Browse Category: babies

Sunday Fobby Supper

Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there. Once again I was not home for this holiday and it kinda bummed me out. Fortunately, I have good friends around and one of them happens to be a dad now. So the Bangs and Sokol-Juns came over for dinner and had a Sunday Fobby Supper.


Jack had a good time hanging out by the window pointing to the pool and saying “agua agua” over and over again.  The dog also had a good time sharing his toys with everyone and humping his bed because of all the excitement.

beef noodle soup

Dinner was complete with Spicy Beef Noodle Soup and Mango with Coconut Sticky Rice. Jes followed a bunch of different recipes and it turned out great. There was just the right amount of kick in the soup, the beef from super tender, and the noodles were tasty.

mango and sticky rice

For the coconut sticky rice, I followed my mom’s secret recipe and made it the night before just in case I had to start over. Lucky for me I got it right the first time and it was oh so yummy…a little sweet, a little salty, and perfect with the manila mangoes that I bought at the store. Yay! By the end of the night, we were all so stuffed. What a satisfying way to finish the weekend.

Fruit Everywhere!


On Saturday morning we all woke up early and left the house by 8:30 for a trip to Brentwood.  It’s a 54-mile drive to the middle of farmtown to pick some white peaches, cherries, and blackberries.  The weather was warm but pleasant and the fruit was plentiful.


Little J had a good time giving Uncle Bang dirt, wandering the orchard, and feeding the goats some twigs.  Jes and I ended up with about 4 pounds of fruit – 3 white peaches and lots of Bing and white cherries.


We also found some bootilicious cherries that were just as yummy.   The others also picked a bunch of blackberries, which turned out to be the best deal since they were so tiny and had no seed inside.  For $2.50/pound, we have enough fruit for at least a week and had a fun time pickin’ fruit.


For lunch, we went to a Red Robin in some mall that we found along the way.  The last time I had Red Robin was a while ago in Irvine and it was delicious.  We were all so excited that we ordered the Tower of (Onion) Rings for the table.  Awesome.

The Making of a Fan

watching the game

Little J and I spent the evening in front of the TV watching the Lakers play in Game 5.  He had a grilled cheese sammich while I ate my cherries.  When the players were running up and down the court, he would point and say “Ball! Ball!”.  Woohoo!  He seemed to actually enjoy the game but then again I think TV is still pretty novel for him.

auntie beak and lil j

The most important part was that by halftime he managed to eat all of his dinner and drank all his banana milk.  The rest of the evening was spent pushing cars around and rearranging the Tupperware drawer.  When it was time for bed, he got his teeth brushed, diaper changed (whew, it was loaded!), pjs on, and was out in just a couple minutes.  Woohoo!!!  So, by the end of the night I had a happy sleeping toddler and the Lakers won Game 5.  Today was a good day.

Sunday Smokey Supper

I wanna play!

Ryan was in the mood for BBQ on Saturday so he went to Home Depot and bought himself a smoker.  On Sunday, we had a variety of smoked meats including ribs, short ribs, country ribs, and even a bloomin’ onion.



Jack also had the chance to show off his new skills.  At 18 months, he’s walking really well now, saying lots of words, labeling photos of people (including Auntie Beak), and even driving…his little red car.  🙂 What a big boy.


Triple Celebration

big screen

This weekend was chockful of celebrations.  On Saturday, we attended Susie’s graduation, which took place on the USS Hornet.  It’s a retired aircraft carrier that has been turned into a museum and it was HUGE!  The ceremony lasted a whoppin’ 3 hours with lots of boring (and bad) speeches followed by a long procession of graduates whose names were called one by one.  The stage was so far from us that we had to watch everything from the giant screens overhead.

the girls

the masayas

Afterward, we explored the ship and got to go up to the flight deck.  That was pretty neato.


In the evening, we had dinner at Tsunami and then walked down to Carmen’s (a filipino restaurant) located across from where we live to watch the pay-per-view fight.  It only lasted 2 rounds and I got back from walking Koa just in time to see the knock out.  Lucky me!  Pacquiao was crazy fast!  So in celebration of the win, the rest of the evening was spent drinking beer, singing karaoke, and entertaining Koa who was tied up outside the restaurant.

koa and armando

All the workers at the restaurant loved coming out to greet Koa and some were determined to make friends with him.  He finally gave in and reluctantly let one of them pet him.

birthday cake


On Sunday, we went to the Agustins’ for Jimmy’s Bday BBQ.  There was a lot of Cinco de Mayo-themed food and beverages and it was an eating and drinking marathon for everyone.  The party was also filled with physical challenges from push-ups to pull-ups to taking shots.  It was truly a typical Jimmy Bday.


I also got to meet Agnes and Tim’s little 3-month-old girl who had the cutest hair-do.  It reminded me of Patti’s Katelyn’s hair back when she was a baby.  I reassured Agnes that her hair was come down eventually.

An Afternoon at the Playground


This afternoon, I was walking Koa and found Little J and his Mommy at the playground.  I was amazed at how big he’s gotten and enjoyed watching him play in the sand and on the boat.


He’s walking.



He’s explorin’.


He’s even steering a boat!!


Hi Five!!