Browse Category: dog

Sunny Days

I’m so lucky to be on maternity leave in the Spring.  We’ve had some pretty nice weather lately and the days are getting longer.  Good to know that I’m getting plenty of Vitamin D!On my way home from the doctor’s office on Thursday, I walked to the Ferry Plaza for lunch and then decided it was sunny and warm enough to walk home.

So with some coconut and passionfruit sorbet in hand, I waddled my butt home along the waterfront.  I think I walked a good 2 miles that afternoon and was exhausted by the time I reached the couch.

On Friday morning, I met up with Michelle and Reese for a little morning stroll.  Reese is quite the walker now so it was fun to watch her roam freely on her own power.

Jes also had Friday off and we were SUPER LAZY the rest of the day.  We went to Little Skillet for lunch (fried chicken, baby!) and then ended up napping for most of the afternoon.  When we both got up, the dog was ready for his afternoon walk and there was plenty of daylight left.
Here’s a photo of me, Dog, and Kumquat at 38 weeks and 3 days.  It was a triple-win that afternoon – Koa got a long walk, I got some sunshine, and Jes got to watch the boats in the harbor.

More Close-ups

We’ve had some good sunshine these past couple days, which makes taking photos indoors much easier.  Here are some close-ups taken with my new lens.

Yellow Ranunculus

Sleeping Dog
(By the way, he LOVES it when I do this to him.)

Day Two

Last night I made Kao Thom Gai and we had it for breakfast this morning. Kinda felt like a weekend except Jes had to take a bunch of conference calls for work. See, I can make myself useful when I’m not working!

Later in the morning, I had my routine prenatal visit and then had some time to kill before my lunch date with Jes. So, I walked around Union Square for almost two hours before heading down to the Ferry Plaza. This is the water feature at Justin Herman Plaza with actual water running through it! By the time I got in line for Roli Roti, my hips were killing me.

Lunch was tasty (as usual) and it was such as nice sunny day that I got some gelato for the walk home. At least, I tried to walk home but I was so uncomfortable that I ended up taking Muni instead. At the stop, I found Victor on his way home to pick up his car for a meeting. That was random.

Once I got home, I passed out on the couch for a two hour monster nap. It was totally unintentional but apparently I needed it.

Once I woke up, I tidied up the house a bit and then met up with Teresa who had brought her puppy, Bailey, over to meet Koa. She’s so darn cute but a total spaz. Koa didn’t know what to do with her. She ran circles around us and taking a walk to the park was a little crazy. When we got back to the house, she gobbled up some of Koa’s kibble, took all his toys out of the toy bin, and eventually Koa gave in and shared his tennis ball with her.

So Day Two of my Maternity Leave was pretty random but I got lots of exercise and some tasty eats. Everyone says I should enjoy this time while I can and I think I’m doing a pretty good job of it so far. Too bad my hips are so sore.

Dog and Car are back.

We spent a quick 48 hours in Cerritos this past weekend.  Not only was it for the Kumquat Shower but our mission was also to pick up the dog and drive the car back up to SF.  When we arrived in Cerritos on Friday night, Dog was super excited to see us after 3 weeks at The Magical House.  On Saturday, I got up early enough to get some of my mommy’s waffles for breakfast.  I also got to see what Koa had been up to the last three weeks.

Apparently there’s a cat that lives behind my dad’s fountain in the backyard and Koa has been on the hunt for him.  He runs outside and goes snooping around the fountain and the rest of the backyard.  It’s pretty cute.  Unfortunately I didn’t see this phantom cat-cat.

Before the Kumquat Party, we went to the Cerritos Farmer’s Market where we picked up some cilantro roots and I got a big bag of Hula Pop.

I also found these kumquats.  Aw…cute.

On Saturday night, Jes and I attended the Clarendon Foundation’s Annual Valentine’s Dance at the Omni Hotel in Downtown LA.  It’s a fundraiser for a shelter/dormitory for girls in Sri Lanka.  It’s run by Dayantha’s dad and Ti was in charge of the event this year.  It was like a wedding with no couple to celebrate.  Instead there was a silent auction, raffle, and a presentation including a Skype call to the girls at the house.  Neato.  For the event, I bought a little black dress and actually wore heels for the first time in many months.  There was a cool water thingy outside of the hotel where Jes took my 31-week belly bump photo. Afterward, we met up with Brother and Joy for a midnight meal at Pacific Dining Car.  They didn’t have the stone crab that Jes was craving but Jes had his baseball steak.

On Sunday, we got up at a decent time and said our goodbyes.

We left The Magical House around 10:00 am and somehow we managed to get home by 4:30 with a few pee stops and lunch at In-N-Out.  So now life is back to normal with the car and dog at home where they should be.  Yay!

See ya in 3 weeks, Dog.

We drove down to Cerritos on Friday afternoon and made it in 6.25 hours including dinner at In N Out and a gas fill-up.  The purpose of this weekend was to 1) get the car fixed and 2) to return Jason’s car.  In all the planning for the weekend, I couldn’t find someone to watch Koa.  So, not only did we leave Jason’s car and our car but we also left the dog.  It’ll be three weeks of no car and no dog.  That’ll be interesting.

On Saturday, we got the new rim installed at Costco (at no charge!) and I got a good look at the crack in our old one.  It’s pretty big crack.  No wonder our tire kept going flat.  Crazy.

After our trip to Costco, I dropped Jes off at LAX.  He flew out to Vegas to visit Kev for the rest of the weekend and Chinese New Year.  Meanwhile I got to hang out with the family.

On Sunday morning, my mom and a family friend went out to buy a bunch of food for the Chinese New Year altar.  Unfortunately, it was very tempting to Koa.  I caught him red-handed with the pork (bottom right) in his mouth and the plate falling to the ground.

Immediately, he was sent out to the backyard for some alone time away from the food.

When it was almost time to catch my 6:30 flight back to SF, I got a text message from SWA saying it was delayed to 10:05.  So, I called Brother and Joy and made arrangements to hang out with them until my flight.  Before leaving, I took this photo with my parents.  Again, I look HUGE! I also said “see ya soon” to the dog, who seemed a little confused that he wasn’t following me and my bags into the car.For dinner, we had Souplantation, which I had not had since college.  I was so excited for the peas and corn and soft serve and it was so cheap!!

Later that night, I got another text saying that the flight was delayed even more and not leaving until 10:55!  Yikes.  So, after a bumpy flight through the SF rain and a crazy cab ride, I was home by 1:00 am. This morning was rough but I was pretty relieved that I didn’t have a dog to walk in the cold rain.

Here are the rest of the photos from the weekend.

Tahoe Weekend

We’ve been back from Tahoe since Sunday evening but I thought I’d post some photos from our trip.  First of all, we stayed at Dot and Marc’s cabin dubbed Mauna Lani and it has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a huge deck overlooking a tree house!  We had 9 people and 3 dogs in the house and there were plenty of beds and hanging-out space for all of us.  Koa got to hang out with Smush and Brady (who he met for the first time) and they got to chow down on lots of treats and meat.  At one point, all three of them were separated to different corners of the house and Koa actually got to eat barbequed meat off of a fancy Paris plate.

On NYE, we took a little hike up to get a nice view of the lake.  With a clear blue sky, the water looked like blue glass.  I got a pretty good workout and my hamstrings were actually sore by the end of the day.

I loved watching Koa run up the trails and he was surprisingly well-behaved. I think that if we lived in Tahoe, Dog would be so much happier.  *sigh*

For lunch/dinner, we barbequed on the deck and Jes made 3 meals: pre-dinner (sausages), dinner (carne asada tacos), and after-dinner (chili lime wings).  We were so stuffed that we didn’t need anything else before the drinking started.

The girls started pretty early in the evening and were pretty much at their peak around midnight EST.  At one point, they were doing pyramid push-ups and Marc did the worm.  They even crashed the party in the house next door.  It was fun watching the action in my pjs and I stayed in to watch Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve while they were away.  They did, however, get back in time for the countdown and I got a tiny sip of champagne.

It was heavenly. 🙂

The next day, we had a big pancake breakfast and the dogs spent the morning napping in the sun.  Our drive home was pretty smooth and we were home by 5pm.

Here’s the rest of the photos from our weekend in Tahoe.