Browse Category: babies

Time Capsule

I’ve had a roll of black and white 120 film sitting on my shelf for a couple years now.  I also had another roll in my Holga, which I finally finished earlier this month.  On my random day off, I took the two rolls to the photo store and have only gotten around to picking up the prints this afternoon on my way home from the gym.  I had the film processed, scanned onto a CD, and the photos printed.  Here are a couple of my favorites.  Times like these remind me of how fun film can be.  There’s no time stamp, there’s no screen to see if your photo came out well or not, and you have prints that you can hold in your hand.

South Lake Tahoe – March 2009

Fort Funston – Fall 2007

Jack in the park – 2008?

Koa – 2007?

Funny Faces

Had coffee with Michelle and Reese again this morning.  Reese was having a good time hanging out with her tongue sticking.  Michelle tried to get a photo with her phone but got this instead.  Heh heh.  I look foolish but Reese is still adorable.

Year of the Rabbit

It’s the first day of the new lunar year and we celebrated by having the gang over for hot pot.  The babies took turns fussing while Jack was dealing with potty training issues and Koa was on high-alert each time a baby cried.  All the activity really made me realize how things have changed for us as a group.

We couldn’t even have all the grown ups seated at the table at one time.  Somehow everyone managed to eat dinner and the babies got fed too.

It was all very noisy but pretty entertaining at the same time.  I felt like we were in the middle of a sitcom.  Rowan needed constant bouncing and entertainment, Reese hung out on Ryan’s lap taking in all the sights and smells, Jack sat on his usual pile of Yellow Pages (with no pants on), Ryan was dropping eggshells on the floor, and Koa had dragged out his bed from the bedroom to show off his humping skills in the middle of the livingroom.  Ah…good times…happy new year, everyone!

Happy Baby

Yesterday, Michelle and I met up at the coffeeshop downstairs and we had a little moment of girl time.  We flipped through a magazine together and enjoyed a lazy Saturday afternoon.  She also brought Reese along and she was as happy as can be to just sit on my lap and take in the sights and sounds.

I hang out with lots of babies at work and it’s really refreshing to be able to hang out with a normal, happy, healthy baby every once in a while.

100 days

Little Reese turned 100 days old and her parents threw her a little party on Sunday.  She wore a cute little hambok and we stuffed ourselves with bibimpap and duk to celebrate.

Her big brother Jack and little baby friends Ben and Rowan were also there to wish her a Happy 100 Days.

Here are the photos from the party.

One month down…

…many more to go.  Yesterday, Rowan turned 1 month old and his family threw him a Chinese banquet.  We had a big dinner and I got to give Rowan his “Auntie Beak pep talk”.  I give all my babies at work a talking to and I’ve done the same with Jack and Reese.  Rowan is a squirmy little guy that likes to soil your shoulder with spit up but he’s still cute as can be.

Vyl and Bang look good so far and the grandparents are so very happy.  Congrats again to the Bangs!

Here are some more photos.