Browse Category: chuckle

Treats for the Boys

Saturday was a day for the boys of my house. In the morning, we drove Koa to Fort Funston and he was riddled with excitement. Just look at how hard he was trying to contain himself in the backseat of the car.   He really is a good passenger.

When we arrived, he couldn’t seem to get out of the car fast enough and raced down the field.

It was gloomy at the beach but he still had a great time running, sniffing, and darting from place to place.

There’s something so satisfying about watching a dog run off-leash.

When we got home, we took a trip to Safeway and Jes got the highly anticipated Coors Light Football Keg. He walked home with a smile on his face and it was cradled in his arms like a newborn baby. It’s not exactly the shape of a football but it’s brown, sits on its side, and has a tap!

There’s a CO2 cartridge that makes the beer fizz and it took a little trial and error initially to figure out how to make it pour out without a lot of foam. Jes was so excited about the keg that he didn’t care and just kept muttering to himself, “It’s ok. Foam is just future beer.”

Here is the keg in our fridge.  We had to push everything around to make it fit.

The Odd Couple

Jes has a history of scaring small children and making them cry as soon as he picks them up.  However, that streak was broken when Jack was born.  Jack has never been intimidated by Jes and has grown quite fond of him.  In fact, he’s always climbing on top of him, calling out his name, and bossing him around.  If you want some examples, go here and here (video).  Sunday night was no different.  We went to the Bangs’ for an Italian dinner and Jack and Jes played with the truck that can be taken apart and then screwed back together again.  There was plenty of “Here, Uncle Jesse” and “That one, Uncle Jesse”.  And Jes just sits there confused and mildly amused.  It’s always entertaining for the rest of us to watch their interaction.


The Sokol-Juns invited us for dinner last night and they made a mean bunch of ribs and potato salad.  I brought creamed corn and Tracy made peach pie.  Jack was on hyper-mode and he’s in the stage where he wants to just show off all his toys and tricks.

This kid has 4 different vehicles parked in the livingroom and took each one out to show us his stuff.

After dinner, Jes was playing around on Ryan’s new iPhone4 and got hooked on the Angry Birds game.  The animation and sound effects are hilarious and Jack got a kick out of watching Jes play and saying “Weeee!” just like the birds do when you let go of the slingshot.

After dessert, Jack went back to Jes and asked “Uncle Jesse play more weeee?”  Haha.  Cute.  And so he played and Jack watched with such delight.  It’s still funny to see a kid that is totally unafraid of Jes.  In fact, he would every once in a while tackle Jes and then nuzzle his shoulder.  You can tell in this photo that even Jes is confused by all the spunk.  What a goofball.

First Day of Gym Class

I’m back from my first class and T-Rex totally got her ass kicked.  I took a supposedly laid back class that involves hanging out on a 6-inch-wide balance beam for an hour but no one told me that I’d have to spend half of the time with 5-pound weights in each hand held at shoulder-level or above!  Didn’t they know that the girl with the wimpiest arms in the world was attending this class?!  And so, I walked a mile home with what felt like the heaviest gym bag ever and a stomach that felt like it was doing backflips.  Yes, the balance beam class made me tired and a little sick.  *sigh*  This is so embarrassing.  I’ve got strong legs but my arms and abs are like jello.  I think this is why I joined the gym.  Yep, this is EXACTLY why I joined a gym.  Luckily I only stumbled off the beam 2 or 3 times and I kept up with the rest of the class.  Hopefully I’ll be able to lift my babies at work tomorrow.

Look who had too much ice cream…

Last night Jes made pot roast and the Sokol-Juns came over to eat with us.  When it was plated, Jack said “Cupcake?!”  Ryan corrected him by saying “No, it’s meat cake!”  So for the rest of the night, we ate our meat cake and Jack did too.

After dinner, Ryan turned on the YouTube clip that Jack has been watching over and over again at home.  He’s watched so much that he sings, plays his guitar, and follows along with gestures and clapping.  Michelle made some chocolate chip cookies for dessert and we all enjoyed them with some vanilla ice cream.  Jack loved it so much that he asked for more and we gave it to him.

As a result, we got a little performance from the little guy and I got a long clip of the action.  By the way, the spoon is a guitar and the bar stool is a microphone and the dog is playing back-up. Make sure to turn on your sound for the singing and narration in the background.  You can probably hear me laughing in the background too.  If it’s not funny, I guess you had to be there.


This morning the rain came down pretty hard and I still had the task of walking the dog. It was the perfect opportunity to test out my new rain boots!!!

I bought them on sale at Sports Basement and they’re awesome!  Here’s a link to them if you wanted details.

I took the dog and the waterproof camera outside for some rainy day fun.  I guess I was the only one actually having fun. Dog was super confused by all the jumping and wading through the deep puddles.