Browse Category: dog


One of my favorite photo websites is Photojojo and they sell a bunch of really cool products. Another cool thing about the company is that when you receive your order in the mail, it comes with a tiny dinosaur! Well, in my last order there was no dino. Boo… So I emailed them last week to find out whether or not it was included in all the packages or just random ones. Just so happens that they ran out of dinos and they sent my order without it so that it wouldn’t be delayed. AND THEN they offered to send me a dino now since they had more of them in stock. So today in the mail I received not only one but TWO!!! Call me silly but I was so excited to get teeny tiny dinosaurs in the mail. They made me smile.


This morning the rain came down pretty hard and I still had the task of walking the dog. It was the perfect opportunity to test out my new rain boots!!!

I bought them on sale at Sports Basement and they’re awesome!  Here’s a link to them if you wanted details.

I took the dog and the waterproof camera outside for some rainy day fun.  I guess I was the only one actually having fun. Dog was super confused by all the jumping and wading through the deep puddles.

Sunday Supper is back!

After a long hiatus, Sunday Supper was reinstated last night with short ribs and German chocolate cake.

The Sokol-Juns came over and Koa got an automatic carrot dispenser for the evening.

The short ribs were flavorful but could have used one more hour in the oven.

Michelle made a German chocolate cake and it was scrumptious.

Oh yeah, I just discovered that Jack actually knows Jes’ name. He was sitting at the dining table taunting him with “Uncle Jesse Uncle Jesse!” This kid is the only one not scared of the husband.

All-in-one Running Around

One of the best things about being on vacation is that I have time in the middle of the day to run.  It also allows me to explore places on foot.  This morning the dog came with me to Regional Park and we ran around the park once and down Shoemaker.  I love Cerritos.  It’s so clean, quiet, safe, and has lots of paths to take on foot.

Yesterday, I ran around the Cerritos Towne Center.  I have so many other places to explore!

I’ve also been using the iMapMyRun application on my iPhone. I used to run with a GPS device on my wrist, an iPod on my arm, and a phone in my pocket for emergencies. Now I have it all in one device!! I just turn on the application, stick it in my pocket, and go. It tracks my route and then immediately sends the workout to my account. It also doubles as my phone for emergencies and I can listen to music from it too. I loved my Blackberry but it wasn’t nearly as useful as my iPhone. I am a true fan now.

Only 20 Days ’til Christmas!

Koa Reindeer

Can you tell that Koa’s super excited for Christmas?!  Haha.  Jes found the antlers today while he was digging around in some boxes.

Little Tree!

This afternoon we went to the tree lot and picked out this cute little tree that will live in our home for the holiday season.

Tree in the Car

It was even small enough to fit in the backseat of the car!

Christmas Tree

The tree might be small but it was perfect for the corner table.  With some lights and ornaments, it became the perfect Christmas tree for 2009.  Yippee!!

To top off the weekend, I might just bust out the flour and do some baking.  Michelle’s annual pie party is next weekend and I need to work on my pie crust.

Turkey Aftermath

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner was another tummy-stuffin’ affair.

Koa and the turkey

Koa also benefited from the holiday and got a bunch of turkey and ham scraps.  Unfortunately and as usual, we all paid for it for the next two days with his squishy poos and 4 am emergency walks.  Oh well, I guess it’s like his version of being hung over.

Korean hot pot

On Saturday night we drove down to Santa Clara to meet up with some friends for Korean food.  They specialize in a hot pot that comes piled on with veggies and underneath are pieces of udon noodles, hot dog, spam, and other tasty meats.  They also have the fried chicken that we’ve been longing for ever since KoKo House was shut down several years ago.  We also met a couple who were Korean by blood but grew up in China.  What a crazy combination!  They both spoke Korean and Chinese and I was trippin’ out the whole time.  I wonder what it’s like to identify with both cultures.  Traditionally they don’t particularly like each other so are you in constant conflict with yourself?