Browse Category: babies


IMG_6021We visiting Jia and Jason this afternoon and it looks like they are settling into their new life as parents quite well.  The twins are sleeping, eating, and pooping as they should be and Jia is adjusting to motherhood gracefully.

IMG_6026It was also very cute to see KK’s response to the twins.  She had looked forward to meeting them all week but started out with some hesitation.  After the initial warm-up, she was so attentive and would run into the room any time one of them started to cry.  She watched Auntie Jia feed them and was so interested.

IMG_5180It reminded me a lot of when KK was first born and Koa used to run to her every time she cried.

IMG_6019Toni has become the better eater and settles down rather quickly afterward.IMG_6020Thomas has become the more temperamental one and needs a little more coaxing to eat.IMG_6040Here they are in the pack-n-play together for the first time.  They were both a little irritable and weren’t able to soothe each other just yet.  That’s Thomas on the left and Toni on the right.

This is gonna be a fun year for all of us!  I can’t wait for Peanut to arrive so that we can have the whole gang together.  After watching her interactions this evening with the twins, I am confident that KK will be a great big sister.  It’s gonna be a lot of work but so fun at the same time!

The twins are here!!

IMG_5958Today was an exciting day for the Laos.  Jia delivered the twins today around noon and they came out big and healthy.

DSC_6424Baby A was the boy and he weighed 6 lbs 5 oz.  His name is Thomas James.  He’s already quite an eater.

DSC_6429Baby B was the girl and she weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.  Her name is Toni Jessie.  She’s the less-enthusiastic eater and fusses more.  It’s so appropriate that she was given her uncle’s name as her middle.

DSC_6434The babies are 38 weeks gestation and are developed enough to not need a NICU stay.  Jia is doing well and delivered them without needing a C-section but had some bleeding afterward.  However, with some plasma and rest, she was looking really good when we visited this evening.  Jia and the babies should be able to go home in a couple days.  Yippee!!

Congratulations, You Two!!  Welcome to Parenthood!!  It’s gonna a be a crazy ride and we’ll be there with you all along the way!

Baby Maya

IMG_5916This afternoon, we went to Jimmy and Eleen’s house in Alameda.  We finally got to meet Maya, who was born in April, and has such an impressive head of hair!

IMG_5914She’s about 7 weeks old now and has such a sweet smile.  I couldn’t help notice how grown up KK looks next to this little baby.

IMG_5921It was also fun to watch Zoe and KK interacting so much more together this evening.  They’re only 4 months apart.

IMG_5908Congratulations, Agustins!!  It was so nice catching up with you guys and meeting your little one today.  Maya and Peanut will be about 4 months apart too!!

Memorial Day Weekend – Part 2

IMG_7233On Sunday morning, I took the parents out for breakfast.  We almost lost KK’s sweatshirt there but someone ended up finding it and we were able to get it back by the afternoon.

IMG_5702We later went to church but it was cut short when Jes’ mom came in to retrieve us so that we could meet up with his dad between meetings.

IMG_5710In the afternoon, Jes and I went to Dayantha’s house to visit them and to meet Oliver.  He’s almost 7 months old and so adorable.

IMG_5712I realized we hadn’t seen them since last year’s Hawaii trip for Yoon’s wedding.  Krissy was in the very early part of her pregnancy then and hadn’t told anyone yet.IMG_5726It was nice being able to catch up with them finally.


For dinner, we met up with Pish and his family for our usual Thai feast at the usual place.  Marie and her family were in San Diego this weekend so it was a smaller group this time around.


Unfortunately KK slept right though dinner and missed out on the good food.IMG_5737

Before heading back to the Magical House, we went to Creamistry for some ice cream made with liquid nitrogen.  Alice loves playing in the steam.IMG_5743We all shared a little scoop of Cinnamon Crunch ice cream.  It was yummy in its own right but made me miss Secret Breakfast.

IMG_5798On Monday morning, it was time to pack up and drive back to SF.  The drive was long and challenging because of all the congestion on the interstate.  There were times where the traffic would go from 70 mph to 0 in just a couple seconds.  Scary.  It’s nice to be home after such a long drive but I already miss my family.

Butano State Park


We went on our sort-of annual camping trip this weekend at Butano State Park.  It was conveniently located only an hour from our house and in a redwood forest near Half Moon Bay.  It was cold so I was all covered up and there were no mosquitoes to bother me.  That was a nice change.

DSC_6347The campground was nice and they had running water in the bathrooms closeby.  Thank goodness!  We actually had flushing toilets and running water in the sinks.  I came prepared with a step stool and toilet seat for KK to use so she could go to the bathroom without my help.

IMG_5234We also borrowed MaryAnn’s tent, which was really easy to set-up and we were able to fit Jason and Jia’s full-sized air mattress and all three of us slept comfortably inside.

DSC_6401On Saturday morning, we took the kids to a nearby goat far.  They had some cute billy goats in the front.

IMG_5315There was plenty of space for the kids to run around and KK played with Rowan quite a bit.

DSC_6362They chased each other around and looked for banana slugs together.

DSC_6364I had seen a banana slug at the aquarium but never in nature.  They look a little gross at first but are actually pretty cool.

IMG_5284A lot of our time was spent around the fire burning stuff – including marshmallows.  IMG_9874This picture of KK and her flaming marshmallow makes me chuckle.

IMG_5313All the kids had a great time and camping with KK was much easier this time around compared to her first trip when she was 3 months old.

IMG_9888Here is this year’s group photo on our last day.  It was nice having just the 6 of us again (plus the kids of course).  As chaotic as it seems sometimes, it’s still fun to go camping with these animals.  Hopefully we’ll be able to pull it off again next year with Peanut in tow.


Here we are on our last trip without kids or anyone with a bun in the oven.  We drove all the way to Yellowstone in a minivan in 2006 with barely enough room for our feet.  I’d say this was still my favorite trip so far.  I can’t wait to take KK and Peanut there to see the bison and stinky springs.

JoshuaTree2003I also found a photo of our first camping trip.  It was the four of us at Joshua Tree NP and it was SOOOOO HOT.  It’s hard to believe this was 12 years ago!  Good times…

Mini Me

IMG_5054Friends have told me that KK is starting to look more and more like me but I haven’t really seen it. That was, until today when my dad sent me this photo of me on my 3rd birthday next to KK’s 3rd birthday picture.

IMG_5055Then he sent this picture of Brother and Alice next to each other. We’ve always said that they look alike but this really shows the resemblance.