Browse Category: babies

Look who had too much ice cream…

Last night Jes made pot roast and the Sokol-Juns came over to eat with us.  When it was plated, Jack said “Cupcake?!”  Ryan corrected him by saying “No, it’s meat cake!”  So for the rest of the night, we ate our meat cake and Jack did too.

After dinner, Ryan turned on the YouTube clip that Jack has been watching over and over again at home.  He’s watched so much that he sings, plays his guitar, and follows along with gestures and clapping.  Michelle made some chocolate chip cookies for dessert and we all enjoyed them with some vanilla ice cream.  Jack loved it so much that he asked for more and we gave it to him.

As a result, we got a little performance from the little guy and I got a long clip of the action.  By the way, the spoon is a guitar and the bar stool is a microphone and the dog is playing back-up. Make sure to turn on your sound for the singing and narration in the background.  You can probably hear me laughing in the background too.  If it’s not funny, I guess you had to be there.

Hot Pot Sunday

We had Sunday Supper at the Bangs’ for Chinese New Year and it was super tasty.  Vyl (as usual) went all out with the thinly sliced beef and pork, fish and beef balls, tons of different mushrooms, and everything else you can think of. I made almond jello and boxed brownies for dessert.

Jack had his Superman outfit on and boy has he started talking!  At one point in the car on the ride over, Jes said “When did you get so noisy?”  Jack can identify the different people in the room now and he has an Uncle Bang AND and Uncle Bong (Phuong).  Hilarious.  Thanks again for all the prep you did, Vyl!

Slides and Street Food

This morning I got a text from Michelle to see if I was interested in checking out some food carts at a Precita Park in Bernal Heights.  I’m always up for street food so at 10:30, she picked me up with Jack in the backseat and we were on our way!  When we arrived, the vendors were still setting up and Michelle’s friends Lauren and Johnny were there setting up their stand.

They started Pearl’s Kitchen, which is what they call a “Part Time Deli” featuring a corned beef sandwich and some other Jewish delicacies that they didn’t have with them today.  With some time to kill, we went to the playground where Jack got to climb up the structures and go down the slides over and over again.  He was getting a real kick out of his new found skill of climbing up a ladder and going down the mini slide.

Once the carts were ready to go, we ordered a pizza topped with chanterelle mushrooms and I picked up a coffee creme brulee and a corned beef sandwich.

Jack absolutely LOVED the creme brulee and would run away with his spoon to make sure he didn’t have to share.

The corned beef sandwich was savory with a light rye bread that was pretty good and I usually HATE rye bread.  They also had a cart that sold grilled cheese sandwiches that had a massive line.  TLC was also there interviewing people there for a cheese episode for one of their shows.

Here are the rest of the photos.

Sunday Supper is back!

After a long hiatus, Sunday Supper was reinstated last night with short ribs and German chocolate cake.

The Sokol-Juns came over and Koa got an automatic carrot dispenser for the evening.

The short ribs were flavorful but could have used one more hour in the oven.

Michelle made a German chocolate cake and it was scrumptious.

Oh yeah, I just discovered that Jack actually knows Jes’ name. He was sitting at the dining table taunting him with “Uncle Jesse Uncle Jesse!” This kid is the only one not scared of the husband.

PukeFest 2010

This has been a wacky week and there was a lot of vomit involved.  I was already dealing with a cold that started last Friday but went to work on Monday feeling much better.  Tuesday came along and 3 out of my 3 patients puked at least twice each that day.  One of them was so huge that I was elbow deep in vomit in the cleaning process while Teresa had to borrow my scrubs since some of it landed on her lap.  Gross.  One of our kids was looking worse in the afternoon but we tried to do therapy with him anyway.  All of a sudden he puked on himself, picked up a chunky piece of it, and put it back in his mouth.  Then he puked it back up!  THAT is grosser than gross.  Seriously!?  What is going on here?!

So, on Wednesday morning, I woke up to my alarm at 6 am and ran to the bathroom to puke.  Oh crap.  I laid on the bathroom floor for 10 minutes and then threw up again.  As I sat there on the floor, I texted my boss to tell her I wasn’t going to work that day.  Thank goodness for the day off because I was a hot mess.

On Thursday, I went back to work and apparently there were no more puke episodes while I was away.  Unfortunately, one of our kids threw up one more time for good measure.  Aw man!

To round out the week, I went over to the Sokol-Juns’ to babysit Little J who was also sick.  He had puked in the morning and was running a fever that evening.  Poor guy was so slow and bummed out.  He hardly ate dinner and we just sat on the couch watching tv until it was time for bed.

It was so cute to see him clutching Pony the whole time in complete silence with the occasional outburst of “Mr. Noodle” or “F!”  Can you tell we were watching Sesame Street and Elmo’s World?  Well, that was an easy babysitting gig and I ended up taking a quick snooze before the parents returned.

What a week.

Christmas Vacation: Part 5

The day after Christmas was super busy for me.  I got up bright and early to have breakfast with my old roomies from UCLA.  We went to Mimi’s Cafe in Cerritos and Linda brought her newest son, Christian, along.  It was so much fun to catch up with Linda, Mich, and Mary over coffee and pancakes.

For lunch, I went to Patty’s parents’ house in Cerritos to meet up with Hols, Patty, and Patti.  Johnny, Howard, and the little girls Katelyn, Lauren, Zoe, and little Kylie were also there.  Johnny picked up food from BJ’s Pizzeria and we had a fun time playing with the girls and hanging out.

In the afternoon, we dropped Jason off at the airport and then headed over to Gardena for Brother and Joy’s housewarming party. We brought them a Bouchon cookbook, Reidel glasses, and the limoncello that we bought for them in Italy to warm up their house.

They have a cute 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom condo that is VERY similar to their old apartment in Santa Monica.  The two of them worked really hard in preparing a variety of appetizers and desserts while everyone came with a dish to fill up the table. The party was definitely a success and the food was so yummy!

The whole family and their friends attended and it was so nice to see everyone together to celebrate such an important milestone. It was also a great way to end our Christmas vacation.