I just had to post this.
What’s that saying? Like Father, Like Daughter? In the scowl department, this is very true.
What’s that saying? Like Father, Like Daughter? In the scowl department, this is very true.
Kumquat turned one month old today and we celebrated with dim sum at Yank Sing. It was fun to have all the kids together in one place and it was neat to see how much they’ve grown and changed since I last saw them.
Jack is the oldest of the gang and has become quite a goofball. He’s as wacky as his dad and has the best laugh. This was the first time he had met Kumquat and it’s neat to see them next to each other. I still remember when Jack was just as small as her almost 5 years ago.
Next is Reese, who has lots of spunk and knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t want. Loved the new haircut she got but you wouldn’t be able to tell with all the food in her face and hair. She also enjoyed flirting with Victor at the table today.
Then there’s Mr. Rowan. He’s quite a mover and had some new kicks to show off today. He also got super excited when Vyl pulled out a pack of seaweed paper. He practically shoved an entire sheet in his mouth.
It’ll be fun when Kumquat is big enough to run around with the rest of the gang. Until then, she’ll be the serious one in the corner frowning at everyone.
We had a lot of family time this weekend. It was a very warm 78 degrees this weekend in SF and perfect for having visitors.
Brother, Joy, and my dad were here for a long weekend since Thursday. We spent a lot of time just hanging out together in our usual way…eating, napping, and making fun of each other. The dog also seemed to enjoy the company.
It’s just too bad that I’ve become the boring sister that can’t leave the house for longer than 2 hours at a time. They still managed to make their way around the city and Oakland and they even brought back some cookies for me from Bakesale Betty.
Jes’ parents drove up late on Friday and came over on Saturday to visit their granddaughter and to also bring me a special ginger soup containing pork knuckle, lots of vinegar, and of course ginger. It’s supposed to help me with my postpartum recovery and they were very eager for me to have some this week. Jes’ mom had never made it before and it wasn’t bad. It was just VERY rich since it was half collagen from the bone marrow that had cooked off.
We also had a visit from my cousin Ishya, Billy, her twins, and my uncle and aunt as well. The house was filled with babies and I had a fun time catching up with everyone. Joy also got a lesson on feeding a distracted 5-month-old.
I attempted to take a photo of Kumquat and the twins together but of course I have a child that will sleep through anything. Look at her…fast asleep without a care in the world despite 7 adults making noises and faces to get their attention.
I’m so lucky to be on maternity leave in the Spring. We’ve had some pretty nice weather lately and the days are getting longer. Good to know that I’m getting plenty of Vitamin D!On my way home from the doctor’s office on Thursday, I walked to the Ferry Plaza for lunch and then decided it was sunny and warm enough to walk home.
So with some coconut and passionfruit sorbet in hand, I waddled my butt home along the waterfront. I think I walked a good 2 miles that afternoon and was exhausted by the time I reached the couch.
On Friday morning, I met up with Michelle and Reese for a little morning stroll. Reese is quite the walker now so it was fun to watch her roam freely on her own power.
Jes also had Friday off and we were SUPER LAZY the rest of the day. We went to Little Skillet for lunch (fried chicken, baby!) and then ended up napping for most of the afternoon. When we both got up, the dog was ready for his afternoon walk and there was plenty of daylight left.
Here’s a photo of me, Dog, and Kumquat at 38 weeks and 3 days. It was a triple-win that afternoon – Koa got a long walk, I got some sunshine, and Jes got to watch the boats in the harbor.
On Friday I drove down to San Jose to visit Ishya (my cousin), Billy, and the twins who just turned 4 months. It’s amazing how much they’ve grown since the first day I saw them. When I arrived, they were finishing up a morning nap and then I helped feed them and played with them before going out to lunch. Thanks for sending me this photo, Ishya!!
All 5 of us piled into the car with Billy crammed in the middle of the two carseats in the back. It was comical but seemed to work out. Ishya and I grabbed lunch at Whole Foods while Billy had to take a work call.
The twins were in their stroller napping pretty much the whole time and we got to do some catching up in the sun.
After lunch, we headed back to the house and found both Grandmas already there. Since I was going to be around for a little longer, we also called my uncle to come over. It was nice to see them and they were just as excited to see me (and my belly).
Here are the twins up-close. They took turns fussing this afternoon but had their moments to shine too.
This is Sadie.
And this is Theo.
Here are the rest of the photos.
It’s been a couple days since I last posted and no, I didn’t have the baby yet. I’ve just been out and about more than I had expected these past few days.
On Thursday, I went to work to take care of some payroll stuff and drop off some donated clothes while Ranee met me there to show off Baby Sophie. Everyone took turns holding her and she was NOT having it after a while. Poor Steph ended up with a crying Sophie who needed a diaper change. Afterward we went out to lunch and did some catching up.
We went to our usual lunch spots including Bakesale Betty and Peet’s afterward. After dropping Steph back off at the hospital, I went over to Rockridge Kids with Ranee to take a look around at the stuff they sell since I have a $25 gift card that I received in a raffle basket last November. They’re stuff is so cute yet so expensive! So, I decided to hold off on getting anything for now since I have all that I need for a newborn at the moment.
At the end of our little stroll, Sophie woke up from her really long nap and was all smiles again. It was weird going back to the hospital but good to see everyone again. I know it’s only been a week since I’ve gone on maternity leave but I really miss my friends already.
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