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Memorial Day Weekend – Part 2

IMG_7233On Sunday morning, I took the parents out for breakfast.  We almost lost KK’s sweatshirt there but someone ended up finding it and we were able to get it back by the afternoon.

IMG_5702We later went to church but it was cut short when Jes’ mom came in to retrieve us so that we could meet up with his dad between meetings.

IMG_5710In the afternoon, Jes and I went to Dayantha’s house to visit them and to meet Oliver.  He’s almost 7 months old and so adorable.

IMG_5712I realized we hadn’t seen them since last year’s Hawaii trip for Yoon’s wedding.  Krissy was in the very early part of her pregnancy then and hadn’t told anyone yet.IMG_5726It was nice being able to catch up with them finally.


For dinner, we met up with Pish and his family for our usual Thai feast at the usual place.  Marie and her family were in San Diego this weekend so it was a smaller group this time around.


Unfortunately KK slept right though dinner and missed out on the good food.IMG_5737

Before heading back to the Magical House, we went to Creamistry for some ice cream made with liquid nitrogen.  Alice loves playing in the steam.IMG_5743We all shared a little scoop of Cinnamon Crunch ice cream.  It was yummy in its own right but made me miss Secret Breakfast.

IMG_5798On Monday morning, it was time to pack up and drive back to SF.  The drive was long and challenging because of all the congestion on the interstate.  There were times where the traffic would go from 70 mph to 0 in just a couple seconds.  Scary.  It’s nice to be home after such a long drive but I already miss my family.

Memorial Day Weekend – Part 1

IMG_5572I was supposed to work on Monday but one of my co-workers was kind enough to work for me.  So, we jumped at the opportunity to drive down to Cerritos for a long weekend.  We hadn’t been home since Christmas!!  On Friday after dinner, we drove down and arrived at the Magical House by 2:30am.  A long drive would not be complete without a stop at Del Taco when we got there.  After 6.5 hours, a red burrito never tasted so good.


On Saturday morning, we were up pretty early and Brother came over with the family.  They took KK to Disneyland for the morning and I got to hang out in my pjs for a few hours.  IMG_5611Since Jes was still sleeping and my mom was taking a nap, I decided to treat myself to a pedicure before lunch.  The lady I had this time was really good and I got a nice foot/leg massage.  Aaaah.

IMG_7145The family sent me photos throughout the morning and it looked like KK was having a great time.  They got her in for free with and I saved $93!!  Sweet.

IMG_7174For lunch, we went to Anaheim Packing House.  I had never been and it was pretty cool.  It’s like a hipster food court that serves alcohol and has entertainment.  IMG_5696Here’s a cocktail that Jes got.  Smelled so good…

IMG_5619I ordered a porchetta sandwich from one place and pho from another place.  Meanwhile, Jes got Indian food.

IMG_4035For dessert, there was ice cream for everyone.  It was perfect because the weather was pretty warm and muggy outside.  IMG_4041 Look at these two kids with their ice cream cones!  So funny.

IMG_5675For dinner, we drove up to Pasadena to celebrate Hannah’s graduation from Biola.  We went to a cool little ice cream shop called Cookies and Cream after dinner.  We ordered lychee passionfruit with a lemon cookie for KK and Thai tea for me.

IMG_5672Here are all the flavors they offered.  IMG_5673They let us sample whatever we wanted, including the cookies.

Mini Me

IMG_5054Friends have told me that KK is starting to look more and more like me but I haven’t really seen it. That was, until today when my dad sent me this photo of me on my 3rd birthday next to KK’s 3rd birthday picture.

IMG_5055Then he sent this picture of Brother and Alice next to each other. We’ve always said that they look alike but this really shows the resemblance.

Shower for Jia and Jason

DSC_6298This morning, we hosted a Baby Shower for Jia and Jason at Blue Line Pizza in Burlingame.

DSC_6280The venue turned out to be a very good one since we opted for the covered patio that shaded us and shielded us from the wind.  DSC_6270We had the balloons blown up at a nearby Safeway and then picked up yummy chocolate sea salt and vanilla coconut cupcakes from Kara’s across the street from the pizza place.  Loved how conveniently located they were.  I also ordered these cupcake lines and treat cups from Amazon, which completed the look.

DSC_6272Their friend Elsa made the diaper cake that was complete with socks, and elephant, a book, and of course diapers.

DSC_6301This is Elsa and her family.

DSC_6289The pizza and appetizers were all so yummy and we had just enough food with a little left over for Jason to eat later. 🙂

DSC_6312We can’t wait to meet the twins!  We’re also hoping for them to cook until at least 36 weeks and for a smooth and uneventful delivery.

Nemo Party for KK

IMG_4655My Baby Girl turned 3 on Monday and we celebrated on Sunday morning with all her buddies.

IMG_4610IMG_4608We held the party at the Children’s Creativity Museum where the kids got to run free and play all they wanted before the food arrived.

IMG_4667We rented the birthday room upstairs and her cupcakes and balloons had a Nemo theme.  DSC_1196It’s funny that her first birthday cake at a Nemo theme as well but this time around it actually meant something to her.

DSC_6216I think most of the grown-ups had almost as much fun at the museum and I actually got to sit and just watch KK play with her friends without having to do much.

DSC00041KK blew out her candles with no problems this year.  When she turned one, she was clueless and I had to blow out her candle.  When she turned two, she got gun shy and just straight up refused.  This year, she totally gets it and blew them out like a champ.  What was funny was how she had such a confused look on her face when she saw the smoke go up after she blew them out.

IMG_1524Watching all the kids eat the cake and bright blue frosting was pretty entertaining.  I got photos of as many of them as I could.




IMG_4623After we cleared out of the birthday room (we only had it for 2 hours), everyone rode the carousel twice.  KK wanted to ride the dragon chair on the first round.

IMG_4629Then she sat on a horse next to her friends on the second go-around.IMG_4665We also managed to get a group photo of the kids.  I love how Vivian held Henry’s hand for the picture to keep them both from wandering off.

IMG_4652Unfortunately, this was the only family photo we got at the party.  I never seem to get enough photos taken when I’m hosting my own party.

Here are a couple thoughts I had on planning this party:

  1. is great for finding party favors.  Nemo stuff is not sold at party stores anymore but there were plenty of things to choose from online.  Everything came to my door and I was ready for the party.
  2. Safeway really saved me money and time with the cupcakes and balloons.  The logistics of having a party on a Sunday morning are pretty tough.  Most cupcake places are not open on Sundays and Party City doesn’t open until 10.  SO, I ordered the cupcakes from Safeway, picked them up at 9:30 am,  and they were only 50 cents each compared to $3.50 each at a fancy store.  They were also able to blow up the balloons I had bought online in just minutes.
  3. Our food was ordered from a place that didn’t open until 11 but Jes managed to get there at 10:30 and knocked on the window to get the food as early as possible from the cooks in the back.  It helps to have a persistent husband who just doesn’t give a flying fish who he pisses off – all for the sake of his little girl, of course!
  4. Kid parties don’t need to last very long.  The party started at 10:30 and two hours in the birthday room was plenty of time to eat and have cake.  Also, most kids were overdue for their naps after the carousel ride so the timing was just about right.  KK also passed out as soon as I put her in the stroller and started walking home from the museum.
  5. I’m glad I waited until she turned 3 to throw a party.  We celebrated Year 1 mostly for sentimental reasons and we did something really small for Year 2 (dinner with family).  This year, she was genuinely excited for the party and had enough friends who could enjoy the activities.  She also loves the “Happy Birthday” song and opening presents was fun for her this year.

Oahu: Day 6

Day Six: 3/10/15

IMG_3405On our last day in Hawaii, we really tried to take advantage of having an afternoon flight home.  During breakfast, Yoon stopped by to drop off some cookies.

IMG_3409Then before we finished packing, we took KK out to the beach one last time where she really made the most of it.  IMG_3413

I love this time of day (~9am) on Waikiki Beach because it’s warm and super empty.IMG_3432 IMG_3515This kid loved splashing around in the water and was such a joy to watch.

IMG_3483After washing up and getting our bags packed, we all met up at the bar for a last drink.IMG_3504 IMG_2605We got a family photo and no one had their eyes closed!!  Amazing.IMG_2579We all said our early goodbyes before hopping in the cars to get to the airport.IMG_2585I knew it would be a little rushed once we got to the airport so this was nice.


Here’s one last view of the island as we took off.  IMG_3533The flight was super short (3.5 hours) but really bumpy in the end.  KK did great the whole trip but then nearly lost it once we landed.  We were so far back in the plane and wanted to just get in the stroller to go to sleep.  That was the probably the worst 15 minutes of our entire trip.

Can’t wait for our next trip.  I think I should start planning it now so I have something to look forward to.