Browse Category: dog

Water sucks.

The weather was great this weekend so we went to the dog park on Saturday. Koa didn’t really enjoy the water. In fact, he hates water. While the labs are jumping into the waves and having a great time, Koa stands along around and runs away from the tide. At one point, he got so mad at us for throwing him in that he threatened to run back up the cliff and into the street. Crazy pup. Later that night, Patty and Johnny brought Mochi over on their way back down to San Diego. The dogs had a gay ol’ time while we ate dinner.
Today, we went to Carlsbad to have lunch with Huy. We ate at Pizza Port where we had really good pizza and spicy wings. Afterwards we took a walk around their Village Fair. It was basically like a swap meet full of people hocking their wares for a few bucks. There were way too many people and way too much junk for one afternoon.

Happy Birthday, Koa!

Today is Koa’s 1st birthday! We didn’t do anything special. I just got him a birthday hat and had a fun time trying to get him to tolerate it on his head for long enough to take a picture. It’s amazing how quickly he grew and how much he’s changed. Jes always gets so angry when he walks around the house and sees “reminders” of his puppy days…a scratch on the sofa leg, teeth marks on the wall, shredded carpet, etc. Now he’s calmer, doesn’t try to tear holes in my pant legs, can hold his pee all day long, and goes to bed at 10:00 each night. Only 12 more years to go!!

Snort Snort

Early this morning, I was awoken by a strange snorting sound coming from Koa’s kennel. I got up thinking he was throwing up again but nothing came out. Later today, he tried to sniff something and started snorting again. I think he has a stuffy nose or maybe a doggie cold. It just seems a lot harder for him to breathe through his nose and he’s got stuff coming out of it. The vet said to just watch him for the next few days to see if he loses his appetite or gets lethargic. Nothing going on yet but that sound coming from his nose sounds really bad…poor doggie.

buddies once again

Jesse and I went to Mammoth this weekend while Koa stayed with Patty. He got a fun-filled weekend of romping around with his half-brother Mochi. I was a bit worried when Mochi came over during Christmas and wanted nothing to do with him. Fortunately, they’re back in the game and have been buddies all weekend.
In other news…the snow in Mammoth was great and skiing was fun! Going on Sunday is so much better than Saturday – no long lines and lots of empty runs!! Towards the end of the day, I got the courage to take a couple of baby jumps and got some air! I’m not quite ready for the terrain park but I can jump little mounds and moguls! Lookout Johnny Mosley!
Valentine’s Day was spent on the road driving home but we got a nice dinner at The Chart House in Mammoth. Their lobster bisque, dynamite mahi, and MUD PIE were very yummy.

Wanted: Doggie-sitter

We’re going to Mammoth this weekend and are faced once again with the doggie situation. I had considered taking him along and sending him to a pet-sitting service but he has to be neutered…shucks. I thought about my mom taking him but it would be the third weekend in a row. So I called Patty and she’s agreed to take him! Koa lucked out!! He’s going to have a fun-filled weekend with his old buddy Mochi. This little taste of motherhood really sucks.

Black Diamond?!

We took a road trip to Tahoe with the doggie in the backseat. It was pretty fun but the drive took 12 hours due to sucky LA traffic, some crazy fog on I-5, and a little detour to the Sacramento airport to pick up Jason. We went snowboarding and skiing at Kirkwood on Saturday with the group but ended up separated from the pack after getting tricked into going down a black diamond run. I tumbled down the hill quite a bit and couldn’t control my skis. When I got to the bottom, I discovered my right boot was unbuckled. NO WONDER!! Anyway, the rest of the day went just fine and Jes and I had a good time. Koa got to play in the snow, wrestle a black lab, and hardly ate. When we got home last night, he was pooped and went straight to bed. I guess we all had a crazy weekend.