Browse Author: beakatude

It’s still my birthday!

Boy, another birthday dinner tonight…this time with Jes’ parents. We went to Black Angus and had over-cooked steak and a really yummy chocolate cake with ice cream. The service was so slow though…it made Jes’ dad late for his 7:00 meeting back at home. Oops.

What’s up with all the water?

We took Koa out to Huntington Dog Beach for the first time. I don’t think he really likes water but he slowly learned how to play in the waves and the other dogs. We had to pick him up and throw him in the water a few times. He didn’t seem too traumatized. It was such a nice day and the water wasn’t too cold. The water was pretty shallow too.
Afterwards, we dropped the pup off at my parents’ house and we went to Hollywood Bowl to see Air. We met up wtih Holly and Roy and had come nice $3 seats. It was a pleasant night and a packed house. Stereolab played first and then Air came on with Beck as a special guest for 2 seconds. Overall, the show was really good including the iPod commercial-looking dude in front of us doing an interpretive dance to the music.

Birthday Dinner and Drinks

We celebrated Holly’s birthday as well as mine at Pane e Vino in West Hollywood. Patty, Johnny, Patti, and Howard came out to play too. We had a good time sipping wine and eating lots of Italian food under the twinkle lights and open patio. Afterwards, we went to The Arsenal in West LA for drinks.

Thanks, B.

Tonight was Brooke’s going-away dinner. She actually drove all the way down to Irvine to pick my sorry ass up. So sweet. Anyway, we had dinner and drinks at El Paso Cantina again and shared some chuckles and tears before she left. Good Luck out in B-town, Brooke!


Had dinner and drinks with Huy on Saturday and ended up sleeping in Cerritos. Jes left on Sunday so it’s just me and the pup again.

Chick Flicks Galore!

Went to PTN yesterday. It was soooo nice to be back! I got to catch up with friends and took care of some loose ends. I subscribed to NetFlix the other day and got my movies last night. It’s free this month…so I got a bunch of movies that I was never willing to pay to watch. It’s great!! Got Lion King 1 1/2 and 50 First Dates! Haha.