Browse Category: babies

24 hours

IMG_6839Jes and Kumquat drove down to SoCal today while I went to work.  At lunch, they stopped by on their way out and I got one last hug.  It’s my first night without my baby and it was really weird to come home to an empty house.  There was no baby, no dog, and no husband.  The house was so quiet and lifeless.  Since I had not company and no responsibilities, I took full advantage of my Friday night.  IMG_6881I went down the street to get a pedicure and then took the train to the mall.  I stopped at Gap for the Friends and Family sale and then strolled the mall for a bit.  It was so strange to be able to take the train and ride the escalator without a stroller.  I had barely anything in my bag and carried nothing in my hands.  I didn’t have to push a stroller and I took my time browsing the clothing racks.  When I got home, I ate some leftovers, opened a bottle of wine, and turned on a week’s worth of tv.  I’m flying down tomorrow morning and can’t wait to see my baby again.

IMG_6837I also get to meet my little niece for the first time!!!  Happy Weekend to me!!!


IMG_6712I’ve been so used to bringing Kumquat around with me everywhere I go that this weekend felt a little weird.  On Saturday morning, I had a hair appointment so Jes took her along to Costco to get the car fixed.  I had an hour to kill before my appointment and I didn’t seem to know what to do with myself.

IMG_6644So, I did some laundry and went out for a cup of coffee.

On Sunday morning, Kumquat was supposed to join me for brunch with Vyl and Michelle.  It was going to be a mother-daughter brunch but since she had a cold, I had to leave her behind with Jes.  I had some time to have a meal without having to feed another little human and she got some more time with her dad.

IMG_6716 Later that afternoon, I had plans to go to Patty’s house for dinner.  She invited a few of us over to her cute little apartment for a pseudo book club evening.  IMG_6719Kumquat was supposed to come and hang out with Vivian but again, she had to stay home.  Patty prepared a full dinner complete with a pork roast, veggies, and a poached pear dessert!  IMG_6722IMG_6727

It was weird having my little shadow separated from me for half of my weekend but I’m glad that she was able to spend some quality time with Jes too.

I’m an Auntie!!!

IMG_6587I got a text from Brother this morning that Joy was in labor since midnight.  She was admitted around 5am and her water broke at about 7:30 and had the epidural around 9:30.  Then it went quiet for a few more hours until I got a picture at 2:30.  Baby Alice was born at 2:21 pm at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20.5 inches.  She’s also a Halloween baby!

IMG_6613She’s perfect.

IMG_6614We met her over FaceTime this evening and she was sleeping with her mouth open just like her Daddy.  This is awesome.  She’s awesome.  I can’t wait to meet her next Saturday.  She’ll already be 9 days old by then!!!  I totally wish I lived in Irvine right now.

Great job, Joy!!  Congrats, Brother!  I can’t believe you’re a Dad.  Keep the photos comin’!!

Happy Hour and Highchairs

IMG_6099I had the day off today because I have to work on Saturday.  After Kumquat’s nap, we headed out to Golden Gate Park for a 4-mile run with Ranee and Sophie.  After the run and a little playtime at the park, we went to Pa’ina for a little HH.  Before heading out, Ranee called the restaurant to ask two things:

1. What time is Happy Hour?

2. Do you have highchairs?

IMG_6189Haha.  That’s how two hardworking moms do it.  The kalua pork and cheese fries, poke and COCKTAILS were awesome.  I love random days off.

IMG_6184This girls were pretty cute too with their pretend phones.

Reese’s 3rd Birthday


On Saturday afternoon, Reese celebrated her 3rd birthday with a giant Dora the Explorer bounce house in her front yard.  She spent all day in there so this was the only photo I got of her before it had deflated.

DSC_3668We were delayed by our perpetually flat tire so we didn’t quite make it in time for the cake but this is what they had – Dora cupcakes!


Here is Reese taking a little break from the bouncing.  DSC_3692

Jack was playing pin the mustache on the donkey.


Reese got a bunch of presents and all the kids were so excited to see what she received.  Even Baby Isla was fired up.  Big Brother Jack “helped” with a lot of the unwrapping.

After most of the guests had left, we stayed behind for a little post-party dinner.  The Bangs showed up in time for that part and it was nice to have a smaller gathering of close friends to do a little more catching up.

IMG_5791Baby Isla was cool with Jes holding her today.  He wasn’t sure what would happen because she cried every time Jimmy came up to her at Zoe’s birthday party.  She and Kumquat also hung out for a while and it was like seeing the future female version of Bang and Jes.  So cute.

Baby Shower

DSC_3618In less than a month, I’ll be an auntie!!  Baby Alice is due soon and we all celebrated at their Baby Shower on Saturday in Cerritos.  It was a gathering of all of Brother and Joy’s friends and family.

DSC_3575They had food from everywhere you can imagine.  There was Thai food, Hawaiian, Costco pizza, and some tasty desserts.  Brother and Joy made some coconut macarons but I didn’t get to taste any.  Oh boo.

DSC_3621Brother had his friend Shane set-up all of his Legos and even brought a homemade air canon that he used to blow up the stuff that everyone built.

DSC_3619I think the grown-ups had just as much fun as the kids.

DSC_3629 DSC_3634It was so good to see all the cousins and Kumquat had a fun time wandering around the park and playing with her 2nd cousins.DSC_3639

Can’t wait to meet our newest family member!!!