was a table and chairs for her to eat and color.

IMG_1198They also had a pull-out sofa bed that was perfect for her to sleep on.  This is usually how I found her in the morning.

IMG_1303They also had a king-sized bed and a very clean bathroom with a huge tub.  KK ended up sleeping in the big bed one of the nights.

IMG_1312We had breakfast at the hotel most mornings and they had a buffet of fresh fruit, chilaquiles, eggs, and beans.  I thought it was actually pretty good.

DSC_6030The pool was nice and had lots of different levels and nooks to play in.  KK loved the pool and we loved the view.  Jes particularly enjoyed the swim-up bar.  After a while, KK would say “let’s go get Dada some juice.”  Haha.DCIM100GOPRO IMG_1334In the afternoon, they would serve tea and cookies at the pool.  That was a nice touch.

IMG_1262 1We took the bus into Puerto Vallarta one afternoon.  It was a little sketchy considering there weren’t any marked bus stops and a local told us to just wave it down when you see it.  That’s what we did and it picked us right up.  We didn’t see much of PV since we got dropped off in a weird spot.  We did, however, find a place to eat.

IMG_1273 1It was called Mi Pueblito and run by a very nice old lady that was just enamoured with KK.

IMG_1270The food was decent and the bathroom was super clean.  We had enchiladas and taquitos.

IMG_1283We also stopped at a shopping plaza in Nuevo Vallarta where we got Starbucks, frozen yogurt, and had McDonald’s for dinner.  IMG_1294We were curious and got a few unique items off the menu.  They had “shaker fries”, which was basically fries, a paper bag, and a nacho cheese powder that you add and shake onto the fries.  Jason said they were “meh”.

IMG_1295_1We also ordered these fried spicy cheese balls.  They weren’t bad.  The best item was the fried blackberry apple pie.  Jes mom ordered it and devoured it so fast I couldn’t get a photo of it.

IMG_1314 1On one of the days, Jia and I went to the spa for pedicures.  I had an hour-long pedicure and at one point had this coffee paste painted on my feet.  Neato.  Jes and I went to a timeshare presentation the day before and got $150 to spend and this is where we spent most of it.  With the discount, we ended up having money left over after paying for both of our treatments.

IMG_1392The best part of the trip was seeing my little girl having such a good time.  She woke up every morning wanting to go play in the sand and water.  It took a very short time to warm up to the water both at the beach and the pool this time.  DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPRO DSC_6059It was nice to have a hotel that was just steps from the sand.  We were surrounded by lots of mega resorts that had all-inclusive packages but I was pretty happy with our set-up.

IMG_1400Overall, it was great family vacation.  The people were nice, I got to practice some of my Spanish, the food was just OK, and we had lots of time to just relax.

IMG_1221The grandparents got to play with KK and I got a little bit of time to do nothing.  KK was a really good traveler and actually napped each day we were there.  The time difference didn’t affect us much and the weather was really nice.

IMG_1410The only hiccup in the trip was probably at the end when I got to the airport and realized I had left my phone in the backseat of the taxi.  Fortunately it was the same taxi that took us to dinner the night before and he was nice enough to bring it back to us at the airport 25 minutes later.  Phew, that was a close one.  I had taken most of our pictures with my phone on this trip! With that happy ending, I gotta say that we had a fun time in Mexico.  Can’t wait for our next vacation with the other side of the family in Hawaii this coming March!!!

Christmas Eve and Disneyland 2014

DSC_5892For the third year in a row, we went to Disneyland with the family.  This is a fun tradition that just keeps getting better every year.  I grew up going to Disneyland multiple times a year and both Brother and I worked there.  Despite that, it never seems to get old and it seems even more fun now through the eyes of our kids.IMG_1025As usual, we got up early and opened some presents.  My brother had a giant photo of Koa printed on wood for my parents.  Aaawww…we all still miss him.

IMG_1291Once we arrived at Disneyland, the tram, ticket line, and getting into Disney’s California Adventure were easy.  Our first stop was to get a FastPass for the Elsa and Anna Meet and Greet.

IMG_1062Then we headed out to Cars Land for a fun ride on the racers.  IMG_1064IMG_1063The single-rider line was empty so we all hopped on quickly and still ended up in the same cars together and racing against each other.


For a tasty snack, we headed over to the Cozy Cone.  IMG_1060We shared a pretzel bread cone filled with chili, cheese, and Fritos (of course!).IMG_1061

It’s one of my favorite treats at DCA and big enough to share.


At Bugs Land, we rode this funny caterpillar ride that takes you through a giant watermelon and animal cracker box.  They both had yummy smells inside.


I like how Little Alice can barely see out of the car in this picture.IMG_1336


The best part of being at Disneyland together is that we get to watch KK and Alice interact.  KK is starting to understand what it’s like to be the big kid and held Alice’s hand down the street.DSC_5896 DSC_5939

Alice just wanted to do everything KK did.  SO cute.


What’s not surprising is that when it came time to meet all of KK’s favorite characters that she shied away.  This was the best photo we could get of her with them.  What’s funny is that as soon as we got out of the room, she said “I want Elsa and Anna”.  *sigh*

DSC_5871She also was not a fan of Santa again.  Oh well.


For lunch, we feasted on fried chicken, green beans, and mashed potato.

IMG_1427Both kids ate very well.


On Main Street, everything was decorated for Christmas – including the castle.DSC_5935


KK also said “hello” to Chip and Dale.


During nap time, we rode the newly refurbished Thunder Mountain.  Not much was changed aside from the addition of more explosions inside.


The carousel was a hit for everyone.  Alice especially enjoyed it and cried when the ride was all done.

IMG_1084On the Casey Jr. Ride, we passed by the new tiny model of Arendelle.

DSC_6005Ever since I was a kid, a big part of our day at Disneyland is scoping out the perfect spot to watch the parade.  This year was no different and Brother came prepared with a blanket to sit on this year.  We all took turns sitting around while the others wandered around.  The kids loved hanging around on the street and KK had fun dancing and twirling in the street before the parade started.  You’ll see it at the end of the video below.

DSC_6011The best part of Christmas Time at Disneyland are all the extra twinkle lights around the park.IMG_1514The Christmas Parade is also a favorite – even for Jesse. 🙂IMG_1123Here is “It’s a Small World” all lit up.  It’s pretty gawdy but so cool at the same time.IMG_1131They also have all the dolls and scenery decorated for the holiday season.

IMG_1132We also stayed long enough to watch the fireworks and snow.

IMG_1136This part gets me all choked up every year.  I know, I’m dumb.

familyWhat a fun day at the “Happiest Place on Earth”.  I hope we can keep this tradition going.
Here’s a video that Brother put together from the day.  We had a blast – oh, and so did the kids. Heh heh.

I just had to do this.


I couldn’t resist this morning.  KK was riding the tricycle up and down the sidewalk and it reminded me of when I used to do the same thing.  Then it dawned on me that I could recreate the photo that my mom and I took when I was KK’s age.  So, that’s what we did.  And then my mom wanted in on the action so we had her get on and we took another for old times’ sake.  We all got a good chuckle out of it.  KK was the only one who was a little confused and wondering why everyone wanted to ride her tricycle.

Kanom Krok

IMG_1003My mommy made me one of my favorite things to eat: Kanom Krok.  It’s basically two different mixtures of coconut milk poured into a special cast iron pan topped with green onions.  They come out hot and crispy on the outside and custard-like on the inside.  It’s a combination of sweet and savory – similar to that of Thai coconut sticky rice.

IMG_0977I think I post these every time I’m home but this time I paid attention. Apparently, my mom just follows the instructions on the back of the rice flour package but it’s all in Thai.

IMG_0983So, I took notes and photos so that one day when I get one of her pans from her to take home with me, I can make them for myself.  Yum yum!

Thanksgiving 2014

IMG_0576This year, my parents came up for Thanksgiving.  The Masayas were out of town so it was just the 5 of us with a 22-pound turkey.  Heh heh.

DSCN3663 IMG_0345DSCN3648In the morning, we went to the zoo.  It was fun to be there on a holiday because all the animals got special treats and for some reason, a lot of the animals were awake and active this morning. I had never seen a hippo so up-close!  They’re actually kinda scary when they’re not sleeping underwater.

IMG_0528 IMG_0530Once we got home, the cooking started.  Thankfully we had my parents around to keep KK company.

IMG_0373 IMG_0570

The turkey came out perfectly and we also had a HoneyBaked ham that my mom brought up from Cerritos.  IMG_0377 IMG_0572As usual, we ate until we were overstuffed and there were plenty of leftovers for sandwiches for the next several days.  I love Thanksgiving!!!

Things I am thankful for:

  1. My family – they keep me grounded.
  2. My friends – they keep me sane.
  3. Our health – Only one fever and one short trip to the ED this year!
  4. Jesse’s stable job – 7 years and counting!!
  5. Our next trip to Hawaii in March – hotel and flights are booked!!  Woohoo!

Start of the Holidays

IMG_0212One of my favorite traditions is to go to Embarcadero Center to watch the lighting of the buildings and the fireworks.  It always occurs on the Friday before Thanksgiving.  This year, all the girls weren’t able to make it but KK and I went anyway.  At work, I hustled to get off at 4:15 (15 mins early).  Then I was able to pick up the kid from daycare, get home by 5:00, catch Muni to Embarcadero, and finish eating dinner by 6:00.  After dinner, we caught the “Disney on Ice” show at the rink just before they did the countdown and lit the buildings.
KK and I had a really good viewing spot and there were no tears from either one of us.  (Fireworks may me cry sometimes. I know, weird.)
Right after the fireworks, we walked down to the Hyatt to see them light up the atrium.  IMG_0210It was weird to be with just the kid this year and to be completely sober but it was just as special in its own way.  KK appreciated it much more than the last two years that we went.  It also snowed inside the atrium, which confused her a little bit.IMG_0233

After it was all done, we hung out for a little while longer so that Jes could meet us there after arriving back in SF from Geneva.  It was so nice to have the family back together again and a great way to kick off the holiday season.  Is Thanksgiving really this coming Thursday?!  Where is the time going?!