Browse Category: dog

An email from Bang

After the first 20 mins with the Bangs:

Watching Koa the ‘cat’ dog has been pretty boring so far. Pretty disappointed. He was super excited to get out of the car and marked stuff on the way to the apt. Then he ran around the house all excited, but then got bored. He’s been hanging out underneath the table, where we put his bed. I think he was a little scared of us after he got done with being all excited, so we gave him some treats. He’s sleeping right now on his bed though. You’re right, he doesn’t really act like a dog. 🙁

I’m hungry.

Jes has been in NYC all week for work and it was like a throw back to our old Charlotte days.  I think I managed everything on my own just fine but I noticed a few things while I had the house to myself.

1. I haven’t had to pick up any clothes off the floor.

2. I was still glued to the Tour de France.  I guess I really am a fan.

3. I didn’t sleep any better than usual.

4. I was still motivated to go for my regular runs.

5. I turned the stove on only once to boil an egg.

6. Cereal still makes an awesome dinner.

7. I’m too lazy to make anything else for dinner so I’m always hungry.

8. I had a craving for McDonald’s every night but refused to give in.

9. I felt like a mute this week.

10. I missed my best friend.

So, now it’s Friday evening and I’m currently packing up Koa’s belongings ‘cuz he’s going to sleep over at the Bangs’ this weekend.  I still have to pack my suitcase and will be leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning.  Jes will be meeting us there and it should be a nice long weekend for me to get some sun, relax in a nice hotel, and eat some tasty food.

Sunday Fobby Supper

Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there. Once again I was not home for this holiday and it kinda bummed me out. Fortunately, I have good friends around and one of them happens to be a dad now. So the Bangs and Sokol-Juns came over for dinner and had a Sunday Fobby Supper.


Jack had a good time hanging out by the window pointing to the pool and saying “agua agua” over and over again.  The dog also had a good time sharing his toys with everyone and humping his bed because of all the excitement.

beef noodle soup

Dinner was complete with Spicy Beef Noodle Soup and Mango with Coconut Sticky Rice. Jes followed a bunch of different recipes and it turned out great. There was just the right amount of kick in the soup, the beef from super tender, and the noodles were tasty.

mango and sticky rice

For the coconut sticky rice, I followed my mom’s secret recipe and made it the night before just in case I had to start over. Lucky for me I got it right the first time and it was oh so yummy…a little sweet, a little salty, and perfect with the manila mangoes that I bought at the store. Yay! By the end of the night, we were all so stuffed. What a satisfying way to finish the weekend.

Beautiful Weekend

nina and jes

It finally felt like spring this weekend with blue skies and sunshine everywhere you looked.  Saturday was especially nice so we took Koa to Fort Funston for a romp in the sand.  Before we left, the tide report said that the water would be too high to play on the beach.


Fort Funston

So we did a little exploring up top through the tunnels and trees before heading down to the water.  On our first try, we got down halfway and then Koa darted back up the hill as if he saw the water and freaked out.

koa and nina

We finally managed to get down to the water and it was gorgeous!  The water level was also low enough so we got to walk all the way down to the other side.  Koa had a great time and boy was he tired on our way home.


Unfortunately for me, he wasn’t tired enough to make bathtime easy for me.  He screamed and scratched until the very end.  I cleaned most of him but his head didn’t really a washin’.  By then I had given up.  I guess baths will never get any easier for us.

You were a good dog.


Dear Zooey,
We picked you up from a house in Downey and found you hiding under the stairs.  You’ve always been a little shy but always so loveable.  I can still remember how shaky you were on your first visit to the vet and how much fun it was to have you in the apartment as a pup.  When it was time for us to move away, you went to live with Mom.  You grew up to be a gentle dog with a big bark to keep the bad guys out.  You loved to sleep in your dogloo and knew how to stay in the doorway without coming inside the house.


You got summer camp at our house in Irvine and had a blast.  It took a couple hours for you to get used to dealing with a rambunctious puppy named Koa but once you got the hang of it, you were best buddies for life.


You got the tasty canned food mixed with a scoop of kibble while Koa stood at the window drooling with envy.  We took you to the dog park and you found comfort by my side instead of exploring the park and sniffing the other dogs.  It’s no wonder you racked up such endearing nicknames such as Chicken Dog and Old Man.


You lived a long life of 12 years and I hope you find lots of shady trees to nap under in Doggie Heaven.  I will miss you dearly and I’m glad that I got to give you one last hug just a few weeks ago.

Love You and Rest in Peace,
The Girl

Zooey passed away on Friday, May 8th with Mom and Dad by his side.  He was sick for a few days and was finally laid to rest that afternoon at the vet’s office.  He will be sorely missed.

They’re baaaaaack…


Baseball season started a couple weeks ago and on their first home game opener, we were treated to some fireworks.  Being that our unit doesn’t face the ballpark, we watched them through the reflection off the units across the courtyard.


The dog hid under the table while I shot a couple neato photos.