Browse Category: dog

Eek, a dead mouse!

A few weeks ago I wrote about how I saw a mouse in the garage. Well, today I came home from work to find that Koa had escaped from his pen. Next to the door was a flattened black mouse that was obviously dead. Wow…I won’t need to build a better mouse trap after all. Anyone need an exterminator?


Poor Koa had a tummy bug this weekend and I got a good whif of it this morning. It all started this morning when I was awoken by whimpering and pounding coming from the kennel. I looked at the clock and it was 3am!! This had better be good. I checked Koa’s kennel and found puke all over the place. So I took him out for a quick walk and put him away in the garage so I could go back to sleep. When I finally woke up at 6:30 and checked on the little bugga, a very foul odor hit me and I found him at the foot of the door with smelly brown dollops of crap all over the garage floor…literally, crap. On our morning walk, he had more fudgy surprises and puked again when we got home. Yikes…it’s time to go to the vet.

Eek, a mouse!!

I saw a black mouse scurry into a corner two nights ago in my garage. Then as I took Koa out for his evening outing, I saw another one in the courtyard! I know Koa could probably catch it but I don’ t know if I’d want to clean up the mess.

Here, have some germs!

I was sick as a dog over the weekend. I tried to go to work on Friday but had to go home by 10:00 am. It was fun passing my germies to those who came in contact with me those 2 hours though. Haha. Anyway, I stayed home most of the weekend, ate a lot of chicken soup, and watched “Mean Girls”. I also went to Home Depot to buy new plants/flowers for the patio to replace the ones that Koa dug up the other day…what an exciting life I lead. Jes and I took Koa to the dog park and bumped into Gavin and his dog, Maizie. We also met another “Koa”…he was an American Eskimo. Jes didn’t have to fly out until Monday morning so we had a little BBQ with Jay and Nikki just like old times. I sure miss those days. Watched the first game of the World Series and had fish tacos…yum.


I took Koa to the dog park today…he had a good time chasing a bunch of “Santa’s Little Helpers” and wrestling with an Australian Shepherd. I thought that he’d enjoy being in the “large dog” yard but once we got in there, he turned into a loner. Hm…I guess he really is a small dog. At home, he caught his first fly in mid-air today…it was amazing. Oh yeah…my mom has agreed to make mango and sticky rice for Saturday’s BBQ. Sweet.

What’s up with all the water?

We took Koa out to Huntington Dog Beach for the first time. I don’t think he really likes water but he slowly learned how to play in the waves and the other dogs. We had to pick him up and throw him in the water a few times. He didn’t seem too traumatized. It was such a nice day and the water wasn’t too cold. The water was pretty shallow too.
Afterwards, we dropped the pup off at my parents’ house and we went to Hollywood Bowl to see Air. We met up wtih Holly and Roy and had come nice $3 seats. It was a pleasant night and a packed house. Stereolab played first and then Air came on with Beck as a special guest for 2 seconds. Overall, the show was really good including the iPod commercial-looking dude in front of us doing an interpretive dance to the music.