Browse Category: babies

Vivian & Family

DSC_5295Right after my visit to Ranee’s, I headed down the street to meet up with Steph, Nathan, and Vivian for her 1st birthday portraits.  DSC_5268This red two-piece was from the Bahamas and has been worn by her older cousins when they were her size and passed down to her.DSC_5335

The second outfit was a birthday gift and the purple in the dress really complimented her skin color.




Vivian’s 1st Birthday

DSC_5110Little Vivian turned One last week and we celebrated this afternoon at a park in Walnut Creek.  The weather was warm with a nice breeze and Stephanie had a great spot in the shade and in between the two playground structures.

DSC_5116DSC_5115Vivian really enjoyed her birthday cake: angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberry.


Henry didn’t get any cake but he really loves his aunties and his newly-introduced puffs.


It was nice seeing the kids together and Vivian has really grown so much.  Hard to believe she’s not a baby anymore.DSC_5136

Pretty soon she’ll be walking, talking, and blowing bubbles like this kid I know.

Hopkins Family

DSC_4993Henry turned 6 months last week and Teresa wanted photos of him.  So, they came over on Sunday morning and we headed out to Brannan Street Wharf for a quick photoshoot.  Henry was so smiley and in a great mood.

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Click here for the album.

July 4th

This year, I worked on July 4th and it actually wasn’t too bad.  We had a good group of therapists working and it was a lot more laid back than a usual day.  IMG_5532


Henry and Aaron also stopped by at lunch so that gave us a nice little break in the day.

IMG_5528Meanwhile, Jes took Kumquat for a ride on the train to get to Jason and Jia’s house in Redwood City.  I got this photo sent to me with a text saying “Peace out, suckas.”


I drove straight down to Redwood City from work and after enjoying some ribs, corn, and ice cream, we sat down and watched fireworks on tv.  It was such a nice way to end the day.  It sure beats having to fight traffic and crowds.

Baby Avia

DSC_4936 I got a text from Ranee on Saturday afternoon saying that she was going in to the hospital due to some minor complications.  They decided to do a c-section that night and Baby Avia Ema was born!  On Monday, I went to visit them in the hospital and it was so fun to see a newborn again.  DSC_4941DSC_4947DSC_4970She was so small next to big sister Sophie.  Ranee looked great and the baby was already eating like a champ.DSC_4975IMG_5468

Click here for the album.