Browse Category: babies

Dragon Party!

DSC_3308We went to Zoe’s 1st Birthday Party on Sunday afternoon in Alameda.  There was a dragon theme and there were lots of dragons (including Kumquat) at the party!

DSC_3283DSC_3299Eleen and Jimmy worked very hard to make this party decked out in dragon stuff.

DSC_3348Kumquat scored some crayons and lots of other goodies that day.

DSC_3286Oh and we can’t forget about the Zoe cookies they had made for the party.  Hilarious.

DSC_3323When it was time to sing “Happy Birthday”, Zoe really enjoyed herself.DSC_3328She soaked in all the extra attention and hammed-it-up for the crowd.  So cute.

DSC_3353Here is Zoe and her happy parents.

DSC_3351Jimmy’s mom also flew up from Cerritos and it was nice to see her again.

DSC_3344The cake was a rich red velvet with super sweet frosting.  Kumquat and I got a couple bites and then we had to call it quits.

DSC_3304Keenan was there and giving his dad (flying solo that day) a hard time during lunch.  Funny kid.DSC_3302The Bangs came too and Isla was NOT a fan of Uncle Jimmy that day.  She literally cried every time she saw him.DSC_3314This is little Athena, Aylang and Dave’s 12-month-old.  Look at those curls!

DSC_3361What a fun birthday party!  I’m sure this is just the beginning of these kid-infested parties.  It seemed like there was almost one child per adult at the party.  We’ll wait for Kumquat to grow up a little more before she can have her face painted.  Until then, balloons and crayons will do.

Lunching with the Ladies

IMG_8289Since I was off this week, Ranee off was today, and Stephanie is still on maternity leave, we all met up in Walnut Creek after I took Kumquat to the dentist.  We had lunch at Tender Greens in preparation for our tasty treat at CREAM, which just opened last month.

IMG_8291Vivian was a good little baby and slept long enough for Stephanie to have lunch.

IMG_4879Unfortunately, she woke up as soon as she got her ice cream sammich.  Here’s a photo of mine.  Just like last time at the Berkeley store, I got double chocolate chip cookies with coffee ice cream.

IMG_4881Sophie wanted a taste of Ranee’s sammich.  I don’t blame her.  They’re delicious.

IMG_8298I wish I had more days off like this.

IMG_4875Oh and I didn’t realize this until Dr. Chang pointed it out at the dental visit but Kumquat and I were matching today.

Sunday BBQ

DSC_3072On Sunday we went to the Bangs’ for lunch.  It was a warm sunny day and they had the perfect backyard for a BBQ. Vyl made tri tip and kabobs and we had a fun time catching up.

DSC_3050It was also nice to see Little Isla or “Mei Mei”.


DSC_3053We hadn’t seen her since the day she was born and she’s grown so much in the past 4 months.  Vyl says she’s been a pretty easy baby and it looks like she’s got Bang’s hairline right now.

DSC_3068The Bangs also just finished remodeling the bedrooms and bathrooms.  You can see the addition to the left of this photo.  In case you were wondering, Uncle Bang was teaching Jack how to set a volleyball.  Too bad Jack was more into spiking the ball instead.



IMG_4326I had the day off today to take care of my pre-op paperwork and to get my medical clearance and blood work done with my doc.  For lunch, I picked up a pumpkin croquette with Japanese curry from the lunch truck down the street from the doctor’s office.

IMG_4371I was done by the afternoon so I let Mirian go home early and Kumquat and I headed out to Oakland before the Friday evening commute.  It was so nice and warm outside in the East Bay!

IMG_4347To kill some time, we stopped at my work.  It worked out well since I had to pick up a few things and Kumquat needed to eat.

IMG_4341She also had a really good time playing in the office and everyone was happy to see her.  Here she is messing with Teresa’s desk.

IMG_4359Afterward, we walked over to Marc 49 for Happy Hour.  Stephanie was brave enough to come out tonight so we got to see Vivian and Nathan too!

IMG_4350Kumquat was surprisingly tolerant of the cramped corner and just sat with us.  She snacked, played with her toys, sat on different people’s laps, and just hung out like a Happy Hour pro.

IMG_4367I was so proud of her.

IMG_4368Teresa and Aaron also made it tonight and I got her their first Baby Bump photo.  I’m amazed at how far Aaron can pooch out his belly!  He looked more preggo than T!

Ah…good times…

Alameda Afternoon

DSC_2921On Sunday we met up with the Agustins.  For lunch we went to Hang Ten, which is a Hawaiian place that is more like a crab boil complete with bibs and butcher paper on the tables.

IMG_4298 DSC_2919We had quite the feast that day including whole crab, fried catfish, seasoned fries, garlic noodles, mac salad, rice, kalbi, and spam musubi.

IMG_4280DSC_2923 It was all delicious and the two little girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

IMG_4285After lunch, we went wine tasting at Rock Wall.

IMG_4292We didn’t buy any bottles that day but I had fun hanging out with little Zoe.

DSC_2949It’s on an old naval base with a great view of the city and Bay Bridge.  It’s oddly cool to be in such a unique location.


After the tasting, Jimmy bought us a round of wine and we sat outside for the rest of the afternoon.IMG_4294We had a good time enjoying the sun, sipping wine, and letting the kids hang out and share snacks with each other.


They also had some cute games and some sidewalk chalk out there for your enjoyment.DSC_2962 DSC_2966

It was a fun afternoon with some good friends.  Thanks for taking us around, Agustins!

Sophie’s Family

DSC_2560Sophie recently turned 18 months old so we went on a photo excursion to Chrissy Field for some family portraits.  It’s was cold and cloudy but it made it super easy for photo-taking.  Sophie did a great job and her parents did a pretty good job themselves.  😉

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DSC_2582Next stop was The Embarcadero.  It got warmer out there and the sun actually started to come out.

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DSC_2699Here’s my attempt at recreating Sophie and Jamie’s engagement photo with Sophie included.DSC_2679Here’s the original photo. It’s not quite the same angle but it was the best we could do.


And now for some cute outtakes.  Sophie loved showing off her tummy and I couldn’t resist snapping a few.

DSC_2789Maybe Ranee can frame it next to her one of her preggo portraits that I took a couple years ago.DSC_2798I had so much fun.  Hope you guys like the photos!!

Click here for the full album.