On Wednesday night (6/29), I hung out with Little J while his parents went out on a date. After enjoying a McNugget Happy Meal, we
played baseball,
he gave me a concert,
did a little crazy pants-on-the-head dance, and then we watched Dora before sending him off to bed. Babysitting him is just as easy and probably even more entertaining now. I can’t believe he’s almost 4.
This past weekend was bachelorette party weekend for Krissy in LA while the boys were in Vegas for Dayantha’s bachelor party. On Friday after work, Susie, Jen, and I drove down to LA together. It was a long but uneventful drive and I was in bed by 3 am.
The next morning I woke up early go visit Pish for a check on a chipped tooth that I had and also got a cleaning. Afterward, I met up with Brother and Joy who then called the Wangs to join us for brunch at King’s Hawaiian in Torrance. Yum yum!
I got this really cute video of Naomi eating her rice. She’s so cute!
Later in the afternoon, I got ready and picked up the girls from Susie’s house. My parents agreed to drive us to West Hollywood to meet up with the rest of the girls who had already started some of the festivities. There was pizza and games at the apartment and then we all loaded up into a limo for a night on the town.
The first stop was Hollywood Men, which was a cheesy male show for the bride-to-be. The limo then took us to Blvd3 where we danced and enjoyed the VIP table that was reserved.
Brother, Joy, and Roland also crashed the party since it was so close to Roland’s apartment. Good times…
By the end of the night, we were all very tired and the nice limo driver took us all back to Cerritos where my car was waiting for me at Ti’s house. The 20-min nap was just enough for me to be rested for the drive back to Susie’s and then my parents’ house at the end of the night.
The next morning, we drove back to SF and I was exhausted. Thankfully I had taken Monday off. Unfortunately, I found a bruise on my right knee, three bruises on my left knee and one of my left arm. To came home with a broken toe and Ti’s legs were all black and blue too. Boy, we had a goooood time.
Saturday was filled with family time. In the morning, I gave the dog a bath in the backyard and he was NOT happy. It was sunnier on the driveway out front so we tied him up there to dry off and I busted out my picnic blanket from the trunk to join him. I took the sunshine for granted when I lived in SoCal but now it’s like a luxury to me. So sad. I laid out while reading my Kindle and later my mom joined me with a lawnchair. Yes, it’s pretty ghetto to be hanging out on the driveway (not even the lawn) but it was awesome and I got my Vitamin D for the weekend.
Later, we all went to the Cerritos Mall and watched Kung Fu Panda 2. It was fun sneaking in my Frozen Yogurt and hanging out with my family. The movie was pretty entertaining too!
For dinner, we drove down to OC to meet up with Marie and the boys. Cole is so big now and was super grumpy from being out in the sun all day. Brandon was his usual crazy self. The sushi was awesome and it was so nice to catch up with Marie.
When I hang out with her and the boys, it makes me miss living in Irvine.
Afterward, we dropped off my mom at home and then headed over to Ti and Thilan’s condo down the street. We were supposed to go singing in Garden Grove but this was just as good.
They were having an after-party for Titus’ 1st Bday and I got to meet Dominic, Krishani’s newborn. Melanie’s little girl Makenzie was also there and took a liking to Jes.
Surprisingly, she was pretty much attached to him the whole night and used him as a chair while we were singing. We were all confused and he actually didn’t mind the company.
On Sunday, we had lunch with my parents and drove back to SF. Luckily it took only 6.5 hours and we had a whole evening to hang out with another day to spare before going back to work. This was a good Memorial Day weekend.
Jimmy turned 36 earlier this month and Eleen threw him a BBQ a week later (5/15). The food was tasty, the usual peeps were there, and the dogs were outnumbered by babies this year.
Vyl and Bang brought Rowan and he was a new and improved happy-fresh baby. It’s cool to see how he’s changed so much since I last saw him a month ago.
Koa and Brando had a nice afternoon in the backyard until the end of the evening. I don’t know exactly what triggered it but I watched them get into a full-on brawl. Jes had to break it up and ended up getting bit/nipped by Brando in the process. Brando also got nipped on the ear and was bleeding. So of course, they got separated. Bleeding Brando got all the sympathy while Koa was stuck in the sideyard with everyone stopping by saying, “Be a good dog, Koa”. I felt horrible.
The next morning, Koa was limping. In fact, he was limping all week and wasn’t walking normally until Sunday (5/22). Looks like the meathead was actually the one that got his butt kicked by the scrappy one.
A couple years ago when Michelle and I went to the watch the movie “Up”, we saw a trailer for “G-Force”. It’s about a bunch of guinea pigs fighting crime. Sounds ridiculous but I actually laughed at their antics. So, Michelle said that I was the official person to take Jack to see these zany kid movies once he’s old enough.
Well, he’s finally old enough so they enlisted me to take him to see “Hop” with Jack. I actually wanted to see it so it worked out for both of us. Michelle dropped Jack and I off at the Metreon yesterday afternoon and we were both super excited. After buying our tickets and a small popcorn, we headed to Theater 12 for a fun-filled bunny movie.
Jack had a great time gobbling up all the popcorn and playing the “air drums” along with the bunny in the movie. It’s a good thing he packed a juice box in his pocket cuz he ate A LOT of popcorn.
Afterward, we pretended to play some arcade games (playing with the wheel of the car game) and also took a little booth photo.
We also wandered the Yerba Buena Garden a bit before catching the bus home.
Jack did a great job through the whole movie and got a real kick out of riding the bus. I’d say we had a pretty successful “first date”. He also found the movies he’s gonna want to see next. Sweeeet.
It had been pretty warm in SF these past couple days so we all agreed to a bonfire on Saturday night. Dayantha and Krissy were coming for the weekend so we called up the Masayas and they came along too. We all met up with the Sokol-Juns and Darbys at Ocean Beach to find some crazy wind, crazy waves, and a lot of sand…everywhere. The Bangs didn’t make it since their little guy wasn’t cooperating and they were probably better off not braving the elements with him.
At the waterline, there was a collection of foam on the beach and the wind was so strong that it blew the foam into the air and across the sand. We had a spectacular sunset and plenty of light to get the fire started and the hamburgers cooked.
Unfortunately the wind was blowing sand onto everything and I ended up with sand in my beer, sand in my burger, and sand in all of our stuff. Just take a look at Michelle’s expression as she crunches on her sandy burger. We’ve been home for 24 hours and I’m still finding sand in my stuff. When I took a shower, I had sand in my ears.
Despite all that, we had a fun time. Jack did a good job entertaining himself and I got a few shots of him being cute as ever. Victor also taught him how to body-check Jes but Jack just ended up headbutting him in the leg.
I think he hurt himself more than anyone else.
Dog came along too and he got to dig in the sand and he barked at everything that walked by. At one point a strange man walked toward us from the darkness while Koa barked at him. Meanwhile, he said to us “Dimitri is gonna kill us all!” So, we kept Koa on the lookout for Dimitri the rest of the night.
Here are the rest of the photos from that evening.
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