Holiday Weekend
It’s weird to have a national holiday fall on a weekend. July 4th was on a Sunday this year so it meant it would be a regular 2-day weekend for me. Since I didn’t request Monday (today) off, we hung out in the city and had a regular weekend with a sprinkling of illegal fireworks.
On Saturday, we slept in and had brunch down the street. We scored a table outside and tied up the dog to my chair. He was pretty well-behaved with the occasional growling at dogs walking by.
The rest of the day was spent running errands and Jes made mushroom, swiss, and bacon burgers. They were tasty. I almost forgot what beef tasted like.
On Sunday, I woke up a bit earlier to go for a little run and had some oatmeal to offset the fatty burger from the night before. In the afternoon, Jes and I took the bus to the Fillmore Jazz Festival for a little jazz, street food, and sunshine. We went two years ago and had a good time. That was also when and where we discovered Kim Nalley, a jazz singer that has lost of charisma and a great voice. She performed there again this year and we got off the bus just in time for her performance.
We also picked up some pork buns, duck buns, boba for me, beer for Jes, a Puerto Rican pernil made with pulled pork, tomato, avocado in a soft flat bread.
We walked around some more and stopped for cheaper beer for Jes (at the local liquor store) and I got a cup of frozen yogurt from Fraiche. Yum.
Later that evening, we made another set of burgers and headed out for some fireworks around Fisherman’s Wharf. Unfortunately we didn’t give ourselves enough time to get out there for the 9:30 show and ended up walking a long way to see a bunch of illegal fireworks along the way. Oh well. We’ll have to try again next year.
I went back to work today and managed to cram all 8 treatment sessions together by starting early and working through lunch. I was done with the kids by 2:30 and out of the hospital by 3:15. Awesome.
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