Browse Category: babies

The Lees

IMG_4009I got an email from Linda the other night and found out that she was bringing the family up for a weekend trip.  So, we made arrangements to meet up at the Farmer’s Market this morning.  It was so fun to see them all again and the boys are getting so big!  I can’t believe Jonah is almost 9.  I met him on his first day of life out in Illinois when I happened to be in Chicago that week!  Time has really flown by.  So great seeing all of you!!

Baby Vivian

DSC_2292This morning after a 4-mile run with Ranee, I stopped at Stephanie’s house to take some portraits.  Vivian is about 10 days old now and I got some photos taken of her with her parents.

DSC_2247DSC_2249I also got a photo of her with her Pittsburgh Steelers beanie and “terrible towel”. What a cutie pie.


New Cheekster Member!

DSC_1994Kumquat and Sophie have a new member to their Cheekster Club and she beats out both of them!

DSC_2018Introducing Vivian Jane who was born this morning at 1:44 am.  She was a week overdue and still really wasn’t in the mood to meet us all when it was time to enter the outside world.

DSC_2021I was lucky enough to visit them at the hospital today after work and Stephanie is doing well.

DSC_2054Vivian weighed in at a healthy 9 lbs, 14 oz. and measured 21 inches. Wowza.

IMG_3594Her aunties and I were so excited to meet her today and to welcome her to the big world.  IMG_3593Thanks for letting us crash your recovery room today!!IMG_3592Congratulations to Stephanie and Nathan!DSC_2009

Nice work, Steph.  Enjoy your newest family member.  Time really flies so try to take in every moment.  Let me know if you need anything!!


nanny shareA couple weeks ago, Mirian told me that her aunt will be going back to El Salvador so she asked if she could bring Karla to our house everyday.  Well, that would be considered a nanny share so we made some negotiations and we struck a deal that works for both families!  So starting on Monday (7/1), Karla started coming over with Mirian and Kumquat has a new pal!  They are so cute together and being only 2 weeks younger, Karla makes the perfect share care buddy.  What makes things even better is now we get to pay less for childcare!  Woot!

Day off

I love having random days off.  I took one today since I had worked so hard all month.  IMG_3368The day started in Orinda with Ranee and Sophie.   Stephanie also stopped by since she’s still waiting for baby to arrive. IMG_3366 We met up at Peet’s and walked over to Republic of Cakes for a free story and music time.

IMG_3420The girls had fun and the grown-ups got to do some catching up.

IMG_3387Afterward, we stopped at Teresa’s house to drop off her birthday present.  She had the day off too because of her birthday so it was perfect.  Kumquat got to play with their dog Bailey and hung out with Aaron too.

IMG_3397 For lunch, we got home a little late and Kumquat was sleeping.  I was hungry and it was a gorgeous day outside so I wheeled her over to MoMo’s and I had a nice lunch out on the patio.  Aaah…

IMG_3410For dinner, we went to Paragon for an outdoor dinner.  All in all it was a fantastic day off and great way to kick off summer and my long weekend.

IMG_3411I other news, Koa has been having a great time with Jia this week.  She sent me photos of him at Half Moon Bay.  He even got to run off-leash near the water too.  Lucky dog.

Poop Text

poop textMy dear friend Ranee has returned to the work force part-time and it’s been so much fun having her around.  She even shares my desk on the days she works.  On Tuesday, I got a text from Jes.  He found Kumquat in the middle of the room crying and grunting like she sometimes does so he put her on the new toilet seat we bought her and sat with her for about 5 minutes.  It was a successful pooping session and I got a full report.  As I was sharing this text with Ranee, she showed me a similar text from her husband Jamie that she received just minutes before mine.

I pasted the two screenshots together to commemorate this funny little moment of working mommies with dads at home dealing with the day-to-day baby stuff.  We certainly got a good laugh that morning.  Ah…simple pleasures.