Browse Category: babies

Chaotic Photoshoot


We went to Teresa’s house this morning to take some portraits of Baby Hudson. It was a lot more chaotic than I anticipated but I managed to snap a few decent photos.




Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the craziness that occurred with my two kids in tow.


Luckily KK was on her best behavior but it still added to the difficulty level of this photoshoot.

Baby Hudson


Baby Thomas Hudson Hopkins arrived on Thursday, May 12th and Teresa’s doing great. Aaron got this precious photo of Henry meeting his little brother this morning. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and measured 20 inches at 39 weeks gestation. Woot!


I stopped by after work today to meet him and I was treated to a wide-awake little guy all bundled up like a burrito.

He just hung out with me while I got caught up with Teresa and Aaron.


Congratulations to the Hopkins Family!!


Year of the Monkey


On the eve of the Lunar New Year, we met up with the usual people for dim sum at Yank Sing again. I tried to get a photo of Jack’s missing teeth but he wouldn’t smile for me. I guess he’s getting too old to humor his Auntie Beak nowadays.


We have grown to a party of 12 including the littlest guy sitting in a highchair.


Here are all 6 kids together. It’s much less organized than last year’s photo but I guess it’s just how it is right now.


This is last year’s photo. I should have stuck my belly in the photo since Peanut was there but still cookin’.


Here’s one from 2013 when Isla was still cookin’ (belly on the left).  It’s funny how similar KK looks to Peanut in this photo.

In 2014, we didn’t get a photo because we had dinner at Michelle and Ryan’s house that year. Too bad…this is becoming an annual photo similar to our camping ones. Love it.

Year in Review 2015

IMG_5856Happy New Year!! I can’t believe it’s 2016 already.  I don’t really know where 2015 went!  At this point, it’s all kind of a blur.  It must be the lack of sleep.  All the days have sort of blended in with each other.  I was either pregnant or taking care of an infant, which made it one crazy ride!

IMG_8256Best Moment:
Meeting my baby boy on July 31st.  He was born healthy and big.  He came out hungry and still has quite the appetite.

Best Meal:
Unfortunately, Jes and I don’t get out much anymore. Honestly, my favorite snack of the year was the night we brought Peanut home and Jes poured me a small glass of wine.  I drank that glass in bed with some Pringles.

IMG_9918The most memorable meal, however, was when we went to Morimoto in Napa with 6 adults and 5 kids.  It was in the middle of a heat wave and the A/C in the restaurant wasn’t working.  I don’t think all 6 adults were ever sitting at the table at one time and at least 4 adults had a child in their lap.  The meal was still really good but the experience was a little more chaotic than we would have liked.

IMG_2484Best Vacation:
It’s a tie between the two trips to Hawaii.  Both were with family/friends and both were really fun.  I feel fortunate to have been able to go TWICE in one year!! Runner up was our trip to Vancouver.

IMG_5005Other Highlights from 2015:

    Jes and I turned 40. We also celebrated our 20th anniversary as a couple.
    KK started preschool and took Yoga and Soccer classes.
    We went to Disneyland twice this year. Actually, KK got to go any extra time over Memorial Day weekend too!
    I spent half the year pregnant and the other half on maternity leave.  Both were hard.
    Jes started traveling internationally for work. In 2015, he went to Grenoble, France x2 and Shenzhen, China x1.
    Jia gave birth to twins.
    We have four fish tanks in our tiny home.

Thanksgiving 2015

IMG_3608We stayed home all day on Thanksgiving Day and ate spaghetti for dinner.  Then on Saturday, after Jason and Jia returned from Seattle, we had our usual turkey feast.


Even KK contributed by making the crescent rolls!  IMG_3625Peanut wanted some.

IMG_3627Jason and Jia brought their feeder seats and we had all the babies sitting with us at the table for dinner!

IMG_3618It probably lasted about 20 minutes before one of them needed to be held.

IMG_3610 IMG_3615The twins got to eat avocado too!  I bet Peanut was super jealous.

Lights and Kids

Boy, Light-up Night has really changed in so many ways.  Lightup2010It used to be a night of friends, cocktails, and hijinks. This is a photo from 2010 when Brother, Joy, and Mommy joined us.

IMG_3113Now it’s about wrangling kids, taking family photos, and getting home at a reasonable time to put everyone to bed.  Regardless, it’s still fun to be out there at the Embarcadero Center to see the buildings light up and watch the fireworks go off.  It’s my official kick-off to the holiday season since it always occurs the Friday before Thanksgiving.

IMG_3138This year, it was super convenient for me since KK’s school is just down the street from there.  What I’ve been used to is scrambling to get out of work on time, braving traffic across the bridge, parking the car at home, and then catching the train as quickly as I can to make it on time.  Last year, Jes was in France and this year was no different.  The difference for me was that I was lugging around TWO kids now.  I don’t know how those single moms do it!

IMG_3145This year, Ranee and Stephanie were on board and met up with us in time for the fireworks.

IMG_3067It was disappointing that the Hyatt did not have their usual lighting of the atrium but we still went over there to see the tree.

IMG_3144Get your fat pants, pumkin-spiced everything, and shopping lists out ‘cuz the holidays are here!