Browse Category: babies

Jack’s Pre-Party


I went to Michelle’s Baby Shower on Saturday afternoon. As I had written in my card to them, I still can’t believe our melter friends are going to be parents. Oh well…I think they’ll figure it all out by the time Jack is 6 months old. Haha. The shower was just down the street from my home at Michelle and Ryan’s loft. It was great to see Michelle and Ryan’s moms so excited about the arrival of the baby. There were games, food, and of course, lots of gifts. The baby is expected to arrive on November 3rd and we should be collecting our $1000 very soon…muhahahaha.

Update (9/30/07): The photos are ready for your viewing pleasure.

Another one!

brandon.jpgI got a text message from Marie and Kenji this morning announcing the arrival of their second baby boy. He was born in the early morning and weighed, 7 lbs, 3 oz. Yay!!

Congratulations to the Suminos!!

Update: My parents went to visit the baby and my dad took this precious photo.  I think they’ve decided to name him Brandon.

Baby Zoe

zoe-209.jpgI got an email from Johnny (and Patty) that their little baby girl was born on August 15th. Johnny sent two photos but I decided to post this one because I thought she had the cutest little smile. She’s 7lbs, 1oz. and it sounds like they’re all doing quite well. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to meet her!

missed again

dsc_7110a.jpgLast night I had dinner at Debbie and Pish’s house and they made tasty carnitas. Thanks, guys! It was nice to hang out with family and to see Katie again. It’s crazy how fast babies grow. I didn’t notice it before when she was still a newborn but when she scowls she reminds me of our grandmother. It’s pretty neat!

Unfortunately for me, I came right between her two naps and only got to hang out with her for a few minutes before she had to go to sleep. This is one of the photos I got of her napping in the swing.  What an awesome life…sleep, eat, poop, sleep some more.

Ak! Babyboom!

OK.  This is getting a little ridiculous.  As most of you know, I work in a Special Ed preschool and kids come in to get tested just months before they turn three years of age.  Well, just in the last two months, I’ve tested three kids who have very familiar addresses.  They all live in my neighborhood!  In fact, they live just down the street from me.  I’m surprised I hadn’t met them yet in passing. 

I guess it all makes sense if you do the math.  I moved into my house that was built in a brand-new community almost 4 years ago and it looks like a bunch of my neighbors were nesting at the time.  If they moved into their house the same time I did, conceived within the first couple months of moving in, and had a baby 9 months later, then these babies are ALL turning three years old this year.  I guess I was just destined to meet some of them within the context of Special Education.  It’s sad, but true.  It seems that more and more children are growing up with some kind of problem.  Luckily for them we live in a good school district but unfortunately for me, it’s bombarding me with more and more work. 

Anyway, my point is that I’m getting a first-hand experience at how there’s a new generation of human beings sprouting out of these little condos down the street.  There’s gotta be a way to make money off of this!  Just the other day, Brother was looking into the future and I think he’s got something going with his predictions.  Perhaps it’s time for me to unveil my long-awaited business plan soon…muhahaha…

A new family member!


This morning our family gained a new member!  Her name is Katie and she was born at 6:06 am.  She came 3 weeks early and her delivery couldn’t have gone any smoother.  Welcome to the family, Katie!  And congratulations to my cousins, Pish and Debbie.

Here are photos from her first day in the big big world.