Browse Category: design

Christmas before Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

I hope you’re all looking forward to stuffing your faces today!  I know I am!

Last night, Jes gave me an early Christmas gift!  It came in a normal-sized box and inside was a smaller box – a kindle fire!  Cool!  I recently considered getting one so that I can get my magazines digitally and get rid of all my print issues to make room for Kumquat and TA-DA!  I got one!

Here are some of my preliminary thoughts after my first night playing with my new toy.

  1. It’s heavier than I expected but much smaller than Jesse’s iPad.
  2. I like the back of the device, which is a soft smooth rubber that makes it easier and more comfortable for me to hold without dropping it.
  3. The screen is glass so I can see that I’ll still need to take my other Kindle on sunny vacations if I want to read outdoors.
  4. The color display and resolution make browsing really easy on the eyes.
  5. The magazine selection is not bad.  I’m just trying to figure out how to get free issues of the magazines I already subscribe to by mail.
  6. Now I can read or browse in the dark when I’m awake in the middle of the night or early morning.
  7. I’ll be able to download children’s books in color for Kumquat to flip through later when he/she is ready.

So far, I like my new toy.  Ryan has one and apparently hates it.  I’m sure there are disadvantages over the iPad but it’s only $199 versus $499!  Thanks for the gift, Jes!  Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas to me!!


Is anyone else sad that Borders is closing down a bunch of their stores?!  I LOVED going to the one across the street from my house and it closed down last year.  Just recently they filed bankruptcy and I got an email that the store in the mall downtown was also closing and were having a big close-out sale.

So, Jes and I headed over in the rain and I picked up a few things: a Spanish grammar book, a couple magazines, a couple travel books, and THIS AWESOME LUNCHBOX!  Now that I won’t have any Borders nearby, where am I going to buy my Paperchase goods?!

Sunny Pork

We had a gorgeous day in the city today.  This is a photo I took in the middle of this morning’s run along Pier 14.  For lunch, Jes and I took a walk to the Farmers Market and got a good dose of Vitamin D.  I was actually in shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops!  Jes waited in line for the porchetta sandwich at Roli Roti while I wandered around the corner for a big bowl of pork ramen from Hapa Ramen.

We slurped up the ramen while we were in line and finished it just in time for the sandwich. I ordered the ramen with a slow-cooked egg and it was extra tasty with the oozy yolk that I L-O-V-E.

With the tasty sammich in my hands, we took it over to a bench and ate our halves in silence.  Jes gets to eat this for lunch on weekdays without the long line and I finally got to try it.  It was delicious.  Loved the crispy salty skin and sweet onion combo.  Mmm…

After such a savory lunch, we picked up a bubbly drink that was like soda water with a little bit of sweetness.  Not only was it refreshing but it was only 50 calories and had a really cute design on the label.  I should have bought a 6-pack.


One summer…a long time ago, I went to a church retreat with Jes and his family.  Someone forgot to pack a toothbrush so I drove Jes and his brother to the local grocery store.  There we found a gumball machine that was selling tiny ninjas in those plastic capsules.  The brothers were delighted and we spent countless quarters trying to get every color and every kind.  They still reminisce about that afternoon and I think Jason still has one of them.  I bring this up because I just saw this photo on Kenji’s facebook page and couldn’t help thinking back to that afternoon.  I guess boys will be boys no matter what generation.  By the way, I want these Lego ninjas.

A Gift from Mommy

When we were in Italy, we stayed in a cute hotel in Florence where they served breakfast every morning.  One of our favorite things to eat there was the soft-boiled egg that they would make for us and serve on a little egg holder.  When we got back, Jes talked about it a few times and my mom remembered.  So for Christmas, she bought Jes a pair of egg cups from Crate and Barrel.  Thanks, Mommy!  Last weekend I made a soft-boiled egg and overcooked it.  Aw shucks.

Maybe I need this iPad app.

It’s so BIG.

Lookee what we got last Sunday (11/14)…a new addition to our Apple family.  This iMac is the biggest one so far (at 27 inches) and it’s so pretty!

Getting it home was quite an adventure.  Jes carried it down to the Muni station, sat next to it on the train, and then had to lug it across the street to our house.  With a new version of Photoshop and this gigantic machine, photo editing should be a lot more fun.