Browse Category: dog

Easter Sunday Supper

spring tulips

Happy Easter!  Check out these spring tulips I found at TJ’s.  They make me happy.

I was a little under the weather so I stayed in and cleaned all weekend.  The dog also got a bath in the bathtub this afternoon, which he didn’t appreciate as much as I did.

deviled eggs

We also had friends over for Sunday Supper.  Jes make some pot roast, I made deviled eggs for the first time, and Michelle brought over some strawberry shortcake.  Yum.

Sunday Supper

giving free air

Jack’s growing fast and walking around the house now.  Koa also had a fun time following him around to lick up all his crumbs.  Jack’s newest thing is to give out free air.  It’s silly but really funny.  Here are the rest of the photos.

Wintery Spring


Friday was the first day of Spring and headed up the mountain to Tahoe for one last hurrah.  On Saturday morning, we drove to Northstar and found lots of dirt, no snow on the road, and sunny skies.  In the parking lot, we contemplated turning around and going back to the cabin but luckily we stuck with the original plan.  We bought half-day tickets, had lunch at the bar, and headed up the mountain at noon.  The trees were all green and there were dirt patches everywhere but by 1 pm, it started to snow snow snow!  Woohoo!


There was just enough slush from the morning and new powder on the ground to make it an awesome afternoon on the slopes. That’s Victor and Susie riding the wide-open runs.



On Saturday night and Sunday morning, it dumped about 1-2 feet of snow.  Check out the photo I took on Saturday afternoon and then on Sunday morning.  Wow!!!  Koa also got to play in the snow and seemed almost confused by all the white stuff.

snowy trees

Our drive home was a little nerve-racking but we managed to get past chain control without having to put chains on and without an accident.  This is what it looked like from the road.  All this was green only 12 hours ago!



The cabin we rented in Tahoe City was pretty awesome.  For $150/night, we got a 3-bedroom, 2-bath, two-story house with all the modern conveniences and SO MUCH SPACE!  I’m tempted to book the house again for a summer trip.

I thought my snow season was over but this weekend proved me wrong.  I wonder how much flights are to Utah right now…

Turtles and Rainbows

napili bay

On our last day in Maui, Jes and I had a relaxing day in the sunshine.  In the morning, we had a free brunch at the hotel, complements of Auntie Kiyomi, who gave us their leftover vouchers.  We then took a walk through Lahaina to check out the little shops.  Then it was off to Kapalua for lunch at a cute little place overlooking Napili Bay.  After we finished eating, we walked down to the rocks and got a kick out of watching the turtles hanging out in the waves.


Jes tried to get up-close for photos but this is all he could get…a shell and part of his head.  For dinner, we went to Lahaina Grill for a tasty New York Steak.  Yes, we had steak.  After a week of fish, pork, and fruit, it was really yummy.


On Thursday morning, we woke up to pouring rain.  I guess it was a good day to be flying back to SF.  On our morning drive to the airport I saw a huge rainbow but no whales in the water.


blue water

I saw another rainbow as we flew over Maui and the water was so blue!  In Honolulu, we had a 3-hour layover but the time passed quickly.


Our flight back to SF was smooth and we watched “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” on Jes’ laptop.  Since it was filmed in Hawaii, it was a nice way to prolong our trip just a little longer.


It was a great trip and a true vacation.  We hadn’t stayed at such an enormous luxo resort for so many consecutive days since our honeymoon.  It was nice spending time with my family, getting some desperately-needed sunshine, and just relaxing.  I can’t wait for the next vacation!

We got home to a happy dog that had some tummy troubles over the week but he was fine.  I think he had his own wild and crazy week at Smush’s house.  I also got home to a message from my manager, who offered me the day off today.  I couldn’t resist so I had a free day at home catching up on tv shows, doing laundry, and even a discounted pedicure.  Now I’m ready for the weekend!

So happy…

Running Koa

While I went running this morning, Jes was supposed to take Koa out for his am walk. But instead, he decided to take Koa to Fort Funston. It’s supposed to start raining for days tonight so it was nice to let him run free beforehand. I love to see him run and he always looks so happy.

Beak and Koa

It also interesting to see how he does his exploring while he tries to keep track of our whereabouts. At one fork in the path, we took one side and waited to see if he would take the right path. He took the other one and started looking around for us. He doesn’t have very good sight so he relied on his hearing to find us on the other side.  Jes whistled and he came around the bend.  Then I called him and he came running.  We saw him do this in the snow last weekend too. Maybe it’s time for me to get a whistle for these occasions.

Here are the photos.

Snow Day!


Saturday turned out to be a day of playing in the snow after all. It just didn’t involve skis. Ryan and his sister made an enormous snowman.


Koa got to hang out with the horses, smell the chickens, and run off-leash in the snow.

Vyl and I made a snowboard ramp and a bunch of snowballs to throw at Bang. Ryan and Bang tried out the ramp but it was kinda of a dud considering the snow was super slushy by the time it was ready.


In the meantime, Jes took a super nap with the heater on in the apartment and Jack wasn’t having a very good day, which made Ryan’s supposed day off a little stressful.

messy face

Little J was super clingy and grumpy, didn’t eat very much, and didn’t appreciate the snow either.

crying viking

Poor little guy must have really missed his mommy ‘cuz he got all worked up and ended took 2 monster naps that afternoon.

Once Jes woke up from his nap, he tried the X3 chains on our tires and they sorta fit. It will just have to do. The afternoon ended with a really yummy ribs dinner made by Ryan’s mom complete with pasta salad, potato salad, and corn bread.

clear road

At 5 pm, it was time to head out. Ryan drove ahead of us with his mom’s truck and we made it out of the rough spots with a couple slips but the chains really saved us. We lucked out on the weather (no snow or rain) and got home by 8 pm. It’s a good thing we left when he did because it started pouring overnight and today was blustery and stormy as well. I guess we’ll just have to try again next time.

Here are the photos from the trip.

Making the Reverse Move


A year and a half ago, we moved from Irvine to SF.  In a couple weeks, Rob and Kel will be moving from the Bay Area to Irvine.  Go figure.  After 8 years, they’ve decided to say goodbye to a life of fog, bridges, and BART and hello to life of sun, look-alike houses, and plenty of driving…and they’re looking forward to it!!!  I’m very excited for them and there’s a part of me that’s envious of their new life.  There are lots of things I miss about living in Irvine and Southern CA in general.


So, on Sunday afternoon, we had a BBQ for them at Jimmy and Eleen’s, which was filled with Hawaiian food and doggies.  Jesse almost burnt down the grill but all the food was pretty yummy.  Thanks to Susie for all the marinated meat!!  J&E’s house was also recently renovated so we finally got to check it all out.  It was fun to hang out with friends and I think Koa had just as much fun socializing with Boudin, Mika, Diesel, Brando, and of course Smush.

Have a great time in Irvine, Little Masayas!  We’ll miss you!!  I’ve updated my OC List on Yelp just for you guys!!  Here are photos from the BBQ.