Browse Author: beakatude

Who’s dog is this?

I had a nice relaxing weekend at home. Tidied up the house, did some laundry, and shopped for new work clothes. The pup came back from “puppy summer camp” on Saturday night and seemed a little depressed…he must miss his friends. Anyway, I don’t know how Patty did it but he came back a new puppy – no biting, so calm, and well-behaved. Had dinner with Jes’ parents at Houston’s for Jes’ belated birthday on Saturday and went shopping on Sunday.

I started my half marathon training today. I took a nice 20-minute jog with the dog and wore him out. Poor thing was panting for 30 minutes after we got back. Staying home is getting old. I can’t wait to get my license back!

back from paradise

Took the red-eye back and got home by 6am. It was just in time for Jes to take a phone call. We’re back now and it’s a little sad. We had a great time and enjoyed the sun, sand, and water. Took a bunch of digital and 35mm photos. In other news…today is our 1-year anniversary at our Windchime house. I can’t believe it. Koa will be back tomorrow evening. It sounded like Patty and Johnny enjoyed having him around…thanks guys!!

mmm…hawaiian cow

Happy Birthday Jes!! We had a birthday dinner at Parker Ranch Grill where the steaks are supposed to taste different because the cows are fed Hawaiian grass. It tasted pretty good to me!


We’re off to Hawaii!! Koa’s off to Patty’s house for a week with Mochi. These last minute trips are great…with lots of miles and points, of course. I’m headed to the Big Island and staying for a week of R&R and quality-time with the husband. ALOHA!

Congrats to the Masayas!

Weekend recap: Took Yong and Helen to K-town…Helen got her make-up and Jes bought another travel bag. I got some cute hairpins (thanks Helen!). Rehearsal and dinner was later in the evening – lots of Korean and Filipino food…yum. Met up with everyone else at Friday’s, the old stand-by. Yoon came in on Friday morning, everyone else came in Friday evening. Saturday was Victor and Susie’s wedding day! Jen and Kevin came in Saturday morning and we all got ready here at the house. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a hoot. Lots of alcohol, food, and dancing. It felt like a big reunion. Holly and I got a bit tipsy but managed not to pass out in the bathroom. CONGRATULATIONS, VICTOR AND SUSIE!!

more fun at home

Day Four. Koa lost 4 teeth today. He also started humping his toys…quite humorous. Yong and Helen are coming in tonight and so is Jes. This is the beginning of a crazy weekend with friends.