Browse Category: dog



Koa got his first sniff of cat today.  We went over to the Sokol-Juns to take their Christmas card photos and brought Koa along for kicks.  He’s never met a cat before so we thought it would be interesting to see what would happen.  At first he didn’t even notice them since they ran up the stairs to hide as soon as Koa entered the loft.


Then Wilby came down to check out the action and Koa got nose-to-nose with him.  There wasn’t any chasing or any frying pans being swatted so that was a bummer.  I mean, it happens all the time on Tom & Jerry so why wouldn’t it happen in this case?

Koa Sniffs Jack


The Sokol-Juns came over to watch the first half of the UCLA/USC game today. Jack was in his Bruins get-up, which didn’t bring us much luck today.


However, Koa got a good sniffin’ of his new buddy and was just enamored with his poopie diaper. I don’t know why but Koa just looooves sniffin’ babies. He just couldn’t get enough when Ryan let him sniff Jack’s feet, tummy, booty, and head.

Oh yeah, Happy One Month of Life, Jack!

Here are some more photos of Jack.

Dinner: Impossible


Jes and I prepared Thanksgiving Dinner at his parents’ house with just a few gadgets that I remembered to bring down from SF. These included the fat separator, gravy boat, timer, and meat thermometer. However, we did not pack our knives and wooden spatulas, which would have come in handy. Cooking in my MIL’s kitchen is quite an adventure. With the time constraints of preparing a Thanksgiving Feast, odds and ends for cooking utensils and pans, and a pantry filled with spices and herbs that could be 10 years old, it felt like an episode of Dinner: Impossible. But dinner was completed on-time, the turkey was moist, and we all went to sleep with our tummies full. Dinner: Accomplished.


In other news, Koa also spent the afternoon with Zooey. It’s funny that they seem to remember each other from those summer days together when we used to dog-sit for the parents for a week at a time. I guess the old man still doesn’t mind having the little whipper snapper running circles around him.

home alone


We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this weekend by going to Monterey. We planned to stay overnight so the big question was “What will we do with Koa?” Well, Susie was nice enough to check on him so we actually got to leave him at home alone for a little over a day.

In Monterey, we got a package that included a 2-day pass to the aquarium. So, when we arrived in the afternoon, we went to the aquarium for about an hour before close and then back again on Saturday morning. The crowds are smaller at closing time and in the morning so it worked out great! I also got the chance to take some practice photos, check them on my laptop over the evening, and go back and re-take anything that didn’t quite work. Another cool thing that I discovered on my new camera was the “underwater” setting, which takes out that funny blue tint to aquarium photos. Excellent.

We had dinner at Passionfish, which was as good as I remembered it to be. I really enjoyed the crab salad and my scallops main course. The next morning, we had breakfast at Duck Club, which was a real treat. I got to watch the otters roll around in the kelp as I ate my eggs benedict. We also splurged on a room with a view and balcony, which came with binoculars for watching the otters play just outside my window/balcony. How fun!

We got back on Saturday afternoon and the house was in one piece. Nice job, dog! Thanks for taking care of Koa, Susie!!

Here are the photos.

Sun and Low Tide


We had another fun afternoon at Fort Funston with the Lams again with plenty of sunshine this time around.  With the sun peeking out through the scattered clouds and low tide, the light was great for taking photos and the dogs had a blast running on the sand.  Koa had napped ALL DAY LONG so he had plenty of energy to run after Kona as she chased her ball down the coast.  Here are some photos from this afternoon.



On Sunday, we went to Alameda to visit Jimmy and Eleen. We brought the dog along and ventured out to Webster Street where they held their annual Peanut Butter Jam Festival. It was a small street fair with kiddie rides, kettle korn, local crafts, electric car displays, and free blood pressure checks.  It was quite an entertaining morning with Dupree’s old housemates.


Here’s Jimmy and Eleen supporting their community with their souvenir beer mugs.


Jes and Koa checking out the electric car.

Afterwards, we picked up our bikes from Jimmy’s house and Jes went for a short bike ride with Ryan and Bang. I didn’t get to witness the disaster but I can just imagine three melters huffin’ and puffin’ across the Golden Gate Bridge and cursing the whole way back to Bang’s apartment. Hm. It sounded like they were all feeling pretty rusty but with a few more rides, they should be ready for a century. Right, guys?!

Later in the evening, the Sokol-Juns came over with ribs and BBQ beans. We got to try out our new dining table and chairs for the first time and it was nice to be seated at a table for dinner again.