Browse Category: babies

Missing the Rockstar and a Tob

On Sunday evening, two thirds of Roebling got together for an extra special Sunday Supper.  G and Dena traveled across the country to spend Thanksgiving on the west coast and they brought their little guy Andersen.

He’s only 6 weeks older than Jack so it was really fun to watch the two of them play side-by-side.

Ryan prepared a standing rib roast with yorkshire pudding and we brought over mashed potatoes and creamed corn.  In fact, I made Lawry’s creamed corn from a recipe I found on the interwebs!!  Yum yum!

We all sat around the table eating off of the Sokol-Juns’ bone china wishing that Joel and Tob were also there.  It was so nice to catch up with old friends over good food.  It definitely a pleasant way to end my Thanksgiving weekend.

Here are the rest of the photos.

What a good boy.

Last night I babysat Jack and he was quite the entertainer.  When I arrived, he was a little whiny as if he knew that his parents were about to leave.  Fortunately for me, he quickly forgot about them once they left.  We read books, he played the piano for me, he pushed his wagon around the house, and he also showed me how he likes to harass the cats.  It was all very cute.

By 8 pm, he walked over to the baby gate in front of his room and seemed to signal that he wanted to go inside.  I guess it was time for bed.  I grabbed his warmed bottle and we sat down for “Goodnight Moon”.  Then I plopped him into his crib and he turned on his sleeping music.  I tucked him into his sleeping sack and gave him his bottle.  Just as Ryan said, he downed the bottle in just a couple minutes and gave me his sleepy eyes.  I gave him his horsie blankie, said “goodnight”, and turned off the light.  He immediately whined loudly and tried to stand up at the rail but he quickly began talking to himself and mouthing his blanket for the next couple minutes.  Soon enough he was out like a light and the rest of the evening was a piece of cake.  Perhaps he knew that it was his mommy’s birthday and had to be on his best behavior or maybe he’s just a good boy.  I’ll never know but at least he was an angel that night that I was in charge.

All Growns Up

Little Jack is a whoppin’ year older today.  I can’t believe it’s been a year already!

Congratulations to Michelle and Ryan for surviving their first year of parenthood!

Charlie’s 1st Birthday Party – October 18, 2008

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of photographing Charlie’s 1st birthday party.  Charlie is actually little Jack’s nanny buddy and his mom hired me to shoot photos of his special day.  There were little kids all over the place and the community room was a great venue.

Amy and David’s family were in town just for this event and they were all so nice.

Charlie is quite the cutie and loves the camera.  It certainly makes my life easier when the star of the event is also a ham.

Charlie also donned a hanbok, which is the traditional Korean outfit worn on special occasions like this one.  He was quite a little trooper with so many layers on him.

Here’s a photo of Charlie, Jack, their mommies, and their favorite nanny.  Cute.

Happy 1st Birthday, Charlie! And thanks for having me at your party!

Here are the photos.

So loved…

This is me (left) and Marie on my 3rd Birthday.  That’s 30 years ago!!!

I feel so loved.  The best part of my birthday is hearing from all my friends and family.  This year, it’s been through a combination of phone calls, voicemails, emails, sms text messages, a blog posting, birthday cards, and Facebook postings.  I’ve also had a pretty fun week of celebrating at Lawry’s, Disneyland, B Bar, work, Napa, and Luce and I’m ready to take on my 34th year of life.

And of course…Happy Birthday, Brother!!  I hope the pirates treated you well last night!

Noods and Yo

On Thursday afternoon, my mom and I met up with Marie and the boys for lunch at Fukada.  Oh how I miss their udon!  Cole and Brandon were in a pretty good mood.  However, Cole quickly became antsy as Brandon continued to eat and eat.

He’s such a happy eater.

Afterward, we went to The Spectrum for some frozen yogurt.  Ah…another old hangout spot for me and Marie.