Browse Category: chuckle

Funny Faces

Had coffee with Michelle and Reese again this morning.  Reese was having a good time hanging out with her tongue sticking.  Michelle tried to get a photo with her phone but got this instead.  Heh heh.  I look foolish but Reese is still adorable.

My Passport

The picture above was taken on our way to the airport in 2004.  (Happy Birthday, Huy!!)  It’s crazy that it’s been 10 years since I last renewed and I’ve had a pretty good run!  My passport just expired this past January and as I was filling out the paperwork for the renewal I flipped through the pages of stamps that I had inside.

Here’s a list of the places I’ve been:

Costa Rica – June 2004 (my first international trip in 18 years)
Thailand – December 2005/January 2006
Belize and Guatemala – September 2008
Italy – September 2009
London and Paris – September 2010

Phew!  What fun!

With this renewal looming for the past couple months, I put off getting my photo taken once again.  I FINALLY took my new photo last weekend at Walgreens while I was out running errands and thankfully my hair was brushed and I hadn’t just woken up.  ‘Cuz that’s what happened last time.

Back in 2001, I was living at home in Cerritos and I was putting off renewing my passport for several months.  My mom was tired of reminding me so one morning she woke me up in a hurry and said, “Get dressed, we’re going to AAA to get your passport picture taken.” I was given just enough time to brush my teeth and put my contacts on.  I was still in the t-shirt I was sleeping in and my hair was a mess.  The guy behind the camera clicked the camera so quickly without counting or anything and it was done.  Unfortunately, when I got the photos, I looked like a refugee with my hair sticking out on one side, my t-shirt collar all crooked and wrinkled, and my face and eyes were swollen.  I must admit it was a picture of supreme hotness.  At the moment I didn’t really care and mailed it in with my application but later on I regretted not taking a new one.  Jes always makes fun of me each time we go through customs and says in a gruff voice, “Let me into your country.  I want to eat your children.”  Great…he’s so supportive….  I’ve even had the guy behind the customs window make a double-take after looking at my passport!  This happened not just once but several times.  Wah. Waaah….

So my new photo has been taken and the application is ready to be mailed.  Pretty soon I should be ready to travel for the next 10 years with a less-embarrassing photo.  And no, I’m not going to post my refugee photo.

Year of the Rabbit

It’s the first day of the new lunar year and we celebrated by having the gang over for hot pot.  The babies took turns fussing while Jack was dealing with potty training issues and Koa was on high-alert each time a baby cried.  All the activity really made me realize how things have changed for us as a group.

We couldn’t even have all the grown ups seated at the table at one time.  Somehow everyone managed to eat dinner and the babies got fed too.

It was all very noisy but pretty entertaining at the same time.  I felt like we were in the middle of a sitcom.  Rowan needed constant bouncing and entertainment, Reese hung out on Ryan’s lap taking in all the sights and smells, Jack sat on his usual pile of Yellow Pages (with no pants on), Ryan was dropping eggshells on the floor, and Koa had dragged out his bed from the bedroom to show off his humping skills in the middle of the livingroom.  Ah…good times…happy new year, everyone!

Attack of the Birds

This past week we’ve had some pretty spectacular sunrises and sunsets.  On Wednesday, I noticed that the seagulls were swarming over McCovey Cove and I could hear sea lions close-by.

I walked the dog over to the pier and it looked like it was herring season again.  The fishing boats were all out catching the fish bright and early in the morning.

Later that afternoon, I went for a run and saw that the tide was really really low.  The full moon hung low behind the horizon and there were seagulls everywhere.  Wow, what a strange time of year.

On Saturday, I convinced Jes to go outside for a little sunshine since it had warmed up and we both needed to get some Vitamin D.  So we walked down to Pier 40 to take a look at the boats and hang out for a bit.  We walked all the way down to the end and found a HUGE flock of seagulls taking off from the pier.  I could see a scattering of plops in the water and ducked for cover.  Unfortunately, Jes was not so lucky.  He got hit in the cheek and some of the droppings also ran down his sweatshirt.  Great.  Our walk was instantly over and we had to head home.  *sigh* So much for getting outside.

Here’s another photo I took this morning during my run.  Luckily they were taking off toward the water and not over me.  Phew.

Times like these…

…make me love my job.

Story #1:

On Tuesday, in the middle of one of my sessions, one of my 7-year-old kiddos yelled “I have to pee!”  So I hurried him to the bathroom, set him up in front of the toilet, and said, “OK! Go pee pee!!”  We waited a few seconds and nothing happened.  I asked, “Uh…I thought you had to go.”  He replied by saying “Yeah, I did.  Maybe it ran out of batteries.”  Heh.  I got a good laugh that morning.

Story #2:

This afternoon we had planned an outing to the McDonald’s down the street from the hospital.  Unfortunately due to the events of the morning, we had to change our plans and stay in the hospital for the afternoon and had to resort to a Plan 2.  My intern made the suggestion of going out to get McDonald’s for the kids and having them eat together.  We did just that AND set up a drive-thru with 2 windows for the kids to drive up to.  The first window was for ordering and paying while the second one was for picking up your order.  We happened to have a McDonald’s cash register and put one of the kids in charge of taking the orders.  The others got on tricycles and other little riding toys and paid with Monopoly money.  We all had a good time and the kids did too.  Heh heh.