Browse Category: babies

Koa Sniffs Jack


The Sokol-Juns came over to watch the first half of the UCLA/USC game today. Jack was in his Bruins get-up, which didn’t bring us much luck today.


However, Koa got a good sniffin’ of his new buddy and was just enamored with his poopie diaper. I don’t know why but Koa just looooves sniffin’ babies. He just couldn’t get enough when Ryan let him sniff Jack’s feet, tummy, booty, and head.

Oh yeah, Happy One Month of Life, Jack!

Here are some more photos of Jack.

Happy Baby


Over Thanksgiving Weekend, I met Patty and Johnny’s baby girl, Zoe. She’s about 3 months old now and she’s such a happy baby. It sure does make your heart melt when a baby smiles at you.

Here are some photos I took of her last week.

Jack in the House!



On Thursday morning at about 4:45 am, I got a text message from Ryan. It said that Michelle went into labor and that the baby would arrive by noon. He was right and I got a second message at lunchtime announcing the arrival of little Jack at 11:53 am weighing in at 7 lbs, 8 oz and 20 inches. That afternoon, Vyl got off work early, picked me up from work, and drove us to the hospital to meet the newest member of the Sokol-Jun family. Mom and Dad are doing well and it sounded like the entire process went smoothly. Congrats, guys!

Here are photos that Ryan and Michelle sent to us.
Here are some of the photos I’ve taken.

Happy Halloween!

img_1448.jpgI’m not one for dressing up for Halloween but I do love those baby costumes. Here’s Patti’s little one, Lauryn, in her Tigger costume. I hope you have all had your fill of Skittles and KitKat…I have.

Have your costume yet?!


Juliet sent me some photos of her baby girl Madeleine with Patty’s baby girl Zoe in their Halloween costumes. Baby costumes are so adorable but the babies always look so confused. Here they are together (I think at Juliet’s house) with their get-ups on. In case you couldn’t tell, Maddie is a ladybug and Zoe is a goldfish. Both babies and moms look like they’re doing well.


I made my first trip back to Cerritos (and Irvine) this weekend and it was a lot of fun. I got to sleep in my old room and in my old bed. I got to wake up in the Magical House where breakfast was ready as soon as I got up on Sunday.  Woohoo!

p1000241b.jpgOn Sunday, I drove down to Irvine to pick up some supplies for my inservice and stopped by the old neighborhood to say “hello” to my old neighbors. Luckily they were home and we got to do a little catching up. Later that day, I had lunch with Patti and it was so nice to hang out with her again. In the evening, I went to my uncle’s retirement dinner. I also got to meet little Brandon for the first time, which was a special treat. Cole is growing up fast and pretty soon little Brandon will be running alongside him as his sidekick. That evening I spent the night at the Suminos’ in preparation for my presentation in Irvine the next day.

On Monday morning, Kenji dropped me off on his way to dropping Cole off to work and it was a pretty early morning for all of us. I got to ECLC and it was just like old times…going into work and messing with the photocopiers in a rush to get everthing done before 8 am. It sounded like my presentation went well. I had to present the same material to two different groups within the span of 3 hours, which ended up being pretty tiring. My throat was so sore afterwards and I was pooped. I got to catch up with old co-workers and had lunch with the OT team. Everyone is pretty stressed out already and it’s only October! The girl who filled my spot is pretty frazzled at this point and I spent about two hours consulting with her about certain sticky cases. Dave gave me a ride home that afternoon and it felt like old times. Later in the evening Brother and I took my parents out for a Lawry’s dinner. It was an early birthday dinner for my mom and a great time for the four of us to just be together again.

Here are photos from my weekend.