Look who had too much ice cream…
Last night Jes made pot roast and the Sokol-Juns came over to eat with us. When it was plated, Jack said “Cupcake?!” Ryan corrected him by saying “No, it’s meat cake!” So for the rest of the night, we ate our meat cake and Jack did too.
After dinner, Ryan turned on the YouTube clip that Jack has been watching over and over again at home. He’s watched so much that he sings, plays his guitar, and follows along with gestures and clapping. Michelle made some chocolate chip cookies for dessert and we all enjoyed them with some vanilla ice cream. Jack loved it so much that he asked for more and we gave it to him.
As a result, we got a little performance from the little guy and I got a long clip of the action. By the way, the spoon is a guitar and the bar stool is a microphone and the dog is playing back-up. Make sure to turn on your sound for the singing and narration in the background. You can probably hear me laughing in the background too. If it’s not funny, I guess you had to be there.
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