Browse Category: babies

Congrats to the Bangs!


I was so pleased to receive this text this morning.  The Bangs greeted their newest family member this morning at CPMC.

baby chiangBaby Girl was born 7 lbs, 3 oz and 20.5 inches!  Vyl looks good and she’s resting nicely in their post-partum room while Rowan is at home with his Grandma.

meetingWe went there tonight to meet the little one who doesn’t have a name yet and look how gigantic Kumquat looks next to her!

Congratulations to the Bangs and Happy Birthday, Little One!!

***Update: Her name is Isla Lillian!!***

Lunar New Year


It’s the Year of the Snake and we had a full day of celebrations.  In the morning, we had Dim Sum with the Bangs and the Sokol-Juns minus Ryan.  IMG_5297

Luckily we got to Yank Sing at 10:30 (they open at 10) so we didn’t have to wait long for a table and the carts came to the table right away.  Sweet.   IMG_5300

We were done by 12 and Kumquat got home in time for her nap.  Can you see her fish-eyeing in Jes’ lap?  She was pooped.IMG_5305

Look at how big all the kids are now.  Pretty soon Kumquat won’t be the youngest with Baby Girl Chiang expected in March.IMG_5315

After my photoshoot, Ranee came over and the cheeksters had their monthly play date and we also got a short run outside too!IMG_5325

For dinner, we had Jason, the Agustins, and Victor over for hot pot.  IMG_5320Kumquat suddenly started to cry during dinner and we thought she didn’t like sitting next to Uncle Jimmy but she was actually really tired.  She passed out as soon as I put her down in her bed.

It was so fun to see so many friends in one day.  Why can’t it be like this more often?!

Just like old times…

jackNow that the Sokol-Juns have moved out of the city, we rarely get to hang out anymore.  Fortunately for me, they still commute into the city everyday for work and school.

ReeseSo, on Friday I met up with Michelle and the kids for dinner at Burger Joint.  It was fun to see the kids again and how much they’ve grown and changed.

watermelonKumquat loved watching them as she ate her tofu and watermelon.

Kumquat and ReeseShe was especially enamored with Reese.  So cute.

Mommy & Me Day

kumquat and raneeToday I had the day off to take Kumquat to the doctor.  Since the appointment wasn’t until 2pm, we had lots of time to play.  In the morning, we went to visit Ranee and Sophie at their new home in Walnut Creek.  They have so much space now!  Ranee made us breakfast and the babies played on the floor together.  Kumquat really liked Sophie’s blocks.

IMG_5015 For lunch, I actually went to work.  KM makes a sushi lunch for us every year and I wasn’t about to miss it.  So, I brought Kumquat with me and Ranee brought Sophie too.  We all gathered around the mat and watched the babies play.  baby labWe always think it’s fun to watch normal babies move and play.  The food was delicious (as usual) and I got to see Elaine too!

Kumquat and I had to go to see the doctor without Jes today too.  Luckily she was on her best behavior.  I was even able to leave her with the front office staff while I used to restroom.  That’s by girl!

A Day in The Creek

the girlsOn Sunday, Jes was sick as a dog so it was a good thing I had some stuff planned that day.  In the morning, I packed up Kumquat and her stuff and headed out to Lafayette for brunch with Ranee and Steph.  Stephanie just announced to all of us (on NYE) that she’s expecting a baby in June!  Woohoo!  I couldn’t be happier for her and Nathan.  Ranee has been just as excited so we planned this brunch to get caught up and hang out.  sophieIt was freezing cold – I mean literally 32 degrees there that morning and little Sophie had to wear her beanie in the restaurant.  So cute!  There was also an extra spot at the table for Steph’s baby so we’ll have to plan another brunch a year from this day. He/she should be ready to sit in a highchair and grub with the rest of us!

peet'sAfterward, I met up with Michelle in Walnut Creek.  I had some errands to run there so it was a good place to meet up.  I hadn’t seen her since she and the family moved to Orinda.  Here we are at Peet’s Coffee waiting for Michelle.  I was so excited to see her that I forgot to take a photo.  We had lunch in a little diner and I had a surprisingly tasty cup of posole there!

nappingOnce lunch was over, Kumquat had fallen asleep in the stroller.  Instead of waking her, I decided to let her take her full 2-hour nap and I got to do some shopping!  Broadway Plaza has lots of good shops and I got an awesome parking space on the street.  It was perfect.  I picked up a new jacket for myself and some ridiculously cheap clothes for Kumquat at Gap.

gap saleCheck out that price!  That cute purple shirt was $5.97 plus an additional 40% off!

What a good Sunday.  I got some girl time and alone time, Kumquat got a really good nap, and Jes got some rest too that day.

20 years later

the counterThis afternoon I had lunch with the old college roomies and it was so much fun to see them and the kids too.

meetingWe met up at The Counter for some tasty burgers and onion strings and Kumquat got to finally meet little Micah who was born just 3 weeks before her.

groupAfterward, Sandy and Linda joined me on the UCLA campus for some photos with the Bruin.

DSC_9510 bruinIt was weird being back after so many years and I was so happy to have Kumquat there with me.

royceroyceSandy and Carl joined me farther up Bruin Walk to Royce Hall and it was like a walk up memory lane.  I had forgotten how beautiful the campus is and was a little giddy thinking about all our lunches on the steps with the fatty squirrels and the naps we used to take by the fountain.

sandyThose were fun times and I can’t believe it all started 20 years ago.