Browse Category: dog



I found this cool toy for Koa at Target and thought I’d do some show and tell.  It’s a squeaky plush AND a tennis ball, which are two of Koa’s most favorite toys.  I also thought it was cute.  Unfortunately, they didn’t sew the head on very well and Koa nearly tore his head off in a matter of seconds.  So, as I’ve done with many of his other plush toys, I restitched the head back on with dental floss, which I’ve found to be nearly indestructible to his teeth.




This evening, we went down the street to watch the fireworks.  A local radio station puts on an afternoon concert every year and then has a pretty cool fireworks show at the end.  They closed down The Embarcadero and we got to stand in the street for the show.  It was pretty crowded but not unbearable.  We took Koa and he didn’t really appreciate all the raucous including all of the motorcycles roaring down the street afterwards.  The show was pretty good but I think we missed out on a lot of it because of this big layer of fog hovering over the water.  Bummer.

good dog


I love this doggie bowl. I bought Koa two of them from Target a few years ago but unfortunately one of them broke last year. Bummer. The classic souffle dish style and simple “good dog” badge is perfect. I still haven’t been able to find a replacement bowl for his water yet.


Snapfish is having a photo contest and I submitted two photos of Koa.

Click on each of the photos and give it a rating of 5 stars.  Voting ends on Sunday, April 13th.  Tell your friends! 🙂


This one is under the category of “best friends”.


This one is under the category of “baby pets”.

Back to the Beach


With the fear of rain today, we still managed to meet up with the Lams for an afternoon at Fort Funston. We hadn’t been back since last October so this was a nice treat for all of us. Koa did a good job staying nearby as we walked and hiked along the coast. He also climbed up a cliff, ran back down, but misjudged his final jump and took a nosedive and got a face and mouth full of sand. I hope his neck feels ok tomorrow. Here are some photos.



We also went to Pete’s for another UCLA game. The Bruins are headed to the Final Four, Baby!

Snowy Fun


What a great weekend! Our trip to Utah went smoothly and we had an awesome time on the slopes. It really was probably the best resort I’ve been to so far and we didn’t even have a powder day! On our second day, we took the tunnel to the sunny/back side and I was just so amazed at how beautiful and spacious the area was. I also demo’d a pair of skis on Saturday, which let me carve and turn better than ever. It might be time for a new pair of skis!

At the end of the day, we had some beer and watched UCLA barely squeak past the second round. I think our waiter was a little high and absent-minded but the food was yummy. I Yelped all the places we tried this weekend so go here for my reviews.  Here are just a few of my photos of our weekend.

We’re back in SF now and Koa seemed to survive his weekend home alone. Hooray for dog walkers!