Browse Category: aw…

80 degrees

We had a warm and sunny day in SF today so we decided to take a walk around Union Square. I was actually in shorts, a tank, and slippers today and Kumquat was perfectly happy chewing on her blanket, giraffe, and hand all at the same time.

During her 3pm feeding, we were outside at a cafe when a group of French teenagers approached us.  They said they were on a scavenger hunt and one of the items on the list was to sing to a baby and take a photo.  I allowed it and they sang a cute French lullaby to her.  It was very sweet.  They all wanted to play with her too and she didn’t mind the attention from 10 teenagers hovering over her while she guzzled her milk. I should have taken a video of this moment but I had my hands full and all I could get was this quick snapshot with my phone before they had to scurry away to their next task.

After a few hours in the sun, we went over to the dome area in the Westfield Shopping Center where they just opened another La Boulange.  We had some pastries and cappuccinos and Kumquat sat on our laps to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells.  By the way, the macarons there are not bad!  Had the coconut, pistachio, and caramel – all were pretty tasty.


This afternoon, my mom called and had a little FaceTime with Kumquat.  It seems that Kumquat recognizes my mom’s voice because she smiled as soon as she heard her voice.  Sheesh…I don’t even get that response yet!

Milk Wasted

Last night after feeding Kumquat, I handed her over to Jes and an hour later I found them on the couch like this.  One was enjoying an after-dinner beer and the other was passed out from her 9:00 feeding.  Cute.


I love sea otters.  I want to take this guy home and keep him in my bathtub.

My Christmas Story

Back in November, Jes managed to convince me that it was a good idea for him to buy an overpriced jacket from Superdry.  Fortunately, he LOVES this jacket and wears it every chance he gets.  I admit, it’s a pretty cool jacket and saw how much he liked it, so I quickly got over the price.  A couple weeks ago, Ryan commented to Michelle that it was a cool jacket.  He NEVER comments on clothes so she thought it would make a good birthday gift for him.  So, now they’re twinsies and it drives Jesse a little nuts to think that someone else has his coolio jacket and has been threatening to buy a new jacket.  So this afternoon I got a photo texted to me of him in a new jacket and a message that said he was going to model it for me tonight. This is VERY typical of him…a guy who never waits for anything and thrives off of instant gratification.  During the whole ride across the bridge, I kept thinking how this was going to be how he was going to make us poor.

When I picked him up from work this evening, he was carrying a big box that held his new jacket.  I was SO annoyed that he went ahead and bought ANOTHER jacket that costed even more than the first one!  During the short drive home, I threw a minor hissy fit and vowed to go shopping for myself this weekend and to forget about trying to save money by buying $20 Target bags instead of the fancy Kate Spade that I saw in the window. In his usual fashion when he gets in trouble, he just laughed it off while I practically had smoke coming out of my ears.

Once we got home, I was about to make him put on his new jacket to walk the dog for me until he finally admitted that it was actually a gift for me.  I thought he was lying to get out of walking the dog but it was true.  I opened the box and it turned out to be a fancy Michael Kors Hamilton Tote!  I didn’t know whether to punch him in the face or give him a big hug.  Lucky for him, he got a big hug and I felt really embarrassed while he had a smug look on his face.  He doesn’t surprise me very often and this was certainly his best “Bazinga” yet.  I got a memorable gift and he got a really good laugh.  Apparently, I fell right into his trap and everything went exactly as he had planned all day long.

Here’s a photo of the my Christmas present.  Isn’t it lovely?  I have the best (and worst) husband ever!!!  Love you!


July 4th Weekend

We stayed in SF for the long weekend and it was lots of fun and pretty relaxing. The weather was GORGEOUS and I got lots of Vitamin D.

On Saturday, I had a slow start and was feeling EXTRA lazy but somehow I got my butt out the door and ran 5 miles in under 50 minutes. I was shocked. So, I stopped at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and bought some fresh produce and cheese.

Later that afternoon, the Sokol-Juns came over to play in the pool for a bit. It was fun to watch Jack and Reese play in the water while I got some sunshine.

I caught this photo of Reese and Jack together at the end of their swim.  So cute.

On Sunday, Jason came over and we went to the Fillmore Jazz Festival. We watched a few performers including Kim Nalley and also stopped by Matt’s apartment down the street for some respite from the sun and Jes borrowed a pair of shorts.

When we got home that evening, we met up down in the courtyard for a Korean BBQ with the Masayas. Susie’s mom packed her a huge cooler of spicy pork and kimchi last weekend and we were lucky enough to enjoy it. Susie prepared and bought all the sides for a complete meal.

On Monday, it was July 4th and I actually had the day off. We had a lazy morning and afternoon while I made chicken tortilla soup for Jes who has been sick all week. Then around 7:00, we walked over to the Caltrain station where a shuttle drove us all the way to Pier 39. We walked down to Aquatic Park and Ghiradelli Square and found a small spot on the lawn. We’ve tried to watch fireworks a few times in the past but always ended up with colored fog.

This year, it was clear and we were situated in the middle of the action with music and a perfect view of the show.

Here is a video of the finale.  I love fireworks.

Here are the rest of the photos from this weekend.