Browse Category: dog

Holiday Weekend

It’s weird to have a national holiday fall on a weekend.  July 4th was on a Sunday this year so it meant it would be a regular 2-day weekend for me.  Since I didn’t request Monday (today) off, we hung out in the city and had a regular weekend with a sprinkling of illegal fireworks.

On Saturday, we slept in and had brunch down the street.  We scored a table outside and tied up the dog to my chair.  He was pretty well-behaved with the occasional growling at dogs walking by.

The rest of the day was spent running errands and Jes made mushroom, swiss, and bacon burgers.  They were tasty.  I almost forgot what beef tasted like.

On Sunday, I woke up a bit earlier to go for a little run and had some oatmeal to offset the fatty burger from the night before.  In the afternoon, Jes and I took the bus to the Fillmore Jazz Festival for a little jazz, street food, and sunshine.  We went two years ago and had a good time.  That was also when and where we discovered Kim Nalley, a jazz singer that has lost of charisma and a great voice.  She performed there again this year and we got off the bus just in time for her performance.

We also picked up some pork buns, duck buns, boba for me, beer for Jes, a Puerto Rican pernil made with pulled pork, tomato, avocado in a soft flat bread.

We walked around some more and stopped for cheaper beer for Jes (at the local liquor store) and I got a cup of frozen yogurt from Fraiche.  Yum.

Later that evening, we made another set of burgers and headed out for some fireworks around Fisherman’s Wharf.  Unfortunately we didn’t give ourselves enough time to get out there for the 9:30 show and ended up walking a long way to see a bunch of illegal fireworks along the way.  Oh well. We’ll have to try again next year.

I went back to work today and managed to cram all 8 treatment sessions together by starting early and working through lunch.  I was done with the kids by 2:30 and out of the hospital by 3:15.  Awesome.

I’m in the mood for jello…

On Saturday morning, we took Koa to Fort Funston. Koa had a great time and as Jes said on our way back to the car, it was “nice and very restorative” for the both of us. I’m so relieved to actually have Memorial Day off this year.  I was in need a good “stay-cation” and it’s starting off well.

Later in the evening, we met up with the Masayas for an evening of Lakers Basketball at the usual place and in the usual seats.  We sat in the corner that we took over last season when the Lakers won the Championship.  Must have been good luck for us because the Lakers had to squeak out a win after going into the 4th quarter leading by 17 points.  By the last minute and a half of game play “the game [was] in the fridge: the door [was] closed, the lights [were] out, the eggs [were] cooling, the butter [was] getting hard, and the Jell-O [was] jigglin'”.  Ah…I miss the days of Chick Hearn.

Pool Party

Last Sunday it was Mother’s Day but many of us at work didn’t have their mom’s nearby.  However, our dear friend Mai was in town and she wanted to have a picnic.  So, the girls at work and I planned a pool party at my place.  We all gathered outside by the BBQ and Jes fired up the grill for the skirt steak, kabobs, corn, and chicken wings.  It had rained that morning but the sun came out just in time for the guests to arrive.  Unfortunately, the sun was in and out all day and no one actually went into the pool that day.

Instead, we hung out on the patio chairs while the food cooked and then took a short break inside to eat, and then all came back outside for more sun.  We had a fun time chatting, laughing, and making fun of each other, as usual.

Mai also got to meet Koa and they spent some quality time together.  I knew they would hit it off and Koa was like butter in Mai’s hands.  Here are the rest of the photos.

36 hours with Mommy and Daddy

Last week JetBlue was having a sale.  On Tuesday or Wednesday you could get $9 one-way tickets between LA and SF.  So, Brother booked two roundtrip tickets for the parents!  It was perfect since I had the day off to off-set my weekend class and it was so much fun having them around.  So, on Tuesday, I picked up the parents from SFO in the morning, dropped off their stuff at home, and then we went out for a day of exploring and sightseeing.

First stop was the Conservatory of Flowers.  Admission is free on the first Tuesday of every month so it was FREE!!!

We had a great time exploring the different rooms and I got to see lots of really pretty and exotic plants and flowers.  It was a gorgeous day, which made hanging out in Golden Gate Park even better.

Daddy was watching a show on hamburgers on the flight up to SF so he was craving a tasty burger.  So, he got one at Burgermeister along with a few stains on his shirt (of course).

Next we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and stopped for a few photos.  Then it was one more exit down for a little stroll in Sausalito.  Last time Mommy was here watching Koa, she took the ferry to Sausalito and found this really cute shop that features little toys and knick-knacks.

We found it again and I was giddy with excitement over all the cute stuff inside.

We did a little more browsing and shopping and then headed back to the condo where Koa was stinking more than usual.  So, we walked him down to the bathhouse and Daddy helped me wash the dog with full-length aprons and all.  Dog hated it, as usual, but scored a treat for the walk home.

For dinner, we went to Hard Knox Cafe for some really good fried chicken.  Daddy loves his fried chicken and this did not disappoint!

Here are photos from the rest of the day.  It includes photos that Daddy took too.  Enjoy!

Oh noooooo!

I came home this evening and found this massacre in my livingroom.  I guess there won’t be any more honking in the house tonight.  Poor Moo.  He’s scheduled for reconstructive surgery on Saturday morning.  I’d better go to the store to buy some more dental floss.

Look who’s 6 today!!

8 weeks old

6 years old

It’s the same dog on the same couch 6 years later.  He’s much bigger now but it’s funny that his expression hasn’t changed over the years.  Maka Koa is officially 6 (that’s 42 in dog years) today.

This afternoon we walked to the store to pick out a treat and a new toy. He got to carry his treat home in his mouth and got busy chewing away at it once he stepped paw in the door.

He also got to play with his new friend Moo. According to the tag, he’s a cow but I think he looks more like a yak. Regardless, they were pals from the start and the honking from the squeaker went on for a good 20 minutes.

Happy Birthday, Koa. You’re a good dog.