Browse Category: babies

Lassen and reCamp

Yesterday we got back from a 4-day camping trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park and once again it was quite an adventure.

We drove up on Thursday morning with a 3-car caravan.  Koa sat in a laundry basket and tolerated the 4-hour drive quite well.  We made a couple stops along the way including lunch at a Truck Stop along I-5.

Once we arrived, we set-up camp right away and started the fire shortly afterward.

Jes brought two Coors Light kegs and there were plenty of Coors Light shotguns sprinkled throughout the afternoon.

We enjoyed a warm afternoon at the campsite as Jack played in the dirt, Koa also played in the dirt, and we had delicious burgers that were grilled on the fire. The boys played with fire and late that evening around 9:30pm, the Bangs arrived and we were all asleep by 1 am.

The next morning, we had breakfast burritos and then drove up Route 89 for a trail that allowed dogs.

We found a place called Spatter Cone Trail and it was an easy 1.5-mile loop that took us around to different site where we learned about spatter cones and the local shrubs while Koa ran free off-leash.

Afterward, we found Subway Cave Lava Tube, which was a long tunnel that was pitch black and cold inside.  It was a good thing we brought flashlights because it was the only way we were able to explore it on our own.

Once we got back to camp, we had chicken sandwiches and then the boys took naps while some girls went for a walk while I hung out with Jack, Michelle, and all the gnats buzzing around us.  For dinner, we made beef stew and waited for Dayantha and Krissy to arrive.  They got to the site around 10:30 with some very important items: a sleeping bag for Jack (he froze the night before), Pillsbury biscuits for breakfast the next morning, and some firewood and beer.

The next morning around 4 am, I heard tapping on the top of our tent.  It was raining!!!!  Aw man!  It not only rained but poured.  It just kept coming down all morning while Vyl and Bang prepared breakfast on the fire and with coals.  They managed to bake biscuits in a dutch oven with coals underneath and on the lid.  It was amazing!  To go on top of them, we had some tasty tasty sausage gravy with hot sauce.  It was perfect for a cold, wet morning.

After breakfast, we got into our cars and drove up the mountain where it was SNOWING.  Yes, it was snowing at 8500 feet elevation.

We also stopped at Sulfur Springs where we saw a mud pot and a stream of sulfuric yellow stuff running down the mountain.

When we got back to the campsite, we decided to pack everything up a day early to head out for a new campground.  We drove down the highway and decided to have reCamp in Corning, CA where there was a state park called Woodson Bridge State Park.  It was literally a park with fire pits and felt like backyard camping.  But we didn’t care because we were happy with the warmer weather and lack of rain.  The tents dried out and we were burning the wood that Ryan threw in his trunk along with other wood that was poached from nearby campsites.  Dinner was steak cooked directly on the fire coals and it was yummy.

We also roasted marshmallows and made E. L. Fudge and Oreo s’mores.

Later that night it actually started to rain – AGAIN.  Luckily it didn’t last as long and we woke up the next morning to sunshine and warmth that dried the tents in time for our drive home.

Overall, this camping trip was just as fun as all the others in the past.  It just had another element – lots of water everywhere.  Unfortunately, I woke up on the last day with a raging headache and nausea so I wasn’t able to eat the corned beef hash and bullseyes that morning.  I puked all morning and was sick to my stomach for the rest of the day.  Despite that and the rain, it was still a fun trip and I can’t wait for next year’s.  Until then, I will enjoy my comfy bed and easy access to showers.

Here are the photos.

The Odd Couple

Jes has a history of scaring small children and making them cry as soon as he picks them up.  However, that streak was broken when Jack was born.  Jack has never been intimidated by Jes and has grown quite fond of him.  In fact, he’s always climbing on top of him, calling out his name, and bossing him around.  If you want some examples, go here and here (video).  Sunday night was no different.  We went to the Bangs’ for an Italian dinner and Jack and Jes played with the truck that can be taken apart and then screwed back together again.  There was plenty of “Here, Uncle Jesse” and “That one, Uncle Jesse”.  And Jes just sits there confused and mildly amused.  It’s always entertaining for the rest of us to watch their interaction.


My pal and I hung out on Wednesday night while his mom and dad went out for a little dinner date.  We ate McDonald’s fries (one for every 10 peas eaten), watched Sesame Street and Curious George, had vanilla bean ice cream for dessert, and read a couple Dr. Seuss books before bed.

After Jack went to bed, Wilby hung out on the couch with me while my eyes got itchier and itchier.  Good times…

Scotchfest 2010

Saturday was Scotchfest 2010 at our place and we had a great turnout.  Friends from all over came to partake in the festivities – including Dayantha and Krissy!!  We had a total of 11 different whiskeys to taste and some were much better than others.  Here’s the lineup:

  • Glenrothes
  • Glenlivet 18
  • Clynelish
  • Aberlour
  • Glenmorangie
  • Auchentoshan
  • Glenkinchie
  • Talisker
  • Bowmore
  • Coal Ila
  • Laphroaig

Each participant got a shotglass labeled with his or her name and the different whiskeys were poured and tasted one by one with some food in between.

Meanwhile, Jack was snackin’ on cheese and crackers, watching “Up”, and feeding carrots to his pal Koa.

We served salami and cheese as well as smoked salmon with creme fraiche as appetizers.  Then the main item was the prime rib sandwiches with sauteed onion, horseradish aioli, and arugula on an Acme roll.  When eaten with some salty Kettle potato chips, it was perfect.

Everyone had their favorite Scotch of the night and pretty much everyone did not appreciate Talisker, which most said tasted like Band-Aid.  Nice.  By the end of the night, some were drinking more of their favorite while others broke open the 100-proof Captain Morgan and Coke.  I think everyone had a good time.  Most left before 12 am but some of us were still going until 4 am…including me.  Good times…

OK…let’s try this again.  Click here for photos.


The Sokol-Juns invited us for dinner last night and they made a mean bunch of ribs and potato salad.  I brought creamed corn and Tracy made peach pie.  Jack was on hyper-mode and he’s in the stage where he wants to just show off all his toys and tricks.

This kid has 4 different vehicles parked in the livingroom and took each one out to show us his stuff.

After dinner, Jes was playing around on Ryan’s new iPhone4 and got hooked on the Angry Birds game.  The animation and sound effects are hilarious and Jack got a kick out of watching Jes play and saying “Weeee!” just like the birds do when you let go of the slingshot.

After dessert, Jack went back to Jes and asked “Uncle Jesse play more weeee?”  Haha.  Cute.  And so he played and Jack watched with such delight.  It’s still funny to see a kid that is totally unafraid of Jes.  In fact, he would every once in a while tackle Jes and then nuzzle his shoulder.  You can tell in this photo that even Jes is confused by all the spunk.  What a goofball.

Lobsta Time!

Oh man…I’m so behind on posts.  I was cleaning out my laptop to make more room and I got side tracked.  But I’m back.

Anyway, Jes got back from NYC last Friday (5/7) and on Saturday his pal James called us up for lunch at Old Port Lobster Shack in Redwood City.  It was at least a 25-min drive but it was all worth it.

I had my very first lobster roll and it was tasty.  It’s lobster goodness stuffed inside a thick slice of bread that has been grilled with butter and split down the middle for a bun. Nice.

We also had the fried shrimp and fish&chips.  They were just as tasty.

I also got to meet little Ariel who was born just a couple months ago.  She was such a cutie and pretty much slept though lunch.  Good baby…

Here are photos from the afternoon.