Browse Category: chuckle

16 questions

Got this from Jia. I asked Jes these 16 questions and wrote down exactly what he said:

N: What is something I always say?
J: “Where’s my phone?”

N: What makes me happy?
J: “Spaghetti”

N: What makes me sad?
J: “Lots of stuff”

N: How tall am I?
J: “5 foot 2”

N: What’s my favorite thing to do?
J: “Sleep”

N: What do I do when you’re not around?
J: “Play on your phone”

N: If I become famous, what will it be for?
J: “Famous?!”

N: What makes you proud of me?
J: “You’re a good mom.”

N: What is my favorite food?
J: “All the foods!”

N: What is my favorite restaurant?
J: “Lawry’s”

N: Where is my favorite place to visit?
J: “Hawaii”

N: If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
J: “Hawaii”

N: How do I annoy you?
J: “You leave your bag open” (Yup, and I got an iPad stolen out of the baby bag.)

N: What is my favorite movie?
J: “I don’t know”

N: Who is my celebrity crush?
J: “Justin Timberlake”

N: You get a phone call that I am in trouble, who am I with?
J: “Ranee”

Having a little fun…


It’s always nice to have a random workday off. It’s even nicer when your husband can join you. We left Peanut with Mirian today while we took KK to see her first movie this morning. Later in the afternoon, we went on a little pub crawl around the neighborhood. It started at the cafe downstairs and then moved over to The Yard.


We later added Peanut to the mix and still had a good time.


This is basically my version of Happy Hour lately.

Eventually, every one in the house fell asleep and I was left alone with some free time on my hands. Teresa sent me a link to the CheerioChallenge and I thought I’d give it a try with some leftover puffs.


This one was the hardest. Peanut is a SUPER LIGHT sleeper and my hands were not the steadiest tonight. I had 5 on his head at one point but two rolled off.


Then I stacked some of Jes. This one was challenging because his arm would move up and down as he breathed.


KK is probably the easiest because she is a pretty good sleeper. I just had to wait for her to get into a deeper sleep because when I tried earlier, she would wake up each time a puff rolled off her face. Heh heh.

This is what I do to amused myself nowadays.


Chaotic Photoshoot


We went to Teresa’s house this morning to take some portraits of Baby Hudson. It was a lot more chaotic than I anticipated but I managed to snap a few decent photos.




Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the craziness that occurred with my two kids in tow.


Luckily KK was on her best behavior but it still added to the difficulty level of this photoshoot.

Just Mamas Mother’s Day Celebration


This year, Ranee and I decided to plan our own day of fun. We made arrangements to have the husbands watch the kids and invited Ishya too. The three of us met up at Rockridge BART Station and headed out for a morning and early afternoon of girl time. We called it our First Annual Just Mamas Mother’s Day Celebration. First stop was Bourbon and Beef where we bought a Groupon that gave us $40 worth of food and drinks for only $16!!! Ranee’s superpower is finding the best deals on booze (and food)!


I already had breakfast in the morning so I had two glasses of prosecco and so did Ranee. Cousin had a massive french toast.


Look at this bill! It was $40 even!! Totally unplanned but worked out perfectly!


The next stop was Southie for lunch. We shared a carafe of wine and I had a tasty pork belly sandwich packed with a jalapeno slaw.


It was so nice to walk into a tiny restaurant and not have to ask for a highchair or worry about what to order for the kids. I also didn’t have to share any of my food today. The best part was having an uninterrupted conversation with my girls.


Next stop was Philz Coffee for Ishya and Safeway for something tasty to drink for Ranee and I.


We took our roadies to the nail spa across the street and had a great time.


This bubbly pear and apple drink was perfect for the occasion.


There were plenty of giggles between the three of us.

IMG_1083  IMG_1089

We had so much fun that we were already making plans for our next outing together.


What a fun Mother’s Day Eve outing! Thanks to Jes, Jamie, and Billy’s parents for giving us these precious 4 hours of fun!!

morning updates


Ever since I started working again, Jes has been taking KK to school and picking her up everyday.  There are some mornings when she’s really good and will get dressed on her own and stay out of trouble while he’s on a call and Mirian is taking care of Peanut and Andrea.  Some mornings, she’s been an emotional rollercoaster in the morning. One tiny thing will set her off and she’ll give Jes the silent treatment on the train ride to school.  It’s usually because Jes said “no” to something ridiculous like she wants to wear something inappropriate for the weather outside (like rainboots when it’s 70 degrees and sunny outside) or she didn’t get to press the elevator button. I usually get an update after drop-off and today was pretty funny. It also shows how some mornings just don’t go as planned.


This morning, I had bought doughnuts for my co-worker’s going-away breakfast and brought back doughnut holes for KK. She got two balls and some milk while I was packing her lunch. Unfortunately, I forgot to give he the yogurt too and she ended going on a snacking frenzy while Jes wasn’t paying attention.