Browse Category: dog

It’s time to get outta here!



We’ve got some trips comin’ up! After so many months of saving money and getting used to life in SF, we are headin’ outta here! This weekend I’ll be doing some skiing in Utah while there’s still a bit of Winter left. Then, in another few weeks, we’re going to Hawaii, baby! We couldn’t resist the super-cheap tickets to Honolulu so we’ll be going for a long 4-day weekend. I’ll have to save up my vacation days and bonus money for a longer, farther-away trip later this year.

So, in preparation for this weekend, we met a nice lady who will be coming by twice a day to walk the little pup while we’re away. It’s cheaper than boarding him and he gets to sleep in his own bed. She came over on Sunday afternoon and we took her down to his usual pee spots. Koa seemed a little unsure at first but they should be fine.

Shrinky Dinks


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Koa needed a new dog tag since I changed my cell number. So, I purchased a coolio make-your-own tag. All I had to do was use a Sharpie to write his name and my number, pop it in the oven for 5 minutes, and voila! It was like when I was a kid again playing with Shrinky Dinks. It starts out as a huge floppy piece of plastic, shrinks before your eyes, curls up, and then flattens out again. The end product is a thick, hard, compact little tag a third of the original size. What fun! Here‘s Koa modeling his new tag. I think it’s cute and makes less noise that his old metal one.

7 hours


We thought about going for a half-day at Sierra yesterday but with the snow falling pretty hard and a long drive ahead of us, we decided to head home instead.  We left the house at 10:30 am and didn’t get home until 5:30 pm.  Phew!  It was a long one.  We did, however, luck out on not having to put chains on and made a couple stops along the way.


The dogs held up quite well in the car with Smush sleeping in Susie’s lap and Koa changing positions every time the car changed direction or speed.

Here are photos from the weekend.  Can’t wait to head back for another day on the slopes!

Super Duper Babysitter is back…

…with her sidekick, Koa!

Content Jack

Jack posing with his new frog pal (only $1 at Target!)

Angry/Tired Jack

Sidekick Koa keeping his eye on Little Dude

On Sunday evening, I babysat Jack while his parents went to a wedding. He was a little fussy but it was fine. In fact, within 4 hours, he managed to take 2 1/2 naps, pooped twice, and finished a bottle of Mommy Juice. Koa also helped out with his super hearing. Jack slept in the bedroom and as soon as he started to wimper or cry, Koa would run to the door to check out the scene. Good work, Sidekick!

Check out some of our other babysitting adventures here and here.

Happy New Year!!


We had an eventful 2007 and we’re looking forward to a great 2008.

We wish you memorable new year with good health and happiness.


To ring in the new year, I would like to introduce you to! Woo hoo!!


It’s a Kolar Khristmas


We had a relaxing weekend of good food, friends, and Christmas fun. On Friday night, Jes made a tasty dinner of beef tenderloin and mushroom/asparagus risotto as a pre-Christmas dinner for Susie, Victor, Jimmy, and Eleen. On Saturday night, Ryan and Michelle came over with Thai food and the little dude. We also got to watch the fireworks that came from the holiday celebration across the street.

Today, we spent the morning relaxin’. I had a little dress-up fun with Koa and took some funny Christmas portraits of him. I put on his red Christmas collar and pulled out the annual reindeer antlers and a scarf my friend bought for him. He has to look ridiculous only two times a year and this is one of those times (the other is on his birthday). You can’t tell in this photo but the scarf lights up. Heh heh…


He was a good sport and humored me for long enough to get some photos taken. This is probably the first time he was able to actually keep the antlers on without shaking or pawing them off right away.


He still looked rather sad though. As I took the reindog photos, I couldn’t help sing a little ditty I made up called “The Sadest Little Dog in the World”. I couldn’t resist adding the candy cane prop and harsh flash to give the photo a little extra cheesiness. Merry Early Christmas, Everyone!

P.S. Kolar is just an affectionate nickname that I have for Koa. I don’t know where it came from.