Browse Category: babies

Christmas Party 2013

The last time Jes and I threw a Christmas Party was back in 2006 when we lived in Irvine.  It was before any of us had kids and some of us weren’t even married yet.  On Saturday, we threw a party and it was almost like a reunion for some people.  It was just nice to have a lot of the same people all together again under one roof.  DSC_4043We reserved the Clubroom and we had a decent showing of 17 adults and 9 kids!  My oh my!  I remember back when our parties consisted of at least 25 adults and maybe 4 dogs.

IMG_7559Anyway, the day started with a little drama.  Jes started the prime rib at 11:30 thinking it would take 7 hours to finish.  There was smoke all up in the house because it was turned up to 500 degrees (nothing bad happened) and the roast finished by 2:30!

DSC_4040 So, in a panic, we went to Plan B and decided to make prime rib sandwiches with horseradish aioli, onion relish, and arugula instead of serving slices with sides.  It turned out just fine and the meat was perfectly medium rare.  Yum.

IMG_7565DSC_4022We had a kid-friendly menu and activities also prepared and they had a fun time together.

DSC_4035 IMG_7582The adults also had a little game to play – we set up a blind wine tasting of cheap and more expensive red wines.

IMG_7575 By the end, everyone was pretty rowdy.  Check out the Reese and Jack Team vs. Uncle Jimmy. IMG_7588

DSC_4050Keenan almost stole a kiss from Zoe until Uncle Victor spooked her.

IMG_7578I’m so glad the timing worked out for everyone.  It’s rare that we all have a free Saturday to hang out all together nowadays.  What a great way to kick off the Christmas season!!

One Month!

DSC_3936Baby Alice is one month old today!  Coincidentally, we planned to have dim sum at Yank Sing this morning, which is where we celebrated Kumquat’s one month!  IMG_8955Alice slept through out meal but woke up at the end for her to placed in the baby carrier for the first time.     IMG_8957

Happy One Month, Alice!!  And congratulations to Brother and Joy for surviving your first month.  You’re both doing a wonderful job!!!  It gets better from here on out.


It’s still weird to think that Brother and I each have one kid.  I can still remember Brother at their ages.  I guess we all have to grow up eventually.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Family_12-13We took another family photo about 18 months later and I put them together to give us a comparison.  Poor Koa is missing from the photo but we have a new little family member added to the mix!  I’m having a really fun Thanksgiving weekend so far and it’s been so good to have the family in town this year for the holiday.

Here are some more portraits from today.

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Shower for Teresa

DSC_3889Nicole and I hosted a Baby Shower for Teresa today.  It was at Nicole’s house and we had a pretty good turn-out.  DSC_3892Kumquat came along and she surprisingly behaved herself quite well.  We made our own sippy cups and we had tons of food including alphabet Cheez-It crackers (T’s favorite).

DSC_3915I also took a few photos of the mother-to-be.DSC_3924

They are waiting to find out if Baby Hopkins is a boy or girl so we’ll all just have to wait with them.  Can’t wait to meet Little Hopkins!


IMG_7092Joy sent me this photo of Alice (2 weeks old) holding onto “Ellie”.

IMG_1563It was very reminiscent of a photo I took of Kumquat holding onto G-raff when she was also 2 weeks old.


IMG_2462On Sunday, I took some portraits of little Alice.  DSC_3768I caught this one while she was napping.

DSC_3772When she woke up, Joy handed her over to me and started out a little fussy.  Then I got her in the zone and she was able to hang out on the dining table for a quick photo shoot.  Here’s what I got in just 10 minutes.

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