Browse Category: chuckle

locked out

Right now, I’m sitting with my laptop, sitting in my car that is parked in the garage. I’ve been locked out of my house.
This morning I left for work without my house keys, which also has my office key to get into my clinic. So, I was locked out of my office this morning and got in by walking through two classrooms to get in the back way. La-Dee-Da…all is well in the world again. Unfortunately, when I got home just now, I opened the garage, rounded up the dogs as they attempted to escape (they were in the garage all day), and found the door to my house from the garage was locked. Boo!! I suppose Jes thinks that if the garage/patio door is left ajar all day, someone can hop the wall, get in through the garage/house door, and steal our stuff. So, that leaves me here…locked out, have to pee, need to walk the dogs but no access to their leashes, and Jes won’t be home for another 45 minutes. I need to stop forgetting my keys.


The brother emailed this to me today. This is so typical of me and my brother together. Here’s an example…
Even when Johnny and I try to smile, my dad tries to prevent the “cheesy smile” by saying, “No teeth, OK?” Well, then it turns out like this…
I think showing teeth is good. Don’t you think?

Mutual Understanding

IMG_1421We just got back from Jesse’s cousin’s wedding reception. The reception was pretty standard but Jes had an interesting experience with his grandmother. Grandma (usually referred to as “PoPo”) is a very sweet lady who lives in a studio at the Assisted Living Residence next to Cerritos College. She took care of Jesse when he was a baby so they’ve always had a special bond that required no verbal communication. Exchanges between them usually involve her asking or saying something and Jesse responding with a nod and smile (having no idea what she just said). He’s always had someone to translate in a time of need. Well, today was a little different. We were on our own.

Since we didn’t attend the wedding ceremony, we had the duty of picking her up and taking her to the reception. When we got there, she was pleasantly surprised to see us. As we walked in, she quickly tidied up a bit and started to make some tea for us. So I quietly asked Jes, “uh, does she know we’re taking her somewhere?” It turns out that no one told her ahead of time. OK…I guess we’ll just have to tell her. The problem was that she only speaks Cantonese and neither of us were able to communicate with her. So Jes called his dad and gave the phone to her. Once she was told that we were taking her out for dinner, it was all good. That is, until we suggested that she should bring a sweater. I tried to find one but all she had hanging were a bunch of heavy coats. After some fumbling with broken English and some gestures, she figured it out and spent the next 10 minutes trying to find a sweater in her closet. OK…got the sweater…now we gotta check her shoes. Jes’ mom specifically asked us to make sure she wore proper shoes. So I pulled out a pair of “church shoes” for her. She figured it out and put on one of the them and then decided that the ones she was wearing were fine. OK…those shoes weren’t bad. Time to go!

At the reception, we all sat together at Table 14. Grandma was chillin’…sorta dozing off every now and then. In her old age, I don’t think she remembers many people anymore. At one point, a lady (someone she used to know) came by and tapped her on the shoulder and said “hello” to her. As the lady walked away, Grandma looked at Jes and (in Cantonese) asked him, “do you know who that was?”. Jes shrugged with “I don’t know”. Considering the limited amount of communication they had, they managed to get a good laugh. In fact, Grandma laughed so hard that she had tears in her eyes. That was entertaining…for both of them.

You can call me Super Babysitter!

Marie had to go into the office today so she called me up this morning to see if I’d be willing to hang out with Cole for bit. I didn’t have anything planned so I thought, “sure, I’ll give it a try”. I got there around 12:30. Marie fed him before leaving and then it was just me and the baby.

It started out great at first. Cole was in a good mood having a full tummy and lots of energy. He hung out in this little walker/activity thing for about 30 mins while I worked on my website and chatted with Holly on the phone. I thought, “hey, this isn’t so bad”. But I thought too soon. He eventually got a little fussy so I had to hang up the phone and took him out of the walker and tried to entertain him.

Little by little, he got crankier and crankier until he was at a complete state of meltdown with tears and everything. I can tolerate crying like the best of them so I let him cry his poor little heart out for a good 20 minutes while I held him, swung him, bounced him, sang to him, and even changed his diaper. I eventually put him back in the walker to see if he could calm himself down but he was just too angry. He just cried and walked around in circles for a good minute. Then I gave in. I picked him up again and called Marie. I felt bad and thought there might be something wrong but by the time I got on the phone with her, he started to fall asleep on my shoulder. “Ah…all better. Into the crib you go!”

So Marie was able to work another 45 minutes and I got some quiet time to finish up my site until Marie came home. All is right with the world when you can get a good nap in. Gotta love the naps!

By the way, like the new beakatude site?

Monterey – Day 2

Sunday, Day Two, started out with a free breakfast at our hotel since Jes is now a Platinum Member at Marriott. Haha. I guess all that travelling does have its perks sometimes. At about 10:30, we met up at Monterey Bay Kayaks, put on some wetsuits and life vests, and cast off into the bay. It was a really cool experience. The water was nice…not to cold and rather calm. We saw lots of seals and sea lions hanging out on the rocks. I saw a couple otters too!! That was the part I was waiting for and luckily I saw some before I got seasick, which happened shortly after and during. Here is the gist of it: “Hey, it’s an otter!..hold on, gotta puke real quick….OK, that’s better.” Unfortunately, this went on for the rest of the trip and as the seasickness worsened so did my paddling, which made it all worse. At one point, I was throwing up the strawberries I ate at breakfast, paddling furiously, and going around in circles. Poor Jes had to come to my rescue and tow me back to shore. What a mess. Fortunately, I still enjoyed the experience and got to see an otter floating in the water. Mission Accomplished!
Afterwards, we enjoyed some BBQ at a sidewalk fair near the hotel. Then we drove off to Carmel to hang out in the little artsy village that had a Coach Factory Store. It was a nice place to walk around and look at people. We also stopped to taste some Australian wine. There was a funny little beagel who was nice and rotund from being the official greeter of the winery. He has a neat little trick of getting up on his hind legs and begging until he gets a piece of your bread…clever little feller.

How sad! Heh…kinda funny too.

With Spring in full force, we have bunnies all over the place! Everytime we take Koa for a walk, there’s a bunny hanging out on the sidewalk or sunning on the lawn. Koa has a great time chasing them but luckily for them we have him on a leash. Unfortunately, they’ve activated their special bunny multiplying power in some other neighborhoods where residents are threatening to shoot them with BB guns.
Yesterday, Jes sent me the link to this set of cartoons. They’re really sad but made me laugh anyways. All I could say to myself was, “why does Mr. Bunny want to die so bad?!” Check it out here.