Browse Category: babies

Marie and the Boys

Suminos For lunch, we met up with cousin Marie and the boys.  The boys are so big now and I can’t help reflect on how Cole (the oldest) used to be Kumquat’s age when I used to babysit him.


They were also reunited with Koa who was gracious enough to pose for a photo.

Also, thanks to Kenji for helping us out with our tire.  You’re the best!

Old Friends

old friends

One of the best things about going home for the holidays is that everyone else comes home too!  IMG_4704This morning, I met up with Holly, Patti, and Patty at Panera for some coffee and lots of catching up.  It’s always great to be in the company of these girls.  Just one year ago, they threw me a mini baby shower and look at us now!

Sophie’s Bday Party


On Sunday, I took Kumquat to Lafayette to celebrate Sophie’s upcoming 1st birthday.  Her birthday is actually this Friday and I’m so glad that we were in town for the party.  It was supposed to be at a park in Orinda but with the unpredictable rain this past weekend, it was moved to a local Round Table.  The decorations were really cute with little elephants topping the scrumptious homemade cupcakes.  I usually don’t like cake but I ate TWO of these.  Ranee, they were delicious!!


There were lots of kids including the Chu twins.  Here’s a pretty funny photo of the four kiddos together.  This is one of the outtakes and I can’t help laugh when I see this.

steph and maiAunties Steph, Mai, and Karen were there too and they each got some time with Kumquat.

IMG_4487Here’s a photo of Karen with both of the chubby cheeksters.

moms and babies

We also managed to get a group photo of the kids and their moms.  It’s the first time we’ve had all four kiddos together in the same place.

cakeThe best part of the party was watching Sophie enjoy her first taste of cake and frosting.  Good stuff…

She seemed a little confused by all the singing and everyone staring at her.  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

Here’s a photo of her getting a taste of the cake.  Yum yum!  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

Happy Early Birthday, Soph!

The Chu Twins are One!

Sadie and Theo turned one on Friday and there was a party for him on Sunday afternoon.

We rode Caltrain down to Sunnyvale and my uncle picked us up.  The ride down was pretty fun and Kumquat had a good time looking out the window.

Once we got there it was baby mayhem with babies everywhere.

Ishya did a nice job with the decorations and there was a gated-off area for the rugrats to play.

They had their first cake and Sadie seemed to enjoy it much more than Theo, who just sat and stared at it.

Kumquat also got to hang out with her 2nd cousins and it was nearly impossible to get a photo of all three of them sitting next to each other.

Happy Birthday Baby Chus!!

Light-up Night

On Friday night we went to the Embarcadero Center once again to celebrate the start of the holiday season.  We started at Sens for Happy Hour and met up with Ranee, Sophie, and Jamie.

Some of us got stuck outside of the restaurant while the fireworks were going off but we all made it inside eventually. We all had a good time hanging out and decompressing from a very hard work week.

Even the babies had a fun time. 😉

The Tsaos took off early to go watch the lights turn on inside the Hyatt.  We usually do too but we were having too much fun at Sens to head over in time.  After some food and drinks, we did eventually make it over to the Hyatt to see the lights and the tree already lit up.

Kumquat woke up for a little bit to see the lights too.  It’s still pretty as ever and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Visiting Eleen and Zoe

Jimmy’s on an overseas business trip so we went down to Alameda to hang out with Eleen and Zoe on Tuesday evening.  We brought over some tasty Hawaiian food and just hung out.  Zoe has put on some cute little cheeks and a belly and it was so neat to see how much she’s changed since we first met her.  She’s SO adorable.

Jesse did his monkey dance for Zoe and it worked like a charm. She got to take a little catnap while Kumquat played with her toys.

Kumquat also showed off her new skills and chatted-it-up with Eleen and Zoe.

*sigh* What a fun evening!  Let’s do this again soon!!